Are we going to be stuck on this planet forever?

Are we going to be stuck on this planet forever?
Will humanity ever extend its hand out to the stars?

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The first thing we need to do is find a way to beat cosmic radiation. This shit destroys DNA even whiten Earth's exosphere as proven by Scott Kelly's experiments and it only gets worse once we get out of the exosphere. Once we do that, we can probably colonize mars pretty easy. Same with the Moon.

As for the stars, some people are working on warp drive, but I think our best bet is a sublight but still fast ship with Cryogenics. Once we figure cryogenics and maybe transhumanism out, we are basically good to go to the closest stars.

In short, no, unless we fuck up.

No. Humanity has once again peaked and we failed to make it beyond the moon. Perhaps after the fall has bee completed another cycle can begin and in a few thousand years then maybe it will happen but even then I doubt it.

Water is a good radiaton shield, you could just cover your spacecraft in ice which you could also use for fuel and crew

Honestly, do you really think we should right now? Do you want niggers, poos, chinks, SJWs, trannies, faggots, jannies and other filth to spread on a galactic scale? Right now Earth is a containment field for them, we need to cure the problem before we leave this rock.

We're not going to waste money on that when there's people without free healthcare in Africa bigot

No, we're like that one species from Star Wars who went extinct after they failed to find a way to leave their planet.

"As I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown at Hadley, I sort of realize there's a fundamental truth to our nature. Man must explore. And this is exploration at its greatest."
David Scott, Commander of Apollo 15

i used to be Super into space travel. Then i realized i will never see ANY of it in my life time. It was a giant lie. If you are into space shit like i was. Throw all your focus into Indefinite Life Extension, then if you want it, you will eventually see it when it is easy enough for anyone to do. But dont wait and count on it ever being a thing.

The analogy i would make with Space Travel right now.

We are at that moment in History like when China tried exploring Africa, and maybe even going to North America, and where the Vikings may have gotten as far as current day New York.

And both cultures were like, Da Fuq? thats all thats out there, naked people running in the woods? never mind, forget it

the radiated water would be safe to drink?