Lmaoing at that person doing the same beginner routine for multiple years without gaining any muscle

Lmaoing at that person doing the same beginner routine for multiple years without gaining any muscle

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Holy shit that dad strength. How to achieve this mode bros?

Zoomers will never learn.

lmao that woman is using cash as a fan

Zoomers can't compete

The boomer has those nice forearms one can only get from a lifetime of hard work, a beer belly that shows he enjoys life and can kick back with his friends on the weekend

No matter how hard the zoomer tries, clean dieting, cutting, hours upon hours spent in the gym every week he just looks bloated and soft. Has probably not had a cheat meal in months

When will gymcels learn that a good body can only be obtained from a hard lifestyle?

London underground can get hot af

Wait, you mean it really is L O N D O N?

Yeah that's why bodybuilders are insecure fags lmao they the male equivalent of an attention whore thot pretty sad and vain people

look at the notes chap

Most people grow out of working out for looks.

we need a way of identifying eachother on the underground.

Just ask if Im going to make it brah

>Feelin fit buddy?

Those forearms are the result of having big wrists and long muscle bellies in the forearms. People with huge forearms or calves do nothing to acquire them-they just exist.

this is me, just let me waste my life in peace

That’s... brosience, at best. Every middle-aged or older man I know with thicc muscular forearms earned them through hard work. Two are brilliant mechanics, the types who can work on anything from cars to planes. One is a firefighter who gets bored easily and uses the station’s weight room. Another is a former Marine and a current Boxing coach. The last is a former Blackwater helicopter pilot who teaches Krav Maga in his “Retirement”.

All had the genetic predisposition, I’m sure, but their lifestyles brought it out.

Idk, my dad is 56 and has been working physical jobs like construction and concrete since he was 14, his forearms aren't anything special (but his grip is still strong af)

t. jelly calflet

nice receding hairline fgt i can see your reflection in the window


this says London Underground

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An early gen Zoomer wrote this post. The punctuation, the grammar, the phrasing - it's all too on point


What does the scouter say about their power levels?