What does Jow Forums look like when they aren't posing in cbt threads or flexing in the mirror?
Casual Fit
Yes Im dyel
Is this shopped why are his legs that big
fkn qt
Because hes sitting down and they're pushing against the bench. Are you dumb?
That facial structure...
like this
clearly you don't lift, but have you ever?
yeah, I used to lift boxes of chocolates towards my face
damn user if thats u well fucking done holy shit
thanks mate
Currently 7 months out of lifting from shoulder reco
Pic was for a flanno vest I'm making
I like it, you still look thicc under all that. it's not a lot, I'm not saying you look big, but you just have a nice thiccness to you.
Cheers mate
Probably helped that the vest was pretty tight before I made some adjustments.
One from today
You're handsome user
Goals. If that’s really you keep it up. Routine?
Please relieve yourself on me
Based "begone" poster
Bodybuilding splits :) it’s not a meme it works
I don’t suppose you would post a before pic? I’m 5’5, 149 lb trying to get to where you are.
like routine splits? how was that ever a meme?
Please be from London.
I have one I’ll post it in few hours I’m just out and about currently :)
Lot of idiots in here memes splits, I’ll post full routine later maybe
Awesome thank you. I hope you post routine. I’m doing SL and seeing zero results. Need some motivation.
he did starting strength
God imagine the smell
congrats user you're making it
Did your boyfriend take that pic? Is he fit?
i bet i could take you in a fight, 1v1 street rules
cheekie has always been like the only girl here whos ever lifted
crush me with your feets pls
pls b in london
cheekie the disgusting var monster
there is indian restaurant in background,
imagine she had one SPICY indian curry meal , she walks out the restaurant and feels something in her stomach, its gurgling, all the indian spices are marinating her insides, She lets out a gentle fart, but it's so concentrated, the aroma fills the surroundings. She can't hold it in anymore lets it out while youre getting crushed by her strong glutes haha
NoFap status: FAILED
They DO exist
Oh fuck I live near there
You look beautiful but you have no hands so I'll pass
Mirin bulge
All these people not contributing to the thread.
Prime swedish genetics. Please keep it pure, brother.
Arm day
DB curls (one arm) 3x8~10
Barbell curls (narrow grip) 3x10~15
Cable curls 3x8
Tricep pull downs 3x8~10
Dip 3xfailure
Tricep extension (seated, over head, one arm) 3xfailure
Chest day
Bench press 3x8~10
Incline and decline Bench 3x8~10
DB flies 3xf
Cable flies (lower and upper) 3x10
Diamond push up for inner chest 3xf
Back day
Deadlift 3x5~8
Wide grip and narrow grip chin/pull up 3xfailure
Lat pull downs 3x10~12
One arm lat pull 3xf
Barbell/T bar, Cable Row (choose one) 3x10~12
Shrug 3xf
Shoulder day
Rear delts cable fly 3xf
Face pull 3x10~15
DB or barbell shoulder press 3x10~12
Cable delt raises 3x10~15
Front DB delt raises 3x10~15
Leg day 1 (Mostly quads)
Barbell squats 3x8~10
Front squats 3x10~12
Leg extensions 3x10~15
Walking weighted lunges 3xfailure
Calf raises 5xfailure
Hip adductor machine 3xfailure (for inner thigh)
Leg day 2 (Hamstrings and ass)
Hamstring curls 3x10~12
Stiff legged deadlift 3x10~15
Leg press (focus on hitting hamstring) 3x10~15
Glute kick backs 3xfailure
Barbell glute bridges
Hip abductor machine 3xfailure (for ass cheeks)
cardio everyday.
Thank you skeleton
Looking good. Thick. Solid. Tight.
I'm still a skeletor, a fee months ago notice me trying to make my arms look bigger and it not working.
Been lifting at homenaje with only one 20lb dumbbell a pull up bar and body weight. Used to be a 100 lb Skellington, up to 120. Are my gains ok? Feel like I aint eating enough
why you censor your beautiful face babby
Can I cum in you? I want to destroy your physique with my rotten Irish seed.
>tfw you will never have a bf this beautiful
look like a dude using that new snapchat filter
6/10 would bang
ha ha jk jk
groce desu
OwO what's this
the mustache
>tfw cheekie's var clit is bigger than your dick
callate conchetumadre
we know its you cheekie
post more pictures of your weird quads you slut
no el hablo el beano
tequile nigger gtfo
are you going to touch yourself and cum
you got a folder full of my beautiful self :) I am flattered.
dont censor ur face next time lemme see ur face bby
At this point I don't even need to touch anything
Show bob and vagene bitch!!!
I wonder if it always was there or started to grow after pinning
asian chicks have visible mustache. nothing to worry about just wax it.
lmao no this chick is just roided to the brim
This is why females never stay on Jow Forums for long
cheekies been on Jow Forums for years newfag
You mean females don't like the attention?
It was always there
You’re all trapped in here with me ;)
How do you motivate yourself to lift harder and lift more, what things do you do to confuse your muscles and obliterate them?
Always reinforce your state of mind as to what muscle group you want to train for the day. For example while you're walking about in the office at work, repeatedly mumble to yourself "it's leg day brah" and flex your quads periodically throughout the day. Then when you finally hit the gym after work, train a completely different muscle group and neglect your legs entirely.
This is the ultimate muscle confusion technique. But be careful not to use this technique everyday or else your muscles will catch on like in the story of the boy who called wolf.
LOL t-rex mode ACTIVATED
Oh shit Cheekie you're still here? Looking good bby
I’ve always followed bodybuilding culture and love competing for shows. I also just simply enjoy lifting weights and making progress.
I switch around my rep and set ranges if my body got used to it. Some days I’ll do higher rep with lighter weights (super-sets), some days I’ll do heavy weights with low reps. Sometimes throw in some pyramid sets for fun.
keep your dick in your pants you fucking despo
Thanks y-you too
roiding for this... omg
Word that is definitely achievable natty.
And she's been working out for years on roids for this. S m h f a m.
3 years natty powerlifting non srs, 4 years on gear and bodybuilding seriously. Can’t get much bigger than this or else I’ll be too big for women’s figure category, just refining my physique now.
Bro that physique is perfectly achievable natty with that timeline. Why did you pin for that bro.