I fucked a varsity athlete at my school i met at the club. Im hyped and i cant stop thinking about it
She was a solid 8/10
More details?
Was this a mire?
I fucked a varsity athlete at my school i met at the club. Im hyped and i cant stop thinking about it
She was a solid 8/10
More details?
Was this a mire?
>was this a mire
She's probably a slut
>Guys a fucked a whore from school, have I made it?
I was like 16 bodies deep by the time i graduated you got a little taste of what everyone else has been up to.
>Is this a mire?
Only if she had an orgasm. So, the answer is No.
Did you stick your tongue in her shitter if not you didnt have sex
she did lol
Either an inner city minority or a rich entitled yacht club bitch, either way, based thotanon
What did her pussy smell like?
How much shots did u make her take?
>16 bodies deep
virgin detected
Idk i didnt smell it
i was drunk from a pregame idk where she was drunk from but no drinks in the club
Fuckin kek
>bases his value of being a "chad" on some drunk slut
No. You're definitely not a Chad.
Think of it, do you really think having sex with a drunk 8/10 is something that makes you a role model to kids, someone who men strive to be like, and women want to be with?
At best, you're an orbiter who needs female validation to feel elated.
At worst, you're a faggot.
Fuck outta here
Varsity athlete girls are turbosluts
She's probably fucked close to 50 guys already
Unironically this
How many pilla did u sneak into her drink?
user is right
Anyone know where i can watch Westside vs the world for free?
This is not fitness related. You should've maybe asked for tips on how avoid snap city as a bonus.
Post the full pic not just the close up on his face
Congrats user.
That's a sizeable achievement and it should be celebrated
Only 16? What are you a beta?
Bro it feels great being a genetic specimen an 8/10 varsity athlete wanted to fuck... i hit that shit raw btw ;)
I asked if it was a mire though....
just for safety. how do i avoid snap city and death doing a dead lift?
thank you bro, we're all gonna make it
I’m currently dating a national tier athlete from our school. She was a virgin when I met her four years ago and she’s only been with her past boyfriend, who made her have sex with him. He told her “if you don’t do it then you don’t love me” or some shit. Anyways she’s only been with him and hated it. And I’m dating her. And I will marry her one day. Shes a solid 8/10. I got you beat bud.
You don’t make it by fucking whores. You make it by finding peace in your life. Peace comes in all shapes and sizes for everyone.
Well good for you bro, but i was able to pull a top tier girl on just my looks and charm... thats making it imo
>believing women that say this shit
Thats code for I fucked two to three dudes before him. He believed I was a virgin so I lied and said I was. Then when I met you I realized that was the best story for my personal value.
Women are liars bro. I guarantee shes touched dicks you dont know about.
Id reckon it’s only partially making it. In both our cases. Because until you die is your journey over. And then, that journey, those years of joy, sadness, success, and failure, will your family and friends and everyone else recognize how much and how far you have made it.
Some people say the final destination it ain’t about where you came from, but I beg to differ. Your foundation is your most important part. If you idolize sex and girls more than anything, we’ll you only got about 20 to 30 years of maybe 6 different partners a year and then you’re done.
If you prioritize your own happiness, finding peace in who you are and what begot you, then you would have made it in your own mind.
Zyzz, Rich, and many others have “made it”. But only until they died can we say that with fortitude. Surely, they’re all what we can aspire to be, but we all have different paths to take. We all have different lives. We all have different foundations.
When you make it you have nowhere else to go. You can’t make more of “it”. You reached the finish line.
For me, I am still trying. I’m still working. I won’t make it until I can wake up on the weekend to our children running and playing and I feel my wife next to me. That’s making it to me. That’s my dream.
I beg you, and I plead with you, do not make your dream smashing college girls. That high doesn’t last long. It gets old, quick. Memes aside, make your “making it” dream something worth living for. Pussy alone does not make you a success because every other guy is getting it.
I mean if she’s lying then she’s lying. That’ll eat her own conscious. I was honest about my past relationships which would have far outnumbered 3 dudes. She dated her ex for about 2 years. Maybe she’s lying, maybe she isn’t. I’d have no clue. But I believe in the philosophy of “don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.”
80% of dudes are getting leftovers and 20% of that are incels.
OP must be doing something right if this is legit
congrats brah, zyzz would be proud
I really hope you meant to post this in this thread, but I'm struggling to find a connexion
yes retard this is babby chad timeline
Fucking an easy girl isn’t hard. I’m 5’6” and I had absolutely no trouble. You go out enough, cast a wide enough net, and unless you’re a literal Aspie then you’re going to get a girl. Laugh, smile, stand up straight, wear boots, black shirt, and a watch. Fix your hair, trim your beard or shave it (whatever looks best), wear cologne, and wash your balls. That’s literally it. It isn’t that fucking hard. The most expensive thing is getting a decent pair of boots but you can always buy used and polish them up. Girls love a guy in cowboy boots. It’s pretty much yoga pants to them if you have a decent pair of jeans along with them. Every girl, and I mean EVERY girl I know says they love it.
Anyways I’m getting off track. It isn’t hard if you know where your competition is. And surely I’m not the best looking guy at all. I’m not even 6’. But yo haha e to have confidence. Give off the vibe that your dick hangs lower than everyone else in the room and you’ll give her the best fucking of her life.
They’ll come to you if you’re better than their competition. Trust me. It just takes a little bit of TLC on your end.
Bet thank you senpai