Penis Enlargement

Is there any proven way to increase my dick size or am I stuck with my 5 inch mircodick forever?

Attached: 7607B713-8C6D-4A8D-A905-D56E212C97CC.png (585x645, 238K)

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depending on girth, you could be fine. otherwise google penis enlargement i swear they work

the power of kek will remove you promiscuous normalfags

Not at the moment. Nothing is worth it at the moment. Maybe in the near future, save up your money.

Why do you care? You don't need a big dick to please a woman

you can gain about .5 inch in length but girth will stay the same

hey I got an A :DD

Incel larp

Fake chart

Also fuck jannies

tfw still made it on to enjoyable

every time i see this chart the scale moves forwards

Its because chads with big cocks are reproducing while little bitches with small dicks dont

Kek this thing gets changed every single time it gets posted. Soon 11x9 will be ideal.

Stop samefagging fucking script kiddie
Stop memeing with your meme chart, that shit is up and to the right by like two inches. Even the real thing is way fucking off. Look at dildo reviews if you're really desperate, most women say 6" insertable is "way too big" and 4.5" girth is "very enjoyable).
The reason the girth is so exaggerated with studies done with women is because the average ones are at least half fit and their pelvic muscles wrap around your cock. They'll feel and be stimulated by a pencil dick. Fat slags like most liberal whores who participate in these "studies" have no muscles and would therefore need a 9 inch circumference cock (just imagine how huge that is btw) to actually touch their walls and fill them up.
The reason length is exaggerated is because thots buy 8" dildos online with oversized balls and suction cups but the thing is

Evolution/gene selection doesn't work in 2 years lol, it barely shows in a single generation.

Before you believe this chart, go ask a woman to estimate the size of something. Anything. A stick, a dollar, a line painted on the road, even one of those floor tiles that's clearly a 12x12 square. Try not to laugh when they give the answer.

I don't understand who you're trying to convince. I seriously doubt there is a single woman on the planet who would take a guy with a 5 inch penis over a guy with a 6 inch penis. Probably 99% of women would take a guy with a 7 inch penis over a 6 inch penis. I've known enough people with giant dicks to know that girls like their giant dicks.

>t. 6 inches and wishes he had a giant dick because girls like that

This is the original version of the chart.

Attached: penissizedebatechart.gif (585x645, 26K)

So what you're telling me is that I'm still to small. Fml

6"+ girth is like the top 99% of girth according to all the real data we have. Yet everyone on the internet has 6" girth minimum. Funny that.

That's not the point though, a girl won't walk around choosing men based on penis size (unless she's a thot). The point is a five incher is enough to satisfy a lady. If she leaves you because your 6 incher is too small for her, she's a hoe. If she explicitly compares you to any other guy then she's a hoe too.
Nobody's arguing that a girl wouldn't immediately agree for her 5x5 guy to magically get enhanced to 6x6, because if we're being honest likely at least half of them would (even if we discard the fat ones).
Would I replace my 6x5 unit with something bigger and girthier? Sure, I mean it won't ever get used because I'm arguing about penises on Jow Forums at 21PM on a Sunday and it'd probably feel better while masturbating so I'd take a 8x7. But tons of girls would just be intimidated by something that huge.

If you just want to be sure your future wife or whatever will be satisfied in bed, you can be more than happy knowing she will be if you're really 6" and if she isn't a slag and/or fat.
If you want to compete with Danny D then tough luck man, you'll never be happy.
I'm telling you the whole thing is a hoax. I'm 5" in girth and there's plenty of data, even on Pornhub of all places, to suggest that's enough to get her lips to grip it.
Think about the kind of woman that would willingly participate in a study like this. She's likely very left-leaning, and most of the people in the far-left (or far-right) camp aren't exactly known for their fitness levels. If not a single muscle on her body is toned then you can't possibly expect her vaginal muscles to be of any use.

IIRC this chart was created and peddled around by a penis pill site ages ago. I have NO idea why it has stuck around as long as It has. For trolling purposes I guess.

I found it on a Buzzfeed-esque site a while ago, not sure if that's the actual origin though.

The truth is no woman is satisfied with any size.

Attached: B54CE4BA-9C1E-4942-89FF-CA8929416A7C.jpg (633x418, 42K)

>tfw barely enjoyable
later losers

Attached: 1529416730382.png (1045x779, 587K)

I'm three fucking inches and all of my gfs have cheated on me.

Do some kegel exercises, shave your pubes, and watch porn clips and hentai for half an hour, whatever turns you on the most, stare at that for 30 minutes and lightly stroke your cock.
When you're as aroused as you can possibly be, measure, then report back. That's the biggest you'll ever be and likely never with a woman, but every 0.1 inch counts when arguing online.
I'm usually around 6x5 but when I really get to jerking off I've gotten to 6.75x5.2 already.

