/plg/ Powerlifting General

Game of Thrones S8E4 Was Shit Edition

>What is depthprivilege?

>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe

>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth

>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to set WRs by C. Lutz

>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz

>How to bench press by PTW

>How to piss off Isley

Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (late intermediates)
5/3/1 (read Beyond or Forever)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
GZCL (any variation)
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Fat Incel powerlifters
>Having sex
Pick one

>Game of Thrones S8E4 Was Shit
And the rest wasn't?

It was an even bigger pile of shit than the previous episodes, Press.

It's an excellent show to watch with the girlfriend


All /tv/ is shit because it has to pander, by its production necessities and because it is aimed tacitly at an audience.

Contrast: Great Books vs. 'great TV'

> T: Rest
> L: youtube.com/watch?v=_jy00qL3HWw
> L2: Rothbard: Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy
> E: Fish, steak, potatoes, gomad, chocolate bar.

Which nerd program you doing?


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what if I would squat 4x a week on next blevins cycle
would my quads blow up

Squat everyday you little bitch.

To get big (quads), you need to eat big.

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Bridge is under meme tier, not nerd, brainlet.

>have sex
What if I don’t have sex. Is that bad?

I'd like to do RTS but, I'll keep with BBM until it stops working. I was going to try Skynet maybe later but Yakob blew his bench so I will restrain. myself.

99% chance yakub gets a huge bench PR based on what he sent me. He's just having fun fucking with you guys.

Glad he'll finally bench 2pl8.

I see.. the Pole is long form trolling me.

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have you tried Having sex?

Benching 70-75% gets out of hand, I do 3-4s pauses beacuse its to light just to make it a bit harder

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What's the best way to get my deadlift from 170 to 200(kg)?


are you me? I also got 170 dl and am wondering the same thing

Im gonna combine 28programs with Candito 6 week to make a 300 IQ intermediate routine

more like 50iq

t. Blevins

Have you thought about deadlifting?

You're about 18 months behind the rest of us

what do you mean

When I came to PLG first thing I did was candito squat and dl + bench from nuckols
you are so 2017

> Online Qualifiers
> ... for Official Strongman Games

hey PLG,

Can we put F reacts?

I smoked a 270x1 PR deadlift today

Went for 275x1 and it was stuck on the floor

Sad reacts only, plz.

Okay but how was I supposed to have found out what the fuck you did in 2017?
I came up with it myself

fug i can only 180kg give deadlift gains

pls be lbs so I dont feel so mogged

Lads my quads/gloots feel absolutely destroyed, started last night so it's not the normal DOMS. Where 2 cop wheelchair
>When the gym jester turns up the gravity generator between sets
We gotta do something about this menace

___ __ __

Where do you fail?

I feel for the rack-pulls are pointless meme and was stuck at 215x1 for months.

I spent five months just doing rack pulls below the knee, going for a PR when i felt good and then backing down for volume.

Supplemented with a load of back work

Hit 270x1 today

Cut down on the rest between sets. Focus more on form.

Just on the floor, got a very weak low back.

hammer low back and your deadlift should shoot up

>do long ass pauses
>focus more on form
oh no 20iq strikes again

went from 215x1 - > 270x1 since Janurary and aiming for 300x1 for xmas. All in KG

It's been my weakest point ever since I started liftan. It probably needs lot more (precise) volume to it. Not necessarily isolation but like back extension or something, good mornings maybe.


Did it work btw? What did you do after? Since Im literally you from the past what advice you gonna give me?

Just had a really weak area and chucked everything at it

That's where my deadlift is the weakest too. Paused deadlifts, as soon as you break the floor, and deficit deadlifts are the best way to get stronger at it.

what area was that? testosterone level?



Rack-pulls below the knee might help, by allowing super-maximal volume.

locking out. When i deadlifted 215x1, I could get 240 off the floor but failed at the knee

I have had sex only a few times and it was many years ago

I was shilling c6w lower with nuckols bench for a while


My lats and serratus have been fucked for like 3 days now.

Seconding deads paused right off the floor

I'll switch my pauses for deficits next cycle. Been doing pauses in Bridge since mid February (running two cycles of them back to back). It has deficits but only in the last 2 weeks. It still remains my weakest spot, if I can get the barbell off the floor I can lock it out. It's the initial breaking off the floor that's hard.

>Have sex.

