/fast/ - #441 - break your fast, today's your last edition

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?
>[YouTube] Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? youtube.com/watch?v=sUhYmNRHFiU

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?
this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


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Plan on losing 15 lbs, do u need snake juice for 24 hour fast? Will I lose muscle mass?

>do u need snake juice for 24 hour fast?
No. It's mostly for 72 hours+

although it doesn't hurt for any length and it can help you avoid getting the keto flu if you're not fat-adapted

About to start a 72 hour water fast. Going to try to do it without coffee and I was wondering if I could just get by with magnesium (400mg) , multivitamins and Potassium tablets (200mg)? Plan on still lifting fasted so trying to make sure I don't feel like complete shit.

How many hours are you at, lads?

>30 hours for me

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Refed today for the last time, at 9 hours now
Going to try for the full week again but last week I felt sick on Thursday so I broke it into two 3.5 day fasts instead

can I eat a lot of food initially when refeeding a 5 day fast? Will eat liver, eggs, and steak.

60 hours right now. Did a 4 day fast last week, ate really and lean for a week, now back to fasting. I need to lose 10 more pounds ASAP. Im going to try to go at least 10 days this time, I think I can do it.

That is a bad idea. After 5 days your stomach is basically shut down, you need to restart it with small amounts of easily digestible food. I usually start with small portions of boiled broccoli with a little bit of salt, then you can move onto eggs. If you eat too much at first, you will feel absolutely terrible.

Meant to reply to this poster...

Why does the insulin response to artificial sweeteners matter? Your cells still need energy.

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Is ephedrine caffeine stack safe on fast? I'm not looking for an easy way out I'm a seasoned faster, but I just tried it while eating and it helps me focus so hard I love it, it's a stronger effect than theanine caffeine stack, and the appetite suppression is seriously stronger than my little brothers adderal

105 hours and still a little hungry, hope it will go away before I ruin my efforts out of frustration

Working night shift, tons of doughnuts and other baked goods for nursing week laying around. I'm like 48hrs into a 4 day fast and I'm fucking dying, please Dr Now give me strength

Went for a long, meandering run through the adjacent neighborhood today while 20 hours fasted. Sunny, 26C, plenty of people out and about. It felt somehow transcendental, not unlike the feelings I've had on psychedelics.

I'd imagine it's safe, just be mindful that it's a diuretic. I often fasted during much of finals week in uni, took EC stack with rhodiola (to increase time to mental exhaustion). Even threw in a baby aspirin so I could call it the RACE stack. Gotta go fast.

Hormonal niggery diggery is the reason normies have such a hell of a time with basic unrestricted CICO. Fasting (ab)uses hormonal regulation, no sense in stepping on the gas and the brakes at the same time. That said, the effect is probably tiny and largely inconsequential, but you never know.

Stay strong, fren. Nothing is ruined, you've already come so far. Keep up the good work.

Never heard of rhodiola, it makes it last longer? I heard aspirin is meant to make it safer and last longer. But if I keep the dose to 8mg I should be fine right? Most doses online suggest 24mg which to me, even though it's my first time ever taking it, seem crazy. I took 8mg and felt the effects like crazy. Maybe it's a tolerence thing

How can i incorporate pic related into a fast? Drink it like snake juice? Use it to lift while fasting? Use it to break a fast properly? All of the above? New to the whole fasting thing

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I've been doing 23:1 fasting for 2 months now, with a 48 hr fast on weekends. Lost 20 pounds so far and I feel great

But I cannot drink black coffe, I just fucking cannot and will not. I've read that ~20cal won't break a fast, is this true or what?

also, what's with autophagy? I understand the concept but I've heard people claiming that it has cured even their eczema and made old scars fade away. is this true or horseshit?

i get severe keto rash immediately after fasting for like 40 hours, what the hell do i even do? it subsides after a few days of eating at least 50g of carbs. do i just give up on fasting?

