I'm going on vacation in three weeks and I want to lose as much bf% as possible without doing anything harmful. I look like 20% in pic related. My priority is losing bf even if it means losing some muscle. What is the best approach? I'm a newbie lifter currently doing a 2 day split 3x a week.
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Pro-tip: don't worry about the time and just focus on losing weight.
Starve. Eat a can of tuna and an apple and take your vitamins
Can you elaborate? Do you mean a "slow and steady wins the race" mentality?
Should I lift and/or do cardio?
Does anyone have zyzz’s routine infographic?
Im insane and have nothing better to do with my time so i’m going to do it
Keto is king for losing water weight fast.
I have the same problem, I look like 20% and I need to lose weight in time for summer break.
What type of fast. I was thinking of doing IF, but my uni schedule and then lifting and swimming fucks with that.
Can I do neck curls with dumbbells? (Thats all I have)
5 lb increases are too much for me now, so I need to buy microplates. Should I get 2 1.25lb plates, or 8 0.5lb plates? They cost about the same.
Let's say I'm 92kg/202lbs and cruising on 300mg of test
Would 2.8k put me in a caloric deficit? Just looking for a ballpark answer here from peoples experience. Online calorie maintenance calculators are farcically inaccurate.
just barely, but it's too close. Just to be safe do 2.6k or 2.4k.
Does fasting actually burn fat or is it all water weight? I feel like once a fast is over the potential to gain all weight back is high after a few days/weeks
As soon as your lover glycogen is depleted, the body has no choice but to burn fat. You’ll gain weight back if you eat too much and decrease your insulin sensitivity. Fasting isn’t fucking magic and can’t make you immune to fat gain, dude.
LIVER. Fucking typo.
There's no reason to need any more than 2 of a particular type of microplate. You combine them to build up to the next big plate.
How do you heal up ulnar sided wrist pain quicker? I got into lifting a few months ago and went a little too heavy with my dumbbell curls a week and a half ago.
Pain comes during supination and when I have to do anything that has resistance and resembles a curl, some clicking can be heard and felt when I rotate my hand. I've been taking it easy with it but it's starting to get annoying, I'm trying to get this healing over with asap
Did you try fully relaxing it, then flapping your limp hand back and forth until it pops? That helps when my wrists get tensed up sometimes.
What's the benefit of cooking oats instead of just drinking them?
If I only train a muscle once per week, is it enough to make it grow, or at least not degrade?
Is it a good idea to lift and do cardio on the same day in order to save time?
If salmonella stays on egg shells, does that mean that I should wash my hands thoroughly after handling them?
Op if you really want to cut, keep lifting and just eat drastically under maintenance calories.
Whenever you're hungry shovel leafy greens down your throat and drink a litre of water.
OMAD followed by a 24 hour water fast followed by OMAD and repeat that cycle while continuing workouts and cardio.
It would probably hurt or not be very comfortable. At the very least you should wrap it in cloth.
Zyzz sucked, he took crazy amounts of roids and still looked like shit.
How can i use this in a water fast? Drink it during lifting during my fast? Use it to properly break the fast? Treat it like snake juice and sip when thirsty? All of the above???? New to fasting
Estimate your TDEE and eat at 25-30% deficit and make sure you eat at least 1.8 g of protein per Kg bodyweight. Lift weights at least 3 times a week and do not do cardio.
Is the steak and egg cut a meme or will i really lose weight eating two steaks and as many eggs as i want with a cheat day every 5th day for like 2-3 weeks?
> lift and do cardio on the same day
>in order to save time'
bro you're not as smart as you think you are. otherwise everyone would be doing this.
cardio first and then lift? Cool, now you're too tired to pick up the weight correctly and you now have a herniated disc.
lift first and cardio? Cool, now you're winded after 10 minutes of cardio and you won't see any gains because you overtrained your muscles.
I don't understand what drinking oats means and you should always wash your hands
I have been dieting for a month and training. Dropped 8kg, from 114 to 106. According to bodyfat change (30.5% to 27%) , 2kg of that was lean mass. Is this a normal rate of lean mass loss for an aggressive cut or am I doing it wrong? I'm doing IF eating 1900kcal (bmr is 2400) and im training everyday fasted and my macros are 25-30% protein, 40% carb 30% fat
>zyzz looked like shit
I'm a woman and could literally do meme exercises and look ok. this isn't about looking good. i just want to try his workout natty for curiosity sake
now does anyone have the zyzz infographic please
Do a complete fast for a few days, it's actually *good* for your health as well.
