Work out for 1 year

>work out for 1 year
>can only squat 60 kg and bench 75 kg

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How is your bench so much higher than your squat? Are those 1 rep maxes?

Same bro, feel your pain. Can't get my squat to increase no matter what I do. High bar, low bar, accessories, no accessories, squat several times a week, once a week, 12 reps, 8, reps, 6 reps, 5..filming myself, having someone watch me, reading books, blogs, sites, watching youtube vids... tried everything.

I won't give up though.

At least you're keeping at it, Good job user

i wont be giving up either, but it sure kills my confidence.

Don't worry, you're not alone. I'm closing in on one year of training myself (6'2", 180 lbs) and my lifts are still shit. In my defense I only started doing compound lifts ~3 months ago.

Feels bad, man..

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How does that work? What is your bodyweight? How much do you eat? How much do you sleep? Do you have cancer?

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what program is this?

If there is a blockage downstream from the urinals before it gets to the drain, the urine can sometimes flow instead to the lowest point it can escape from. In this case, that alpha-destiny sized urinal on the end.

symmetric strength website

ty dude

at the minute, 72kg, I was 85kg when I was doing shit like starting strength. Just not built for it.

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Skips leg days and doesn't take legs seriously. Probably only does chest and biceps

Not great, not terrible

If you aren't getting fat, try eating more.

I'm in the same boat, OP. I neglected variation, eating and increasing reps if I would get stuck on a weight
At least now I have a plan and the knowledge in order to unfuck my shit and increase my lifts and muscles.
My current lifts are 44kg OHP, 65kg bench, 80kg squat and 105kg diddy for 5

you're doing good, just keep progressing and you'll be at 1/2/3/4 in no time at all

>Benches 25% more than what he squats

I started 6 weeks ago on SS at 85 kg bodyweight and I hit 87.5 kg squat last week. Eat more, sleep more.

Just started.
Can bench 60kg for 5 reps and squat only 50kg for 5 reps.
Don't know why, squatting is supposed to be easier than bench.
And my neck hurts after doing it.

Have you tried sticking to a routine and eating and sleeping a lot

Wristlet? Looks like you've simply reached your genetic potential. Don't worry about it user, if you can't get bigger, get leaner and go for the shred.

Come on man, even women can lift more