I have a 6.5x5.5 incher and have been call a soda can. You can probably subtract a good inch from the girth. Also, theres no way the average girl would take a 9.75x7 incher and not have serious vaginal tearing yet that's 'satisfactory' and 11x7.25? That's 2.5 literal sodas stacked on each other

See, if the average is 5" and if 7-inchers (average + 2 inches) are in the top 1% then that must mean that 3" dicks (average - 2 inches) are in the bottom 1%.
Not much I can do for you there lad, you're fucked. Get a penis pump and see if that helps. Also find that autistic guy on Youtube with his angion method or whatever it's called. Might help. I mean he puts so much autistic thought into it I'm like 70% sure he's on to something.
Please tell me where I can find a girl that will compare my 6x5 pee pee to a soda can.
Also have you ever hit a cervix? That's kinda a dream of mine, would be a great ego booster.

I would interepret that to suggest simply that too much to work with is better than too little. I think 7.75 x 6.3 pretty much checks out for what's an ideal dick, though.

As an aside, if you think you're a soda can try being a perfect 6 x 6 lol.

Oh wait, it took me a second to realize that "soda can" is supposed to be a good thing. I would much rather have idk a deodorant can.

IIRC a legit real study with woman had their ideal one night stand dick at something like 6.5"x5.5". And a longtime partner dick a little less. Just look up idea penis size survey.

Meh, I found what you're talking about, and it was a "study" by cosmopolitan involving 75 women where just printed out some 3D dicks and then decided which ones looked nice. They probably all had to sit in a circle and share their feelings about why they chose that dick. It's also entirely possible that disembodied dicks seem bigger.

Dicks seem bigger period to the onlooker. Your own dick probably looks three times bigger to anyone not used to it. Like people have said the vast majority of most popular dildos for women are 5"-6" insertable.

Look, I'm old as fuck. I've known women over the years. I have a six inch dick. It wasn't enough for some women. For others, it seemed fine. I've never had a woman tell me it's big. I've had multiple women tell me they've had bigger (I guess I just seem like the kind of guy it's OK to say that to). I've seen multiple dildos in my life, and every single one was bigger than my dick. I realize this is purely anecdotal, but then why do my anecdotes check out against everyone's real-world understanding of the matter also? If women could elect for every man on Earth to have a minimum 7 inch dick, that vote would pass overwhelmingly.

Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't farther to the left?

I can't wait to sit on my fb thick 8in sausage

Yeah. That "" really is the original source.
I remember that shit from like 2005, and at the time people were trying to figure out if the site is basically a troll. It's probably worth noting that it doesn't seem to be selling dick pills, though I do have this suspicious that sites like this frequently exist to market surgery (you see that in the fitness world too).

Most 8" dildos only have 6" insertable. I also think you might just have a complex about your penis size and are self conscious about it since you're obviously hung up on women not complimenting it or calling it big. No matter what there is always going to be a bigger guy and getting self conscious about stuff like this you can't change is ridiculous. Women can bitch and moan about dick size all they want but the reality is the vast majority of them out there are 5"-6.5". If that isn't enough then they can stick with fake dicks or turn gay for all I care.

I think that bathmate thing works but shit just looks weird.

You're in here telling us that the ideal penis size according to women is 5 to 6 inches, and I'm the one with a complex. OK.

I'm a 6 inch bone pressed and thin dicklet. I've been jelqing 5 nights a week since november and I think I am slowly seeing gains. My erections feel stronger and fuller but when I actually measure, I'm not seeing much size increase. My girth is still the lame old 4.55 but when I jam a ruler in my pubic bone, I can see a bit more of the tip sticking out which means I am like 0.25 inch longer. But still, when it comes down to it, the thing is visually the same. Maybe it's just an illusion since I've been keeping it shaved around the shaft... I'll keep doing it because it's part of my routine but I don't expect much to change.

You're the one in here falling for fake troll charts and memes. If a woman seriously has an issue with a 5"-6.5" dick she has a cavernous blown out cunt and that isn't the fault of your average man.

OK, well I guess I tend to attract women with cavernous blown out cunts because I'm here to tell you that my life would have been a lot less painful if I'd had an extra inch. That would put me at about 7 inches. What a crazy fucking coincidence.

>just about made it
Still a shit feel to be frank with you

Turns out average and attractive are, almost by definition, not the same thing. Who would have dreamt it!

Almost every man on the planet wishes he had a bigger dick. It's not an excuse to claim every single woman wants is the top 99% of dicks exclusively. Be a sorry cunt and mope about your perfectly average working dick though.

I might be moping, but it's not about that. If I got a chance to actually use my really-pretty-girthy working dick, you wouldn't see any moping either.
I just also haven't deluded myself into thinking it's some kind of misconception that women like big dicks.

Women can like big dicks but they're going to have to get extremely lucky to get one without sleeping with a stupid amount of men statistically speaking. If penis size was as big of an issue sexually as modern society and porn make it out to be we would have all evolved to be 8" minimum fucking ages ago. But turns out all a dick needs to do to be functionally competent is get hard and cum. Size has nothing to do with it.

You're talking to me about this like I'm responsible for designing the firmware for women or something. Women like big dicks because it makes their vaginas feel full. Yes there are women who *only* like big dicks. Why tf wouldn't there be?

It doesn't help anyone to just lie. It does absolutely nothing to align expectations to reality, for anyone involved.
Furthermore, the opportunity cost of a fake reason for a belief/attitude is frequently an actual tenable reason for a belief/attitude.