How do eat more?

I'm 6'7' and only 165 pounds and struggling to eat more.

I have been sticking to foods I enjoy, and trying to get in 3,000+ calories a day.

I don't usually feel like eating, and sometimes I turn green and think I'm going to puke after only a few sliced of pizza. I can put down maybe 30 mcnuggets in a half hour. Should I stick to more of them?

I lift weights and make sure to train every part at least once a week. I squat and deadlift too.

I'm in super skeletal mode. If you help me eat more I won't call you manlets anymore.

tl:dr, how do I get hungrier? I wan't to be a freak like the dutch giant. Halp

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There's no other option if you're eating pizza/mcnuggets level food (aka like a poor already).

It will work. Lift heavy. Get good sleep. Tons of fat. You'll gain, especially if you're young.

Drink at least 2 liters of chocolate whole milk a day

I would unironiclly rather be the manlet (unless he's turbo mode like 5'5" which it's difficult to tell from that pic)

Other dude is going to be dead in 10 years, and they're usually quite stupid. Manlet probably has decent job/girl/well balanced life etc. Giants life is probably entirely centered around how big he is aka a freak show.


That giant is perfectly healthy with no abnormalities, started and own his own direct food company, and regularly does kickboxing for his cardio and is an actor now. He must be dumb compared to your accomplishments though.

>I don't usually feel like eating, and sometimes I turn green and think I'm going to puke after only a few sliced of pizza.
The food you are eating is not agreeing with your digestive tract and is ruining your appetite. Consider replacing all carbs with fruit and white rice. Replace all protein with steak, eggs, and salmon/trout. Take a 1 day fast and drink a high protein bone broth during to begin repairing your gut. Eat fermented foods at least once per day - fermented veggies are best, but yogurt is okay.
I used to eat until I was sick, then I got this advice from both my TCM doctor and Stan Efferding. I didn't try it until I heard it from Stan because what does a 130lb Chinese man know about building muscle right? I struggled to keep my weight above 180, and a few months later I'm 220 and hungry before every meal.

3000 a day is not enough for god damn 6’7
I eat 3500 on maintenance at 6’3 bro

He had extremely fucked up ribs or some shit, you can see pics from his youth, like his chest was punched in

6'6" 158 lbs at my lowest. 210 lbs now. Literally learn to eat. I could easily starve myself and lose 60 lbs but I force myself to eat at LEAST 3 solid meals a day plus snacks. It's tough to change habits. Try prepping rice and chicken breasts for the week to have it easily accessible. Find meals you enjoy that are quick to make. I'm a slow eater which cucks me on getting more calories.
Here are suggestions for easy meals. I eat kinda plain.

Oats + honey, almomds, dark chocolate square, peanut butter (100% peanuts)
4 eggs and a sweet potato (stab, cover with wet paper towel, microwave 8-12 minutes) with some butter
Chicken, rice, broccoli (bake chicken 6 at a time)
Turkey sandwich
Rice and frozen tilapia/salmon (fry, grill, bake, whatever)

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recovering skeleton: quit eating sugar, quit drinking soda. I thought I ate like a pig and couldn't understand why I was so fucking skinny. I had conditioned my body to get energy from Coke and other bullshit. I cut out all sweets, forced myself to eat breakfast everyday and to exercise DAILY with only 1 "rest day". It only took like 4 days for me to wake up hungry as fuck. You don't have to drink a gallon of milk a day, you just need to eat 3 meals, and when you snack make sure it's loaded with protein like sardines, nuts or greek yogurt. peanut butter. exercising once a week is pussy

>tl:dr, how do I get hungrier?

Drink carbonated beverages. more ghrelin = more hunger

>frozen tilapia
this. giant bags of walmart, it's so fucking easy to make and almost free it's so cheap. just made 4 filets with lemon butter and minced garlic. i eat this shit ~4 times a week, can't emphasize how economical and healthy it is

What is the point of these threads. Are you looking for a satanic blood ritual to make you hungrier? A magic potion? Is that it? Just eat more faggot, and eat calorically dense food, i.e. lots of fat.

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put butter or sugar in all your meals, dummy. it's common sense.

Lol you pretty much just confirmed everything I thought.

