That feel when no justice

>that feel when no justice

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>people want another Season of Death Note

They do? I just want a remaster without the Near and Mello shit

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All he had to do was write their names down! Goddamnit that ending pissed me off

Mikami is a dumb faggot and the sole reason Light lost to that faggot Near.

Yeah. it would be nice to include some stuff from the manga such as the cult.

I haven't watched Death note in years, but Mikami is still the best character.

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No it was the writer being a stupid faggot which made him not write their names down. Everyone who asked for season 2 should go fuck themselves because it was impossible to outdo season 1's ending- and then they ended season 2 in the worst way imaginable by giving the """"good guys"""" plot hax

and the good guys didn't even get to keep the Death Note for research since Ryuk took it back.

>mfw he literally ruined everything because he strayed from his daily routine just once

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