How the fuck do you spend an hour a day doing repetitive motions which provide no stimulation except dull pain without wanting to kill yourself?
After 10 minutes im done, not because of the burn or whatever i just cant look at paint dry while having my apendages squeezed slightly too hard
How the fuck do you spend an hour a day doing repetitive motions which provide no stimulation except dull pain without...
Depression, self hate, having a physical ideal to strive for, embracing the suffering as necessary for growth. It doesn't hurt so bad, it just makes you a little 'tight', not sore.
>Not reading or listening to podcast during workout for mind and body gains.
Just admit that you're weak willed and move on.
cultivate discipline nerd
Have you ever played a sport? Its all repitition brother. Honestly working out is no more boring than getting good at any other tactile skill plus you get endorphins if you actually work out longer than 10min
Spot has something there. I fucked it anyway because you need to be proficient as an adult to play sports again and i left soccer too early and my body was too useless and clumsy and i was too mentally fucked to keep playing cricket so i stopped because they couldn't drop me because of numbers.
Ive never denied this
Oh and to continue excerise making you feel good in any way is a fucking meme, at least for me. When ive had 30-40 min workouts afterwords i just feel sore and when i lived in Europe for a bit and rode 10-30km a day on a bike i felt as shitty as ever
You have the willpower of a goldfish. Stay weak
life is repetitive
Jokes on you I go to the gym for 2 hours
>an hour
I do 3-4
If you aren't having fun then you aren't going hard enough.
>No stimulation except dull pain
>Appendages squeezed slightly too hard
>Can't go through ten minutes of a workout
Get the fuck off this board you weak willed faggot, go complain to your wive's boyfriend if it hurts too much to workout.
Masochism derived from both sexual and physical abuse in my childhood
Yeah we get it you're superior. Im not talking about pain im talking about boredom. Its an objectively boring and slightly unpleasant thing to do. Mabye its my shitty body but its either slow or i can do it for a bit then my muscles just stop being able to and thats it. Id also struggle to watch paint dry for an hour a day.
The results should keep you commited. Unless your workouts shit, your diets shit, and your sleep is shit too.
Get yourself some bluetooth headphones and just listen to music while doing it.
Its kinda hard as a beginner to keep going because well, you have a shit body but once you start to notice how your body is changing you will most likely keep going
How long does it take? Every stint of body weight or when i had home gym has done nothing after a few weeks/months so I couldn't make myself do it anymore. And also if i do go to the gym im gaurenteed to make a fuckwit of myself multiple times by doing shit wrong
it took me a like 5-8 months to get my bearings. Just do SL 5x5 as a beginners programme. and eat a lot of protein. Don't expect much changes in the first 1-3 months
Yeah i can't brute force myself spend hundreds of bucks and hours to mabye look a bit better in 3-12 months
Nobody even looks remotely good in a year of lifting unless they roid. Don't be lazy
Absolutely not gonna make it
>an hour
brother I am there for two hours HH
What is even your goal. Why do you even want to lift?
>spend hundreds of bucks
how tho
Just eat better
>How long does it take?
A lot, you will probably notice that you can flex your muscles after like 3 months lifting but big muscles 1 year minimum.
You really shouldnt lift if you don't enjoy it.
What routine are you on?
Because the gym costs $15 a week
I want to be not a fat cunt but i cant cut at 1200 calories which i need to since drinking is the only social thing i do with friends and family because theres nothing else to do
Whats ur routine?
>but i cant cut at 1200 calories
If you are gonna get those calories from drinking, then don't eat.
A can of tuna has like 120 calories man
150 grams of chicken breast 200 tops
>1 hour a day
Not going to make it
Full body every day 3 hours
I did curles, bench presses, front squats and calf raises. Hated it and now moved away from gear.
Tried planks, pushups, squats, same shit but i can do them anywhere. Except they don't even do much for muscles
Doing excercise bike and its the best but theres too many people around at the moment so haven't much the last week.
I need a fucking reason and it has to be concrete not an abstract one so i can suffer for hours to be like what most people are naturally
Do people really not enjoy pain?
I work out to expel my inner frustrations with life. I'm not depressed anymore and am pretty happy, but I still have this inner fire
I tap into a primal version of myself that gives 0 fuckes about anything. After a workout, I stare at the reflection of my upper body on the treadmill tv while running shirtless at the highest speed you can set it to. All the while grunting loudly every breath
M8 adult cricket is mostly a competition to see who can take a catch without dropping their durrie. If you failed at adult cricket you may as well just get on the fucking dole and spend the rest of your life cultivating your mullet.
I manage to sit on an uncomfortable exercise bike for over an until I've pedaled fifteen miles, even when my legs ache and ass chafes cus I don't want to be any more of a fat disappointing fuck than I already am. If I can do it so can you, user.
I was too high a grade because its dying and i was in shit form and my spikes went so i was slipping everywhere and went for 32 off the second over of the match when we were defending 60
Im not going back
You're doing shit aimlessly and making excuses.
If you want an easy way to lose weight, just do coke. Do that for long enough and you'll realise you still look like shit and maybe come to understand that you learn more from working out that just picking shit up and putting things down. Discipline, appreciation for a job well done, seeing things through to their conclusions.
You're weak willed. You've got bigger problems than just your weight.
Yeah i know but nobody tells you how to work on will strength and just calls you a faggot.
That's funny to me because I want to kill myself when I'm not doing the motions and waiting impatiently until the next time I can do them.