Rhodiola is decently well studied, the mental effects are independent of EC. It's an adaptogen, supposed to make you more stress resilient. 24/200 E/C is the classic dosage, it can definitely be overstimulating at first, ramping up is wise.

Fasting makes my dandruff and ingrown hairs go away. They come right back if I slip up. Had a skin tag fall off, too. For the record, I drink black coffee and plain green tea, so those clearly haven't hindered my results.

Going to wrap up a 9-day fast today. Interested to see what happens to the water I've retained on the last two days after I start eating and exercising normally.

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>listen here retard,fresh juiced fruit is not the same as storebought "juice".
TOP KEK, listen you realize the thing that keeps fruit "good" is that it comes with fiber to slow the release of sugar into your blood stream?
Once converted to juice form and stripped of all it's fiber, fruit becomes liquid sugar with some vitamins thrown in.
>are you the kind of retard who thinks fruit is unhealthy? while eating tons of steak,cheese and eggs and wonders why you have diabetes and cardiovascular disease?
OH boy, I asked you if you are a vegan fag and you said no, but now you actually fucking prove that you are.
Those things don't cause diabetus, insulin resistance does and thats mostly in large due to carbs and more specifically refined carbs with no fiber (fruit juice fag, sugar)
The only thing worse than carbs in terms of insuling fuckery is carbs+protein at the same time, which is proven to spike your shit up the absolute hardest.
But here is the thing, HERE is the thing you are missing.
Protein on it's own does almost fuck all do your insulin on it's own.
People who eat their meat completely sperate from carbs, people who are on keto, people who are on fasts and so on, the protein they eat has been proven to not raise their insulin by almost anything.

So you claiming meat, fat raises your chances of diabetus is literally the opposite of the truth.
The same shit goes for heart disease.
People who eat high fat and protein diet are completely fine as long as they don't consume refined carbs at the same time.
Yes people should eat their vegetables, which are low in carbs, high in fiber and lots of nutrients though.

Anyway seriously do some reasearch. The fact you feel you are well informed and that you think you can give other people advice is really concerning, because somebody dumber than you would actually listen to you.

>be on a fast 5 days in
>losing 1.8~ on KG a day on average
>thats 13000kcals of energy
>am not working out or doing cardio
>shit/food is long gone from my body by day 2-3
So what the fuck is it, bone density, muscle mass? Can't be water weight since I am sipping on water all the time.

>can I eat a lot of food initially when refeeding a 5 day fast?
>Will eat liver, eggs, and steak.
That's quite harsh for 5+ days of fasting. It wont kill you but your body would appreciate something like bone broth for your first meal much much more.
Rule of thumb for max safety is that every 5 days you spent fasting you take 1 day of slow careful refeed to get back to normal food.

I broke a 10 day fast with a large pizza.


Whatever makes you happy, fatty.

will 47 calories break my fast?

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what do you guys think of this for fasting


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Is this shit real? I've been doing 16:8 for a month now and I've only lost 3 kg

Has dry fasting fixed anyones skins?

How many hours again until the 'hunger high' kicks in?

>thinks 8% body fat is fatty

I personally don't reccomned dry fasting as it's harsh on your body compared to water fasting.
I mean if you have cancer and want to do chemo on a budget then sure, but otherwise if you are normal person I suggest you don't do it.

Starting my 1 month fast today. Hopefully I don't get the terrible indigestion like i did last time.


The weight loss? Yes and no: I was fairly bloated when starting so a lot of it is water weight but at least 3kg of that should be fat. Do you have a lot of weight to lose? If so, it might be worth to practice longer fasts, e.g. 16:8 -> 18:6 -> 20:4 -> 24h -> 48h and so on. In the end, consistency is key. Personally I doubt I'm going to do 5+ day fasts any more, I just wanted to get a head start.

>harsh on your body
All ive heard is that its extremely good. Extreme autophagy and the works.


Don't take muh fast fags seriously. It's not a risk free thing, it is stressful on your body and a lot oh shit can happen. The most sane way to approach it is to do incremental fasts that increase in duration and eating very healthy when you do.

