People at your gym thread

>That zoomer who wears basketball shorts
>That guy who does cardio as a warmup
>That DYEL who wears headphones
>That guy who carries around a water bottle

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>that frogposter that doesn't even lift

Which one of those guys, if not all, are you?

>That guy that doesn't run in his street shoes

>that guy who unironically lifts for himself

>that guy who thinks about his teenage cousin who got hit like a truck by puberty for test boost between sets

>that guy who wears a tank top
>that guy who wears a hoodie in the middle of summer
>Those kids who spot each other
>That older woman who exclusively works legs

>chuck taylors
>blender bottle on the rack
>blue basketball shorts
>red tank top
>awkward virgin stare

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>Cardio as a warmup
Only one that's zoomer tier. Rest of it can fuck off, OP.

Im the first 2

>That guy who wears a baseball cap so low to hide his eyes

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>That guy who does SS
>That guy who does only compounds
>That guy with no visible vascularity
>That guy with no visible definition
>That guy with no visible striations
>That guy with no visible seperation
>That guy who is over 15% bodyfat
>That guy who squats every workout
>That guy who rests 2+ minutes between every set
>That guy who does 3x5
>That guy who squats 3x a week
>That guy who only goes to the gym 3x a week
>That guy who thinks machines are bad
>That guy who rows with his biceps
>That guy who makes a bunch of noise on deadlifts and can't control the weight because he has too much weight on the bar
>That guy who wears all sorts of leg wraps and elbow wraps and straps or whatever the fuck
>That guy who slaps himself before going for his "heavy squat single"
>That guy who straps on weight to his bodyweight exercises to the point where he can only do 6 reps and has to rest 5 minutes to get 6 more in
>That guy who runs the same routine for months at a time
>That guy who does fullbody
>That guy who never trains rear delt
>That guy who doesn't have abs
>That guy who uses the assisted pullup/dip machine
>That guy who rushes reps and doesn't get proper ROM or muscle contraction because he has too much weight on the bar
>That guy who deadlifts 3x a week
>That guy who does OHP with a barbell
>That guy who leans back on OHP because he has too much weight on the bar
>That guy who thinks OHP is enough for shoulders
>That guy who thinks anything more than 3x5 on 4 exercises is "only for people on roids"

>Old boomer man wearing leg warmers and lifting shoes who only uses machines
>Other boomer who sits around and critiques people's forms while using horrible form himself when he does one set every ten minutes
>Petite girl that does hip thrusts in the squat rack
>Roided up female PT that's fucking amped and practically sprinting around the gym who smashes out 2pl8 squats as a warmup (looks like a man)
>Thick, solid, tight 6'4, 18yo autismo lifter who's top 1% of lifters in the gym (gotta remember to mire and use as inspiration)
>Bro-tier PT who's friends with everyone and always willing to give a spot/advice
>Manlet Asian dude that wears basketball shorts and shoes and reps out each set as if he's lifting record-setting weights (but he still squats 0.5pl8)
>Sexy thot in her sports bra and yoga pants doing kettlebell squats, hip thrusts and step ups in the dumbell section (no one cares because she increases testosterone production by 150% to any man within a 3 metre radius)
People watching is the only reason I go to a gym instead of building a home gym, tbqh.

>That zoomer who wears basketball shorts
there's nothing wrong with shorts
fuck off

>That guy who carries around a water bottle
Seriously, just use the gym fountain Mr. fancypants. What, tap water isn't good enough for your refined pallet? You need glacier fresh with a twist of lime? Fuck you.

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>that guy who only does only like three different workouts in 45minutes?
Like why can't that fag just do a split lol.

>That guy who pays for a gym membership
>That guy that doesn't work at a hotel
>That guy that doesn't have a free gym membership

kekking at thou

I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear.

Literally me, except I don't have a water bottle and I only go on the treadmill if the weight room has been taken.

> ITT: No one's allowed in the gym

>that old guy who owns the business downstairs, quite fat, does machines with heavy weight but terrible ROM, once told off this asian girl for wearing revealing clothing
>that tiny asian girl with an amazing body, always in the gym, got told off by the old guy above for wearing revealing clothing, face lets the body down a bit
>this huge viking looking guy, whos actually american or canadian (we're in Australia) - must be 6'6 and mogs everyone in the gym
>This south american girl with a nose piercing who is always in the gym, super fit, may be an athlete, she seems nice, may be spanish but has really pale skin so ???
>that Cambodian girl who has the most amazing ass and legs - often doing meme exercises
>the various indian guys who seem to almost exclusively do curl variations, with a small amount of benching and lat pulldowns

lol you're just coping with being a calflet.

well played


And what’s using a Hotel gym like?

a few more
>That PT who got his girlfriend a job at reception
>His girlfriend who is super nice and friendly
>That muslim girl who works there and is also super nice, always wearing a hair covering
>That guy who does an SS variation who outlifts many in the gym despite looking a lot skinnier (me)

Guess how many frog pictures I have saved?
Guess how many hours you average in the gym each week?
Less hours than I have frog pictures

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>Cardio as warmup
>Water bottle
B-but after riding the bike thing I get thirsty

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>that guy that exists

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>That skinnyfat non-passing mtf tranny doing instagram thot glute exercises, and low weight squats for half an hour before going home

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