Just hard to do because of willpower.
Fasting is overrated, just eat at 25-30% calorie deficit and you'll lose weight.
I always cook my oats
Training muscle once a week is suboptimal, you train it one day and then it is in catabolic state for 6 days. You need to train each body part at least 2 times a week, I train every full body 6 times a week.
Lifting and cardio, what says
Always wash your hands
How many grams of protein are you eating per Kg of your bodyweight? Also where did you get bodyfat scan? Those scans are usually very unreliable.
One of those machines that runs a current through your hands. I've got calipers recently and the reading from my gut fat says the same currently. I csn see in the mirror i've lost weight from other places though. I'm eating 130g protein, 1.3g per KG
What store sells body fat calipers? Im in the southern us and couldnt find any at walmart
What about cardio in the morning and lifting at night?
1.3 g of protein is too low, there're are some studies saying you need at least 1.8 g of protein per Kg.
You can
How do I make a routine?
Been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for first 4 months, fuck that, what's a good aesthetics/strength combo routine?
is using a push press when I hit the limit on my ohp a good way to improve my ohp lift?
Depends on your goals. First choose a workout template, the good ones are Full-Body 3 times a week, Upper/Lower and Push/Pull 4 times a week, Upper/Lower/Push/Pull/Legs and Push/Pull/Legs 6 times a week. Then you just fill out the template with exercises, sets and rep ranges of your choice.
Depends on how many days per week you wanna exercise.
Water fasting and few dry fasts.
You can easily get to 10-12% bodyfat without losing almost any muscle at all, do the snake diet. snakediet.com
Eat healthy and well sized dinner tonight, don't binge on any junk at all. Do a 48 hour water fast and take some salt with water. Then refeed (eat healthy large meal). Then do a 72 hour water fast. Then refeed. Then do a as long water fast as you can while drinking electrolyted water (salts etc you can look up snake juice recipe). Then refeed smartly (look up how to refeed after prolonged fast)
After this you can do one meal every other day and workout on those days. You can even have 400-500kcal mostly pure plant proteins on the "fasting days at this point to gain/keep muscle, that is what Dr Mercola recommends in his new book Keto Fast.
Anyways just stop fucking eating. I am in same situation as you right now and I will be ripped in 3 weeks.
Ok help me out user, I'm kinda of retarded.
I'm 6'1 and 165lb, my goal are aesthetics/hypertrophy and I want to excercise 5 days a week.
Check out Layne Norton's PHAT, it is 5 days a week routine with a nice mix of strength and hypertrophy. Here are some links that will give you an idea:
>falling for snake diet meme
>not eating any protein for 48 and 72 hours
>losing your precise muscle mass
Never gonna make it
Thanks m8
Bro calories in, calories out. It all depends on how many eggs you end up eating. Also, fuck the cheat day
>decide to do decline bendpress instead of dips today for whatever reason
>lifting ~80% of flat bench for reps
>feeling pretty good
>before last set decide to put an extra set of j hooks in case I fail
>fail on last rep, catches on the extra j hooks
could have messed myself up pretty bad desu
anyway what am I supposed to do with my legs on a decline benchpress - leg drive off my toes? or ignore them entirely?
I just hit 'normal' bmi and decided to start some light exercise. First thing in the morning i do push ups, squats and crunches and try increase the quantity by 5 every day. However, i keep running out of juice by 25-30th rep when it comes to push ups. What is a good rep count for a set and how long breaks should i do inbetween? Also, should i do them before or after i run every other day?
That’s a nice way to get an imbalanced physique. Google some bodyweight routines.
>1.3 g of protein is too low, there're are some studies saying you need at least 1.8 g of protein per Kg.
Is that not supposed to be per KG of lean body weight though broseph?
It was per Kg, also when cutting 1.8-2g/Kg was advised
Per kg of total body weight or lean body weight?
> (You)
>It was per Kg, also when cutting 1.8-2g/Kg was advised
based and linkpilled
Reposting since I got no answers last thread
So I've stagnated on pathetic weights for the big 4 after my beginner phase for a very long time now.
I'm trying my absolute hardest now to cut down to 75kg (I'm 183 cm tall and weigh 85kg right now), before I slowly start bulking up.
Shit is really depressing due to the fact I've spent YEARS in the gym and not getting the results I wanted due to my own stupidity (lack of knowledge and not eating properly).