Okay, my fellow snake potion alchemists, a question for thee:

1. I want to drink snake juice during my day
2. I don't want to be seen making said snake juice at my workplace, because nosy people
3. I don't want to carry a 2L jug of pre-mixed juice around

Now, here is my idea:

I could carry a 0,5L bottle. At the beginning of the day, I would fill it with dry ingredients for 2L of snake juice, and dissolve it in 0,5L of water. Obviously, the juice is 4x too strong here. So, after I sip here and there, and say, drink 1/3rd of my bottle, I top it up with water. The snake juice weakens. If I repeat the procedure enough times, I will ultimately drink whole 2L of snake juice, just spread unevenly in time.

Will I die?

2L is too much for me, I always get the shots after 2 or 3 days when I drank 2L. Now I just make 1L before work to get through the day, and then another .5L after work, no one questions a thing

I mean, of course I would adjust the total amount over time, I'm mainly thinking if those few initial sips of the super concentrated juice can backfire in some way

>start fast
>mom visits
>she brings pizza
Would you break the fast or not?

70 hours in, gonna break it in two hours. First time fasting this long and I honestly feel like shit. My strenght is way down and my legs feel a little bit weak.

Can I lift while fasting? I don't want to fuck up my gains.

what the fuck is "snake juice"?

Im 84 hours in now. I feel pretty ok. Was doing keto for a couple days before the fast. Thinking about breaking it in 2 hours. Any thoughts about what food I should use? Im thinking homemade hamburger

juice made from snakes of course.
I usually squeeze 2 for a nice morning sip.

Me again. On the fast Ive had coffe, one monster (sipsip), some tea, water, sometimes with salt. Sometimes I just put some spices on my tounge. Been om deep ketosis the whole time. Tested with urine strips

The best thing is people clearly fatter than me before I started losing weight saying I'll die, I'm starving myself, I'll get sick and all sorts of things.

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same brotato, done big macdonalds meals, pizza, whatever I fancied.
Never got the shits, never felt ill, never died. Went straight back to fasting afterwards, no problem.

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I started off at 83KG and ended up at 75.8KG in in seven days


I estimate at least 2 kg of that is food/shit and another 1-2kg of water weight.

Still, it would make your real weight go from 79kg to 75.8kg in seven days, roughly 0.5kg a day. Very good, think.

I'm planning on doing a single meal this week on Wednesday afternoon. Let's see how this plays out.

at the end of my 48 last night i was feeling good enough that i definitely could have gone another day but i really wanted to taste bacon. maybe i'll work up the fortitude to go longer this time.

Guys I tried snake juice fasting for an extended period twice but failed both times at the 80 hour mark.
Severe nausea, anxiety, stomach pain, watery diarrhea and complete exhaustion set in at that point and I can't go any further. Eating made it all go away almost instantly.

I should note that I was still lifting pretty hard while fasting, and I also work construction so it's very difficult for me since I have a pretty active lifestyle. So, a couple questions:

>Are you not supposed to lift when you fast for long periods?
>If not, can I at least still do some cardio?
>Will I lose gains being this active while fasting?
>Any other possible reasons why I keep failing at this?

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>huge feet
>okay legs
>okay hips
>nice tummy
>big hands
>okay/good tits
>good arms
>nice hair
>okay/good face

and the girl?

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yes and reset, tell the bitch not do that again.

Just came off my very first attempt at this. Fasted for 48 hours straight, just drank water.

Had a bit of a cold and explosive diarrhea yesterday. Broke the fast and ate a big meal, then drank 2 cups of milk (I broke my fast around 5pm). Did I do too much for a first timer? And is that an optimal method to lose fat while training? I fast for 48hrs, starting on Friday at 5pm, then I train the next day and rest the following 2 days. I break my fast in the middle of my first rest day. Training 3 days a week (SS).
I've asked this before and never got a response with an answer, but some anons are trying so anyway, so I recommend just experimenting, start out with the mildest form of fasting and work up as you feel it out.

