Why wont more women become eThots?

You can make more money than a doctor just by updating your feed once in a while. And you will have fun as well, playing video games. If you want, you can do ASMR and just do whatever, like eating chocolate next to a mic. And if you're ugly, you can just become a political commentator. Just bash multi culturalism/immigration and so on.

Why doesn't more women become eThots?

Attached: Delphine.jpg (1242x918, 163K)

You see OP, some humans have this attribute ... how was it called again?

Dignity, you faggot.

and become an insufferable cunt? no thanks

How to make a lot of money and retire earlier? There has to be a simple way right?

Only the best looking ones can and then they want the top chad to settle with and he doesnt settle with girls like that

Why won't you win the lottery instead? You can easily make millions. Lots of people have done it, why can't you?

>best looking
Explain pokimane

It is no fun to play and win so easily.

Uggo girls are e-thots unless it's a niche thing they are playing or wearing

Some ugly ones fix it by adding lots of make up and parrot Jow Forums. Like Lauren Southern.