I just want to be big and lift some relatively heavy ass weights.
Will this program be good for building muscle all-around? I obviously don't expect to make much gains now while I'm cutting but when I'm starting to lean bulk, I finally want to maximize growth potential.
3x5 Bench Press / Overhead Press (*)
3x5 Squat
5x6-10 DB Shoulder Press / Incline DB Press (*)
5x6-10 Hammer Curls / Lateral Raises (*)
4x8-12 Z-Bar Curls / Triceps Pushdown (*)
3x10-15 Facepulls
3x5 Bench Press / Overhead Press (*)
1x5 Deadlift
5x6-10 DB Shoulder Press / Incline DB Press (*)
5x6-10 Hammer Curls / Lateral Raises (*)
4x8-12 Z-Bar Curls / Triceps Pushdown (*)
3x10-15 Facepulls
(*) = Alternate between workouts
Obviously this is a variation of greyskull, without the AMRAP since not sure if it would be too much. I read on an article that you should;
>Train your main lifts like a powerlifter, and your accessories like a bodybuilder. Farther out from a meet, just do 1-3 sets of 2-5 reps of your main lifts per workout, so you have more time and energy to devote to accessory lifts that you train bodybuilding-style (6-10 sets of 8-15 reps per muscle/movement). (Source: strongerbyscience.com
It wasn’t stated, assume per bodyweight just to be safe.
That routine is okay, but it lacks horizontal and vertical pulling movement, ie. rows and pull-ups. Progression wise don’t expect lift more when cutting, you’ll be glad if you manage to maintain current lifts. When you do bulk, make sure to progress either reps or weights or both. You can also try non-linear progression and daily undulating period, ie. changing up rep ranges every training. Works better than linear progression imo.
I'm 223 lbs, 6'0''. According to calcs in sedentary mode, my TDEE is 2460. So the deficit should be around 1900 when cutting and aiming for -1lbs per week. Two questions: how much protein should I consume and if it's per lean body mass, or full bodyweight? And is that going to be enough to keep me alright in the gym? Don't want to feel like shit when training.
1.8-2g/Kg of lean mass should be enough and yes, you will be alright.
Other user here.
What are the essential pull/push exercises?
I'm dyelfag trying to come up with a 4-5 day routine.
Flat and Incline DB/BB Bench Press for Upper and Middle Pecs
High Pulley Flys/Decline Bench Press for Lower Pecs
DB Shoulder Press/Overhead Press for Anterior Delts
Some variation of lateral raise for medial delts
Triceps pressdown for lateral tricep head
Overhead DB/Rope triceps extension for long tricep head
Vertical pull - Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Pulldowns
Horizontal pull - Rows (Bent over, T-Bar, Seated, etc.)
Hinge movement - Deadlift, Rack pulls, RDLs
Rear delts - Rear Delts Cable Flys, Face-Pulls
Traps - Shrugs
Thanks mate.
BTW, what would be the cheapest way to more or less accurately measure your body fat? I have those chinese "smart" scales, but I read somewhere they're pretty shit for measuring body fat.
They are shit, bioelectric impedance measure isn’t accurate. Get body fat calipers, they are cheap and reliable tool to track your body fat.
Alright, thanks for the input
I'm going to fit in chinups and some kind of row variation into my routine then.
How much should one eat above their tdee when bulking?
Mine is 2500 kcal, if I go for 3000 would that be too little?
fasted cardio is the magic pill bro, also swimming is great for fat loss (do it fasted)
That’s enough if you don’t want to gain unnecessary fat.
I'm looking into getting some proteins and I'm not sure which kind I should get. I'm looking at whey protein or hemp protein and I'm not sure which one I should pick. Also, how much protein should I take daily if I weigh 73kg (I lift 3 times a wekk and on the free days I do cardio), when should I take the proiteins and is it per lean body mass or not?
>3 times a week
Never going to make it.
How long should one lift?
1 hour? 2 hours?
45 min?
1 hour max. 45 is better. Just my experience. Dont fuck around with the phone between sets.
its plenty you nimwit.
I am currently on a 1200 calorie diet and craving some foods hard, despite consistently and habitually changing what I eat to be healthier, but I am roughly 10-15 pounds from my goal weight, and I am considering picking up some serious exercise in order to satisfy my cravings while staying within my calories. Is that harmful to do with such a lot calorie count? Should I just avoid those somewhat junky foods all together? I miss my 4 cups of earl grey a day, but I can't spend 100 calories on just a drink.