More of the girl. The human one, of course. The one on the right side of the picture.

Did you go keto before the fast?




Go keto before the fast. If you Are very used to rating carbs you Will get big withdravals. I would suggest doing keto for about a week before fasting. So you get the keto flu out og the way, and get e smoother transition to fasting

Yea, being a spic means carbs are a HUGE part of my diet, so I'm trying to slowly eat less and less rice throughout the day. Should be avoiding carbs in every way possible or just keep it to a bare minimum if I'm already gonna fast?

Refed at suppertime yesterday, I'm at 18h so I'm on easy mode for now. 30h to go unless I stretch it from a 48 to a 72 if I feel OK.

lurk moar, fatty

>have to brush my tongue every 3-6 hours because of the astringent taste that builds up while deep into fasting
FUCKING HELL LADS, I feel no hunger but this shit is nauseating and annoying as hell.

>>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.
>>Don't do this while intermittent fasting.

Wtf am I supposed to drink snake juice or not? I'm pretty much doing OMAD with a 48 once a week.

Are zero ultras okay for a fast lads?

Yeah, thanks for the help, guys... -_-

>posts are more interesting picture than his post
> -_-
I am guessing you didn't pretend to be retarded but are actually retarded and don't know how things work.

>not using enticing pictures to draw attention to your post
You know how I know you're new?


Is it a bad idea to water fast if you have little to no experience with fasting? I'm 6'3, 230 lbs and I'm looking at dropping down to around 200-210 lbs to start with, am I going to need snake juice or should I just stick to intermittent fasting?

Everything except the diarrhea matches hyponatremia. Someone as active as you probably needs 5g or more sodium a day for replacement, how much did your juice have?

I drank a gallon of water a day so I just doubled the 2L recipe, so I was doing a full tablespoon of himalayan pink salt a day.

Fasting kills gains dudes
Stop this shit

shitposting kills gains
kill yourself

Just trying to help

sorry user

Huh. Well, I got nothing. Stick to 72s or shorter then, your body obviously doesn't like being worked without food for much longer than that.

There is no reason not to replace electrolytes if water fasting; and water fasting is the most efficient way to cut fat, especially if you've got a lot to lose. 30 pounds is a lot in my book. Just try it. Stop eating, you can eat again whenever.

I just inhaled the steam from a bone broth cooking, did I break my fast?

I'll probably give it a shot and see if I can lose 10 lbs to begin with without feeling like I'm going to die

I'm plateau'd on OMAD.

Switching to 36 hour fasts. Wish me luck /fast/

What app is that?

Anyway, 15 hours in, unhappy that I had to break yesterday due to the holiday.

I'm new to this but consensus seems to be to go keto for a few days to a week before fasting, then work up to 24, then 48 or 72h if you feel ok. Snake juice is really only required if you go 72h+ but in my limited experience it helps.

>Fasting yesterday
>Go whole day working kitchen shift without a hitch
>Motivated as hell
>Get home with fruit from grocery store
>Making chocolate fondue for mother's day.
>As chocolate melts eat a banana without thinking about it
>Eat 3 strawberries and some blueberries after that without realizing it.
>Halfway through a grape it hits me
15 hours in to my second try, what a dumb way to break a fast

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Would eating -500 deficit 5 days of the week and fasting on the weekends be appropriate for weight loss? I want to train still and cant do so when fasting as I dont enjoy it.

Nice, I suspect a 'whoosh' and another kilo drop.

Fat binds with water, glycogen binds with water, burn of fuel get free piss.

30 hours here, I am aiming for a week.

Good old Excel.

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Stop drinking snake juice - it's fucking retarded and pushed by a fucking idiot who runs a youtube cult. Instead, find a low calorie broth and add some potassium salt and spices to it. Drink that every evening instead, so you're not shitting saltwater out of your asshole. Five calories won't break your fast, no matter what some of the retarded fatasses in here think.

If you work construction, consider using EC stack or switching to 23:1 IF.