>have a different set of personalities for each group I interact with (parents, friends, strangers, uni peers and so on)
>even different for each friend I have
>put on a mask if I want someone to like me, stealing and mixing personalities of likable people from the movies/books or someone I've met, depending on what that particular person finds relatable
>study each person I meet for some time to pierce through their persona. See what they like, what they don't like, how they react to certain things to get the closest approximation
>know a lot of useless information to make them think I hold their values and opinions. Even if I despise it deep inside, I can always argue from both sides
>always had friends
>never been bullied
>never fought once in my entire life
>can talk my way out of any situation
>people like me for no reason, even if I hate their guts deep inside
who else /snake-tongue people pleaser/ here ? Is that how normies operate, but unconsciously ?
Faceless personality
>>have a different set of personalities for each group I interact with (parents, friends, strangers, uni peers and so on)
>>even different for each friend I have
>>put on a mask if I want someone to like me, stealing and mixing personalities of likable people from the movies/books or someone I've met, depending on what that particular person finds relatable
This is what normal people do retard, it's called adapting and you're a retard.
t. edgy 14 year old
Actually this could be a sign of being a psychopath. While it's normal for people to act differently and adapt according to the situation, its not normal to be a totally different person with each friend.
retard plenty of people do this daily, you're not special
I don't think that's what they do, most of them allow themselves to be unlikable, which I can't permit for myself. I've seen so many losers who couldn't hide their shit and being bullied because of that. Or people who can't just click with each other and get what they want.
I'm not saying I'm the only one in the world capable of that.
Everyone tries to be likeable and acts differently depending on who they are with specially teens. In high school I was somewhat popular yet I hated almost all of my "friends" but now I just act how I please and talk with people who enjoy my actual personality. You will probably grow out of this in a couple of years
>Everyone tries to be likeable and acts differently
yeah but they don't succeed and I do. I can lure into my webs fullblown SJW normans or edgy alt right fags. They always feel like they could share their deepest shit with me and they always do for whatever reason. Probably because I never judge and reinforce their opinions even if I find them retarded.
My grandma was also like that. Two faced bitch, but very likable. Always telling me how i'm such a good boy, and then I overheard her shitting all over me once to my parents, that was probably the trigger for me.
>my actual personality
the point was: I don't have one.
>Or people who can't just click with each other and get what they want
How into doing this for someone with low social skills?
>They always feel like they could share their deepest shit with me and they always do for whatever reason
share some stuff pls
t. snoopy
I met a guy like you. I thought we were friends but in reality he always hated all of his "friends". I think it's a sign of sociopathy but I'm not qualified to judge. You should probably see a psychiatrist.
most people operate like this just to a lesser degree since their own personality fills the gaps
Try jogging. You'll learn same ground different foot.
Sounds like actual sociopathy, maybe see a psych.
Now, out of curiosity, do you like your friends or you do deeply hate them? And have you had anyone notice that you have no real personality or call you out?
I don't know how I do that. Constantly overanalyze your behaviour and why you react the way you react. Learn what kind of people like certain stuff. Study and observe the object of interest, but not like a creep. If you overheard them speaking of something you're knowledgeable of gently guide the conversation into that subject once you're one on one with that person. Copy them physically, but not so they could spot it consciously (mirror their gestures, manner of speech). Have scattered knowledge of anything in existence from quantum physics to nail polishing. Don't have to be genius, just know something enough to hold a conversation. Also being good looking helps.
I like my actual friends. But I'm prone to trying to manipulate them as well, but I always try to return the favour and do something nice for them at least I like to think I do. I could tell them the most fucked up shit on my mind and they would never even judge. I also never judge their shit and some of their ideas are REALLY fucked up from the normalshit point of view. But it doesn't matter what kind of awful shit they could pull off I would still appreciate their existence over any other norman in the world.
I will get shit on for this, and I know it's a meme, but I have ASPD and it sounds like OP is the same.
Really though, use your body. You were always multiple minds having a coherent experience of one flesh. Immersion in the flesh is immersion in substance. Immersion in mind is immersion in emptiness. Don't reflect; project. Create. Do. Go running.
>some of their ideas are REALLY fucked up from the normalshit point of view
>And have you had anyone notice that you have no real personality or call you out?
not really. One of my friends once said I'm mimicking our other common friend, but we both do that, so it's kind of like a meme at this point. When we chat, it's hard to figure out who's the one behind the message if you cover up the nickname. We use the same speech patterns, inside jokes, share similar views on the world, like a group hivemind basically. I've known these people all my life, we grew up together.
>have a different set of personalities for each group I interact with (parents, friends, strangers, uni peers and so on)
That's completely normal you fucking mong. It's like your surprised people act based on who they're with or where they are.
know a guy who's into pedo shit. Not like a child molestor type, but someone who would enjoy the idea. I judge it internally myself, but to him never mention it or even positively reinforce it. I don't know how to explain it, but I value him unconditionaly like he's a part of me and no matter what kind of shit he could pull off to the normies it won't ever bother me regular people aren't human anyway
>know a guy who's into pedo shit
like what?
not to that extend. I'm awawre of that. People you adore can influence your own personality in a way, but I just put on a mask whichever suits the current situation the best
>like what?
like sexualy being attracted to little children you silly goose
>like sexualy being attracted to little children you silly goose
I thought you meant he's into stuff like loli modeling or something. Why and how did he tell you that?
>like sexualy being attracted to little children you silly goose
I thought you meant he's into stuff like eastern european preteen erotica modeling or something like that. Why and how did he tell you that?
>Why and how did he tell you that?
he just did. They all do, I never judge. Don't remember the full context of the conversation, but it certainly wasn't about that. What's funny this about him and I never even mentioned to him that I'm gay and get off to traps and twink porn, but we both hate women that's for sure
>What's funny this about him
I meant
>what's funny is that I know this about him*
I know a lot of people are giving you shit and saying it's normal and stuff. It's not. I feel this way too and I know how different I am from other people as social ability does not come naturally to me at all. I have nothing to say to all the people who try to talk to me. I just feel absolutely nothing. I can't have them hating me though as that would be detrimental to how I am treated so I always have to force a response. I wish I didn't have to be some fake and artificial but it's a neccesary evil.