Should I just go full cardiobunny and start running more often and longer so I can have those comfort foods?
Please be from London
dry fast for 7 days go pussy how bad u want this shit
Whey is quick and works well before or after workout. Don't know about hemp. Other popular choice is casein - slow protein that's fantastic as a pre-sleep drink.
Anyone got some recommendations for a blender?
Can you bulk while doing high volume workouts and MMA? I’m working out 5 days a week and giving MMA a try (not on a competitive level though) but I’m bulking hard this summer (very high protein diet)
Does it matter when you drink whey?
I used to drink it after my meal at midday and lift at night.
Get a vitamix for an actual blender, magic bullet for basic breakfast stuff
T. a barista who's worked at a boba tea shop and drinks morning smoothies
Is Phraks GSLP a good routine? I've been lifting for a while but I've got very shitty lifts.
Does a "full body" routine mean that there is only 1 workout "day"? As in, every workout is the same, as opposed to A and B days or PPL?
Some people say pre-workout is better because it means you'll have more energy in the gym and some other side effects. I don't have a real clue tho.
Most full-body routines have A/B workout as well. For example SL 5x5 alternates OHP + Deadlift / Bench + Pendlay Rows.
Why are you such a faggot that you care what random fucking strangers think of you?
Daamn, 2.7k? You can go easily on 1.8 if you want to lose it in 3w
A lot of people have an A and B day for fullbody programs. I personally like to have a day the starts with Squat+Bench or OHP+DL because doing all 4 at once would make my intensity suffer.
5x5 Squat
5x5 Bench
3x8 Pendlay Rows
3x8 Incline Press
3x10 Chin Ups
5x5 Deadlift
5x5 OHP
3x8 Reverse Grip Pendlay
3x8 Weighted Dips
3x10 Pull Ups
Doesn’t matter when you take whey, but working out at night could interfere with sleep quality.
Hey bros. So I am new to lifting and was trying to get back in the swing of things (haven't been to the gym in a month because I was sick for a while). I have a leg injury I think in my calf, so I can't really do anything with my legs until I go see a doctor and figure out what the deal is. So this takes out squats, deadlifts, pendlay rows, and probably standing OHP from my basic hitch compound routine.
Any suggestion on what I can add in the meantime to maybe hit some other areas I might be missing while I wait for it to heal up? I know I'm just gonna be missing things which is fine. Right now I have bench, pulldowns, bicep and triceps, and I was thinking I could learn to do seated OHP
I normally never advocate for machines, but doing leg curls and light leg extensions may be beneficial if you don’t feel any pain.
I would try calisthenic exercises like lunges or BW squats and focus on your flexibilty/depth/balance assuming you can do that without pain.
Stick to seated OHP, try some bench variations with no leg use, and add tons of pullups. This injury gives you a chance to experiment with your routine rather than rawly focus on intensity.
Also, don’t load up heavy on leg extension***
I have a 6 day full body program A B C D E F
What's a good replacement for leg curls as I don't like using machines.
there's literally nothing wrong with doing weights and cardio on the same day as long as you do cardio after
I'm running a 500-750 calorie surplus and noticing minimal fat gain. What could explain this?
My macro breakdown is about 46% carbs 46% protein 8% fat.
Already in my program. Do you think lunges would suffice?
What do you mean? You're surprised you're gaining any fat at all, or you're surprised you're not gaining more fat?
Surprised I'm not gaining more fat. I was running a smaller surplus before, but my lifts kept stalling. Fat gain was virtually nonexistent then.
how do you know you're gaining minimal fat? are you gaining less than a pound per week? If so, you're not eating at a 500+ surplus.
It's a good beginner program. Needs to be modified with accessories to hit the areas it doesn't target, like shoulders and biceps.
Sounds like way too extreme of a diet for your current weight unless you're a 5'1" woman. The thinner you get the less extreme your diet can be.
Is it possible to get fit with a diet that doesn't involve cooking? I don't know how to cook and don't really want to if I can avoid it. I'm thinking I can do well with frozen foods that I can microwave like frozen chicken breasts and those vegetable bags that steam right in the bag. Is this an acceptable diet or is cooking a requirement to be fit?
Well I meant padding out my diet with higher levels of exercise so I effectively have 1500 calories instead of 1200
I know because my vascularity and muscle definition have barely changed at all.