Quit Jow Forums, vidya and anime (not manga)

>quit Jow Forums, vidya and anime (not manga)
What am I suppose to do with all this free time?

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that's the big question isn't it
nobody knows what to do with themselves
take my advice and just do what makes you happy as long as it's not genuinely harmful to you
if you're like me and don't know how to make yourself happy... then i'm sorry

> just do what makes you happy as long as it's not genuinely harmful to you
so back to Jow Forums, vidya and anime?

>So back to Jow Forums, Vidya and anime?

You've obviously not quit Jow Forums if I can reply to you, now have you?

Work out, take hikes, read books, do something 'creative' if you're into that. Or just masturbate.

what the fuck else even is there?
youtube? that's gone to shit, i can never find anything i want to watch on there
netflix? costs money
Outdoors? lol no that requires other people, money, not being ill either mentally or physically, good weather and something to fucking do
drugs maybe?
i guess so man, Jow Forums, vidya and anime

find some music you like

Alita if she was real
better than sieraa cola shasta nevada the mist

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>generic female lead warrior movie
>give her big retarded looking cgi eyes for viewers to oggle at, for attention
i mean it worked... i know this is a thing but i never remember the name of the film and i'm still not gonna watch it

>sunny poster
My man

Thanks for the input lads. Probably going to waste time anyway. Everything from reading to learning shit seems like I'm wasting my youth.
book reading feels like im missing out on life. Doing something creative at 20 is embarrassing.

it's only a waste if you consider it a waste, and by that i mean if there's something better you realistically could be doing with your time
which there probably isn't
that being said living the comfy lifestyle is all well and good until it gets depressing from the boredom of all the repetition
but you'll keep going back to it and do the same old shit most days until you die, as will most of us, because there's nothing else you realistically would be doing with your time

meditate, exercise, learn how to eat health and take care of yourself, learn a skill, practice it, get gud, earn money, and start living the life you've always been waiting to live but got distracted from doing

Imagine dying and going to heaven and meeting the Being of Light. The Being of Light, excited to see you, knowing the answer to its own question, says: "Well, how did it go? Did you accomplish what you went down there to do?"
And imagine having to bow your head downwards to the right in shame, having to admit: "Ehrm, no, actually, I got distracted by a lot of stuff and... I guess I kinda forgot about the whole thing."
"Ah," says the Being of Light, "that sucks man. Wanna try again?"
"Yeah, sure, I'm not stopping until I've done that thing I've always wanted to get done."
And imagine that this event has already transpired before you were born into this lifetime, that you've gone through this exact karmic loop dozens, maybe hundreds of times, never having the conviction to step up and actualize the purpose of your existence.

If not you, then who?

If not now, then when?

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>don't quit Jow Forums, vidya, anime and manga
>quit job
>learn to draw and play guitar on free time

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>Jow Forums
>not genuinely harmful to you

Late but I don't even know what I'm trying to achieve. Everything seems impossible or boring or embarrassing. There is no great life to live. Just a life that is easier to convince yourself it is truly something different.

Your mind is clouded. When the mind is clouded, so is your intuition. Meditation clears your mind, and makes it easier to access your intuition.

learn programming (if you never did something like that before just go start with python, it's gonna be the quickest results for the least effort)

hey user, check it out! i made you some soup ^_^

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This, [fuck/]to be honest[fuck]

My first thought when i saw the trailer
But dunny is cuter oc >_

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