Is it true if you shill your youtube channel on Jow Forums, you become famous overnight?

Is it true if you shill your youtube channel on Jow Forums, you become famous overnight?

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it generally takes regularity to build an audience

lel no, I've been doing that for ages

Where the fuck did you even get that idea?

>it generally takes regularity
John tron releases like 1 video every 4 months. Explain that.

Yeah, after he's already become popular

You'll probably become popular with the FBI. Especially if you're an incel and post incel like things

sounds like a regular interval to me

but think of all the friends you'll make online! So many friends!

why do you have funny girl hair user, shave it off bud

Do you guys like VHS tapes & Retro Anime? Please say yes.

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I just like having long hair, I tried cutting it and I hated the result

At least you had the courage to record yourself. Most people don't even bother.

haven't made a video in years, but may start again soon

seriously, if anyone posts some kind of booze, and I can find it in my area, I will make a video review of it

you haven't even posted a video in a year ya tripfag

Not exactly. You have to basically cater to r9k to get robots to watch their videos.
These two videos are my most popular ones, and they strongly relate to Jow Forums and r9k. However...
These two videos are #3 and #4 of my favorite videos I've ever made, but have less than 100 views each. They also don't appear to have any sort of relation with Jow Forums on the surface (even tho there are Jow Forums references within them, especially the Spider-Man one).

I've only shilled my channel and videos to r9k as well, so I think it is worth concluding that you have to give robots content made specifically for r9k in order for your channel to be successful because of r9k.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

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I know, but I want to make more
just post some kind of booze, and I will review it

Is there anything original you can still do on youtube? Hasn't everything been done?

Mad thad is out of prison now isn't he? We need an update.

No the system just sees you as a spammer nobody watches

1 million subs
household name