Here's something that I have done for awhile now.
Take some time and write down things that you want for yourself. Be broad if you struggle to think of something, but also be realistic. For me, I wanted to be a Paramedic and play the piano, and not be a fatass. So those three things I wrote down.
I then said I am gonna try make a schedule where each day, I have to spend some time to do each of those. Since I was a lazy cunt, it took me 3 weeks to write the schedule. I took it easy and at the end of the week, I wrote down what I accomplished and compared it to when I was severely inactive. Over time, I tried to be better and better and with that, I felt better about myself. In the beginning, I was hitting it with about 15-20% accuracy but I got better.
Try something like that. See how you go. Logging progress is the only way actualise improvement.
I enjoy pushing my body to the limit. You just need some music to pump you up
I do one set only 6 for legs 8 uppers 30 minutes three times a week so there.
Exercise is literally medicine. Without pushing the body it just falls to shit and do does the brain.
I enjoy the post-workout endorphine rush and the light tingling sensation in the following day
That said, I'd rather be doing a martial art or something, but because of work and my thesis I can't since unlike the gym, I can't just squeeze it when I can
Never gonna make it
I feel ya op, I was just like you but like five years later it just became a habit.
The only thing that’s boring as fuck though and unchanged is cardio, goddamn it’s so fucking boring.
Wrong. The most alive and 'truly myself' is during an cycle ride or that 30 mom to 1 hour post gym.
You can't think of it like that. You have to think of it as the work necessary to build a better product, in this case your body.
If you were restoring an old car you wouldn't consider the process of sanding and painting to be especially stimulating on its own without thinking about how what you are doing is going towards a final product that will be a marked improvement over what is there.
This is why everyone talks about gains. Once you start to feel and see them you'll get it.
Shut up, fag.
>cant withstand a little pain
>cant withstand a littlr boredom
>no discipline
>doesnt aspire to greatness
>probably overweight incel
You know you dont have to post on this board right?
>after ten minutes im done, its too repetitive
>Bing Bing wahoo for 6 hours a day mashing the same buttons? No problem!
I do exactly this with my goals, and consider any day not getting closer to achieving at least one of them a wasted day. Do this OP it'll work. Also picture yourself in 5, 10, 15 years not having accomplished your goals and how you'll feel, that always motivates me.
How do you spend time practising anything to get better at it? Focus on the end goal and use the small improvements along the way as extra motivation. If you're really that bored working out, listen to some music or a podcast, or go with a friend.
I mean, its either that or spend that time in the day masturbating, which would then amount to the exact same thing you describe.
At least with the gym I'm improving my health and life in the process.
You have no motivation
Try hating yourself
I actually really enjoy lifting and it also helps me relieve stress. If you don't like it, find a different sport you like and do that.
Unironically this, robots like OP love using self-hatred as an excuse to not work out and not put in any effort.
What you should be doing is using self-hatred to push yourself harder every day, it will hurt for awhile but the satisfaction is worth more than the pain
nice namedrop
On this episode of "OP wants to complain but won't take any real advice"
Go do a form of exercise you find fun then. I like this one.
Working out is fun user, a great way to de stress and cope with life's problems. Then you get a chemical high after.
I tried killing myself three times before going to the gym. I already felt extreme emotional pain, physical pain is nothing. I go to the gym 2 hours 5 days a week. I forget myself in there. Leaving humanity behind.
You can't out-exercise a shit diet. Of course you won't see changes if you're eating like a retard
Based zoomer destroyer
either a good troll or a sweaty neckbeard. if the latter, please kys faggot
>repetitive motions which provide no stimulation except dull pain
you just described every hour of my day except sleeping and lifting
Found the guy with shit genes
My shit has to come out one way or the other, just take a book woth you fag
>user tries exercise for the first time
>Realizes it's really hard
>Makes up a bunch of whiny bullshit excuses for why he doesn't want to do it any more
>Posts them on Jow Forums because he has no one in real life to complain to
You're fucking pathetic
You have the attention span and discipline of a child, and as a reward you get the body of a child.
It sounds like you're putting an absolutely abysmal effort into everything physical you try, so probably at least a year. A competent, decidated person will see results within 2 months.
Then don't dumbshit. You've spent this whole thread complaining and telling us you don't want to lift, so don't. Find another hobby, video games seem more suited to your low effort, high stimulation lifestyle.
Don't you listen to music when you go to the gym?
You're just full of excuses aren't you
What podcasts fren?
Stop giving up on shit the instant it gets hard. It's that simple. Eventually it will become a habit. That habit is called will power.
Maybe try a more intense sport if you have such a low attention span, such as bouldering, combat sports, or rugby/football
>provide no stimulation except dull pain
It's honestly sad that some people feel like this. I don't know if it's actually that you feel like that or that you perceive the sensation as "dull pain".
The "rush" I get from working out is amazing. It's better than anything I have yet to experience.
It’s a mindset
This seems like really good advice, I'll have to try it out.
If boredom is the main issue, try learning more complex/technical lifts.
I listen to Sleepycabin when I’m doing my accessories, even though I probably look like a retard trying to stifle laughter whilst doing cable tricep extensions
The greatest sin in this world is that sleepycabin ended
What user??
Lifting is literally the most immersive MMORPG of all time, it’s just facts
I’ve been just about able to cope with Oneyplays and The Very Positive Stream for continued doses of The Funny™