>think that's enough
oh no polack iq strikes again

This. Just finished book 5 and it is beyond comparing to the show.
Granted, I stopped watching after season 4 when the fiance and I split.

> 303 tempo squat and 2 count paused squat on subsequent days
think i fucked exercise selection in Strength III haha

Wait, no. That is by default in S III template. Guess I will just die haha.

>eat a ton of protein
Wrong, the restriction of certain amino acids provide lifespan and cognitive benefits. Much easier on digestive health too. Meat is especially long to digest so I have it max once a day. Ive experimented with several timing windows and diet composition and this is what makes me feel best so far.
>have sex
see pic related

Thanks Jim, Ill take your other advices.

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You are such a gay nerd

>The restriction of certain amino acids provides extended lifespan
Considering they're still recruiting for the human study on methionine restriction here and the rest is done in animals, I would stop trying to extrapolate mouse and monkey experiments to humans lmao

eating ton of protein can slow down osteophaty and basically improve old people life

>losing your virginity
>making it

pick one

Ever heard of Calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin A ?

>thinks our understanding of how each amino acid functions, and every single gene/pathway they trigger in human bodies is based on mouse experiments
lmao indeed

post body

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>making it
Your definition of making it means being a gay nerd.

Yes, I'm sure my ongoing PhD in nutrition means that I have no idea how the human body functions. I'll be sure to tell my buddies that work on amino acid metabolism and longevity that they got btfo by user on Jow Forums
I've published 7+ papers on fat soluble vitamins, so yes

Nutrition science has bean and is ajoke fucking retards think eggs are bad because fat burgers die holy shit

how do i get my deadlift from 260kg to 300kg


Btfo cope

The saddest part is that all this knowledge couldnt safe you from balding

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Press 3x85%
Bench 3x85%
Leg press 100 babyweight reps
Bodyweight good morning, don't know how many I didn't count the reps. Probably about two hundred.
Found a free mcdicks coupon so why not.
Chicken (probably fried) for dinner
Really tired, which is unexpected because I slept ok and did fuck all in the gym. Must be my allergies acting up again.
Overall ok and feeling good for maxing on Friday.

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Chicken breast sandwiches
Feeling good bit tired but good

>I can't tell you how many times I've heard coaches say, "No, really, you are just a dumb


I like that part just as much as the absolute infallible bit

calisthenics POWER

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Nice Looney bin

>3 reps at 85%
>not doing 11x3@85%

vitamin d3 and vitamin c is my natty steroids
soon i achieve this leanness but at 85 kg recomp the fat into muscle calisthenics only

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im home again soon

went paranoid from da weed hocus pocus and i couldnt breathe - tupac
no more drugs for me only forced medications

hunching your head in back photo made illussion of that you are wide, but fron photo when we can see your head to torso ratio
If you are to brag about physique than dont, you have body of incel

whats an incel
are you insect or something? sorry 4 u

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>bodyweight good morning
Did you fucking bow down for x reps?

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This is light week. I did 14x3x80% last week


nice pencil neck twink

> Strength III template
> Week 9, day 3 (Default deadlift exercise selection, I only changed bench/press)

Has got me doing on same fucking day
> 2" deficit deadlift
> 1@8, 3@9, -5% off 3@9 for 3 reps 2-3 sets until @9
> Stiff legged deadlift off "2 deficit
> 8 reps for @6, @7, @8, @8.

Yeah this thing wants to murder me

How do you alternate between looking just a bit retarded, and looking full fucking 11/10 retarded? Are you doing it on purpose?

thank xd

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Why that funny???

Hey ive got a legit question.
Before you say anything pls understand this is a legit question and im not whining or trying to get you guys to say im strong or anything.

According to everysingle strength standard site im an advanced lifter. All my powerlifts (except bench lol) are advanced according to said sites. This sites claim to compile a shit ton of lifting info and make their standards with them.

So why the hell do you guys say im a liftlet gde or whatever? Are these sited standards purposely low and they are made with the general lifting population and not powerlifters or something?
Do you guys see a shit ton of people performing well above advanced or even elite lifts after a short time of training?

I know I sound like im whining but im not, im genuinely puzzled.

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why are you weighing like a female? Is this chart according to 15y girls?

I weigh 170lbs at 5'11" bro. Keep in mind my country is starving and my 3k calorie a day diet is damn near unsustainable at this point

Those websites are for pissbabbys and they rank anyone who is half decent as elite or world class.