I hear you're a racist now Jow Forums
I hear you're a racist now Jow Forums
We've become anti-socialist because of the high population of incels.
Poltards are the same that trannies who infect others boards.
Only against the feckin Greeks.
and the British
FUCK them
Greek and British aren't races though
Also Rule Britannia ya fuckin crusty cum streak
check your genes sweaty
you're a filthy ethnic brit
There's no such thing as a British race though. We're just part Celtic, part Roman, part Anglo, part Saxon, part Viking, part French...
Maybe you could narrow your hate down to one of those ancestries?
>I hear you're a transphobe now Graham
That's like saying that there's no such thing as race because all current ethnicities are mixes of older ones.
Next you'll tell me that the queen doesn't pick her nose.
You won't fool me with your dirty brit lies.
Why does this guy's face look like he's a cartoon character in the middle of getting punched on the side of the head
She's scratching it you continental filth.
Now get off my god damn board before I introduce you to my little friend called 'colonialism'.
Exhibition B. cry moar
It was itchy on the inside. Nothing more.
Sure must itch a lot.
These are all photoshopped. The Queen has not even left her castle in the past fifty years.
Even British royals are disgusting slobs
Acknowledging racial differences isn't a bad thing.
>i-it's fake news :(((
your tears are like manna
The Queen hath no need for nose or other sensory organs, fool. You think that is a nose? You are deceived. She is eternal and pure and perfect and all pale before her magnificent that hath lasted a millennia and shall last a millennia more.
one hundred percent destroyed
cool dogwhistle
heh heh heh heh
It's the Chinese he's after