>life revolves around freakishness/fitness

>his size is in itself an abnormality

>acting means he's not a fucking mong.


Yep, then he had them popped out with Nuss and hasn't had any health issues since

You sound bitter as fuck. Fix your mentality

>He must be dumb compared to your accomplishments though.
Well, I have an IQ of 155, so...

6'5'' dutch giant here too.

your body should be hungry if it needs resources. IDK about you but i use to go to buffets after rugby practive or have cook outs with the bros after a huge day in the gym.

might want to look at what your eating and how far you are actually pushing yourself. If all else fails do a weed

hello friendo, Im a bit taller than you, and I am in the same situation. Im trying to gain, and its a chore.

Im currently at 235 (from 180) and Im going for 275. The progress has been over the course of 8 months, but its steady and good.

The biggest thing i can suggest is to LOOK FORWARD TO FOOD. this is hard, because it feels unnatural to us skeletors. But if you cant bring yourself to eat huge meals, then dont eat huge meals. In fact, its better if you just dont stop eating. Find things you like eating, and snack on them CONSTANTLY. always be aware of when you should be eating (which is always)

Next is milk, the only thing that kept me from Auschwitz mode. I drank a gallon a day without knowing about GOMAD. I simply did it to survive without a steady food intake when I was young. Its easy calories, and fats, so my body recognized it as an easy way out, and I started to rely on it. SO GOMAD is good, just make sure to eat too.

Lastly, fukin PLEASE PLEASE eat more when you think your are gonna puke. That urge gets further and further back the more regularly you push it. Ive puked a few times, Ive thrown up thick protein shakes/mass gainers atleast 5 times. But then 30 minutes later I went for another one to replace it. You have to push your self, and soon youll find yourself eating more without hitting that wall. Just keep eating friend. And when you feel hungry, eat. When you feel a headache, eat. If you feel weak, eat. Most of those are fixed with food, and then you start to positively associate it. You can do it!!!!!

Have you started a successful business with your e-stat IQ?

Yes, I run a boutique lawfirm. I also do business development consulting, because it's more interesting.

My IQ score comes from my Mensa admission test.

I'm not the user who originally posted about the dude dying in 10 years. The point is that not everyone who doesn't want to be a freak is coping. Some of us just don't want to be freaks. I have no idea why Jow Forums finds it so desirable - but then again, if he doesn't have the brains to make it then a person might as well get big, because there are plenty of sycophants like you who will crawl out of the woodwork to dole out asspats for some reason.

I don't know what I'm doing here so I'm going to stop posting. Goodbye.

>I don't know what I'm doing here
I'm not in mensa but I know the answer to this one: you're fagging up the board and lying about your life

I'm going to a really nice buffet in a few weeks how can I train my stomach so I can eat a shit ton. I go there every year for my birthday and I'm trying to eat at least 4 full plates

that shirt looks awful on the tall guy, must suck finding good shirts for him. I think that even if you look good or are really big, if you're clothes don't fit properly you look kind of silly.

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With all that going on felt the need to go declare "hey guise I'm beeetter than thiiis guy"? K good for you buddy

Ooooh ok that's a cool story sorry to see you go

What’s the alternative of GOMAD for lactose intolerant people?

Fuck that you need 4000 AT LEAST

For a guy your height if you aren't eating big don't even bother trying to lift big or push yourself at the gym. Commit in the kitchen just like you would in the weight room.

I'm 6'8" and used to be 185 at my skinniest. Now I'm 270 and just a out to wrap up a *cut.* If I can do it, so can you.

The secret is eating until you're full...pausing to take a breath...and then eating MORE.

You think you get to stop eating just because you are "full?" Man, you put that fork down when I TELL you that you can put it down.

Every damn day. You've gotta WANT it user. You've gotta treat eating like lifting. Count calories like you count reps. Any calories you can't eat you should drink. Protein shakes. Not just protein powder and water you want high volume protein powder, whole milk, peanut butter...crack a couple of eggs in there...and add a couple tablespoons of olive oil to round it out. Twice a day. Three times a day if you're working out. Count every calorie. No shortcuts. Eat on the go.

You got this.

Cool story dudeski

Have you never been to a grocery store before, you ape?

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