How does Jow Forums keep their mind fit?
Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness.
I study at uni and play chess.
How does Jow Forums keep their mind fit?
Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness.
I study at uni and play chess.
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I thoroughly enjoy Sudoku. Easy premise, increasing levels of difficulty, and quick to improve abilities.
That and Reversi.
i debunk christianity on the internet :)
I read philosophy books (ancient and modern), and watch shows with deep meaning behind them like R&M.
I do similar except I study math.
I used to teach myself Russian and was an active reader and researcher.
Now I've kinda lost that loving feeling and have been circling the drain. Still hit the gym, but I've lost a lot of motivation and inner will.
Read mostly, used to play chess but unless you study theory or other ames I dont really think its any more mentally stiumlating than any other video game.
I'm learning Italian on a completly legit download of Rosetta Stone that I in no way obtained legally.
I watch rick and morty everyday
come here
someone get in please
Read books and write daily
khan academy dont bully
Smoke pot, expland my mind. It's like whoa.... The universe and stuff.
Chess is based, I hope you open e4 user
speed reading and factorio lately
I pray Jesus
Out of school so self-directed study.
Currently music theory, some day soon electronics.
I listen to nonfiction audiobooks, play chess960 and post off-topic threads telling strangers on fitness forums that I play chess to make myself feel better about my shit gains.
Hell yeah brother. I've been trying to get some use out of Jacob Collier's take on negative harmony, and integrating diatonic chord shapes better into solos instead of just landing on the roots between pentatonic noodling.
If you're a guitarist, modding pedals is a decent primer on electronics.
fake and gay
Been trying to learn some music, Spanish, programming, HTML, writing, and drawing. They're all slow.
>not the queens gambit EVERY game with white
puoi passarmi o dirmi dove l'hai scaricato??
>I read philosophy books (ancient and modern)
>and watch shows with deep meaning behind them like R&M.
I study at uni and have deep philosophical discussions with smart minds from all over the world at the internet imageboard Jow Forums.
I re-discovered logic puzzles, they're tough at times but very satisfying to finish
I code for living. Not sure if it's enough though.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>not playing bullet chess inbetween sets for mental gains
It's better to focus on one. Don't spread yourself too thin if want good results
Flashcards flashcards flashcards
Presidents, NATO alphabet, geography, whatever
BRO! I just recently started doing Sudoku while doing cardio. I could never do enough cardio without getting bored out of my mind but now I started doing much more cause I will just do level after level of Sudoku while on the bikes.
Best thing ever.
You could probably get away with 2 of them, so that way you have a break from your main one when you get bored
Software engineer here... every day is basically overtraining of the mind... I feel like I’m breaking down my brain every day with information overload and not letting it regenerate so I just get dumber and dumber. Anyone know how to fix this? (Inb4 exercise, meditation, weed, diet... already do it)
Playing the piano helps me immensely with my mental acuity, especially reading sheet music. It also has the nice side effect of almost every day being finger day.
learn a language or how to program.
>he smokes weed daily
found your problem retard
College and a lot of fucking reading. News, technology trends, self-help, doujinshi, etc.
come at me
whoops bad link
Sounds like you're not sufficiently relaxing on the weekends if that's how you feel. Go sit in the park with a nice book for a few hours on a Saturday and you'll feel better IMO.
Whats your major lad?
Double major in philosophy and human communications
I play several instruments and I've been learning french because I'm a FUCKING LEAF
I smoke weed, use mushrooms and lsd
Fuck bro rip
Congrats on being doubly useless
you can't exercise your brain.
oh no no no no no
The fuck?
Yes you can.
But can you falsify the christian God?
I know what you mean. I've been in that situation, after a lot of time of intense mental activity I struggled for simple things and also became irritable. Simply talking was more difficult, I struggled to find the right word.
Good nutrition always helped me, and if I was dumbing down a lot, I had some simple carbs and it helped. I read that the brain can get depleted of glucose after a lot of thinking, so my broscience was that the simple carbs helped replenish brain glucose. It helped me, tough, it might only have been a placebo effect.
To restore my brain to normality I just avoided things that required much thinking for some days.
Something that helped me with this, was creating daily routinary activities for my body's basic needs (meals and hygiene). I stablished a very time-efficient process and followed it rigorously.
After some weeks of doing the same thing everyday and exactly in the same way, you simply become able to do them without thinking, thus, reducing the daily mental load.
My go to is bullet chess games on lichess. Think I'm only in the low 1700s right now but I've been as high as the upper 1800s
How is church goer attached to the virgin? Wouldn't it be "only goes on Easter and Christmas" or something? Chad in this case would attend an apostolic church
LMFAO get a load of this guy
Change if you're a freshmen
>t. computer engineer
glad to see so many music people here
i play and study music, been reading some philosophy books, greek stuff and stoicism. Epictetus got me thinking.
I post racist stuff online then bait people in to defending niggers, if they do i drop fbi crime statistics on them that I can recite from memory. Get to btfo libtards while keeping my mind sharp
this pasta is just based and fucking retarded at the same time its genos
I play and study go every single day. I am not remotely ashamed to say I like it more than lifting. My exercise merely prolongs my ability to play Go.
how are you paying twice the cost of the scam to get absolutely nothing in return user please for the love of God go STEM
you suck at chess
I'm in software as well (E5 at one of the two biggies) -- the key is to do less than you think you need. There's a huge benefit in forcing yourself to not do any programming
Just starting this whole self improvement journey. It's going to sound really fucking edgy but I'm still intending to punch my own ticket in a year or so, once im sure im going to leave a decent looking corpse behind. Anyone have a recommendation for books that will prepare a person for death?
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
I stopped playing because I was constantly thinking of chess. Running, lifting, taking notes, playing rugby, taking a test. Anything I did involved me thinking of chess scenarios
>he didn't want to become a chess god
I've been reading maths texts for the past 5 years after CS+math bachelors. I'm at the point where I could go for a PhD in pure maths if I only knew what the fuck to write a thesis on.
Crossword puzzle
anything to do with category theory -- the new biggest meme in math
if you want something easier do ML
I barely reached 1200 on anyway so its not like I was improving. People who I played against kept doing the same things as well so it got kind of boring
You work for Bioware right?
You're the only smart one here
no, facebook
If you're not doing the KING's gambit, you can't call yourself a man
take the 4 player chess pill
Whats that?
never gonna make it has a 4player version that is fucking stupid and basically just politics with no other skills required
i did that once and 2 guys ragequit or something and I won. Wasn't that fun
Sometimes drawing which I should do now to continually practice and get better along with my green owl friend with trying to learn Spanish.
Thinking about brushing up on my math once again with this once I am more comfortable with Spanish.
I browse Jow Forums