other one was autosaging
Brutal MOG thread
imagine being short
Same species bro
>Leave them in the Savannah
>Skinny manlet can hunt for ages
>"Alpha" guy dies from exhaustion and sunstroke in 5h
You might actually believe this. So sad.
>Live in modern times where this isn't applicable
>Live in a city
>Alpha guys gets 300k starting job, 3 supermodel gfs that know about each other, and internet fame
>Negroid is homeless and has to eat at soup kitchens and collect bottles for money to buy drugs
Yeah this is why black people dominate every show of athleticism
>Yeah this is why black people dominate every show of athleticism
Except all of winter sports.
Except all of strength sports.
They literally are only good at running. If you add cycling or swimming (!) they suck.
Imagine your baby brother gaining all the hair, height and jawline while you look like an awkward teenager well into your early 30s
[spoiler]and your hairlines receding[/spoiler]
T. Coping nigger
But seriously, everyone will always remember Steve, while Joe is picked off to the dust. Not hating on Steve, but I have a soft spot for Joe, as I am also a little brother.
hmm, it's almost as if they evolved for different enviroments...
>The Japanese government immediately banned the photo of the Emperor with MacArthur on the grounds that it damaged the imperial mystique, but MacArthur rescinded the ban and ordered all of the Japanese newspapers to print it. The photo was intended as a message to the Emperor about who was going to be the senior partner in their relationship.
I know these people.
I went to Agoura High School with them.
By the way, it’s even worse than it looks in this photo.
Left has a 10/10 body and is a massive Instagram model (Sierra Skye)
Right is soft as fuck. VERY SAD!
im johnathan napier, i ran cross country at walton high
The sad reality is that the guy on the left probably mogs the guy on the right in clothes.
>not mogging the world around you
if you are this big you should only wear denim
Or he could use your sweatpants for shorts manlet
>Yeah this is why black people dominate every show of athleticism
And the ones that don’t live pathetic, miserable lives going to Applebee’s, shitting on the waitress, and not tipping
His knees look fucked
How can titlets ever compete?
Tbqh I think smaller tits on average will look better when clothes comes off, but otherwise big ones have the advantage as you're not normally naked for most of the day
They look like they’re gonna snap at any moment
this is the most non sexual cuckold scene ive ever seen, holy shit
Unless they are perky, which makes them toppest of top tier, big tits only look good under clothes, while small ones almost always look cute.