Why are most men damaged goods?

Why are most men damaged goods?

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Because most men are weak-willed. We were raised on a culture that told us masturbation is good, poorn is good, instant gratification is good and everything is hypersexualized. We also grew up in a time where female sexual liberation has been occuring for a while so there is more coochie available out there than a hundred years ago. The traditional marriage has been ruined by women's ability to divorce their husbands easily (yes it is women who divorce like 80% of the time but we all knew that). As a result men fear commitment because in the long run that means probably means you will get chopped in half when you are 45 and prenups don't even help that much. And if we can't get into commited relationships there is yet again one more reason why it's more difficult for us to remain pure.

In conclusion the cultural shift of the last 100 years have made it increasingly difficult for men to remain pure and that has caused all men to snap and ruin themselves.

I can't help myself. I NEED to masturbate at least every few days or else I start to feel the semen build up and have wet dreams that fill my undies.

And why are wet dreams a bad thing? I never understood this argument

Tfw my dick and my wife's pussy are yellow banana tier after 30 years of marriage.

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I'd like it if I could remember them, and it's annoying to have a stinky wet mess in my panties when I wake up.

Penis owner here. This is true.

Orgasms aren't half as good anymore. It's all so numb I actually felt more by putting stuff up my butt... for a while. Now that's ruined too only instead of not feeling as good anymore I also have hemorrhoids and it looks really fucking nasty. Doctor says I have amazing anal function and it's like I actually made my anus stronger, but it looks weird and wrinkly and almost looks like it unfolds. Doctor says it isn't prolapse though, apparently my anus got so strong and tense it sucks the surrounding tissue in until it relaxes.

Masturbation only ruins it if it's death grip. That's not to say it's not bad to do at all, but you have a chance.
In fact, edging makes it bigger.

Lack of discipline.
Mansluts shall be hanged like the whore they sinned with.

I have a simple solution
>line condom with a couple of tissues, should cover penis completely
>wear before bed when that time comes
>just take off tissue condom and and wash penis in the morning