Hello Jow Forums, hop by for a minute, let's have a chat!
How has your night/day been going? How are you feeling? ...why? What hurts your feelings? Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? What do you do to get rid of stress? What are you going to do this weekend? Want to talk about something else? choose the topic and type away...
not effeminate enough to answer your questions but it can be summed up as life sucks
Eli Cook
Smoothly. Tired because I have not slept. Feelings do not a material form and can not be hurt. Close is but a filler word for potential. And that is not lost without the self. Stress is but a feeling, immaterial and disperse by itself. The weekend is far and there are no courses set for the charts are yet to be drawn. Something else is neither an option or a choice. It is what it is.
Aiden Walker
>How has your night/day been going? it was fine during 4:30 am to 7:30. after that everything went to shit as i wageslave at 9 am. >How are you feeling? ...why? bad as always >What hurts your feelings? self-consciousness, waking up, wageslaving and not being a common person. >Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? to lose a friend, you must have one first. which i never had >What do you do to get rid of stress? Lifting while listening to my fav songs >What are you going to do this weekend? wagecuck at 8 am to 2 pm. after that i'll spend the rest of the weekend on my computer. >Want to talk about something else? tell me, are you a neet or a wagecuck like me? if you are a neet, how do you handle the fact that one day you're going to have to wageslave to survive? if not, how do you tolerate working in a place filled with people you hate 8 hours a day, and doing activities you don't like? also phoneposting from my job, kek.
same user, didnt get any sleep at all and now im just wearing myself out, sounds kinda poetic :)
haha, im not a wakecuck neither am i a neet, yet atleast, im still going to school and all kinds of different courses to get some skills in IT, thats what im aiming for, though im sure ill start off in some fast food joint before i get to do anything with IT, but i have worked before, i didnt work for 8 hours, i went for 11, it sucked rotten dicks, everyone was toxic, pretentious, always talked about everyone behind their backs, etc, i just downloaded some graphicaudio and slaved through the day with that
>everyone was toxic, pretentious, always talked about everyone behind their backs ha! i'll drink to that. npcs never really do change do they? same thing here on my job. i guess it's a common human thing to always be a dipshit towards the others on a job.
sometimes it feels so good just lying in bed and thinking about the nature of existence it feels like I have reached enlightenment and dont need to worry about anything ever again anyone relate
Liam Watson
i could relate a bit i guess, but not with laying down, but alcohol helps me get there :)
alcohol helps me too, user. but sometimes I just lie in bed and, being autistic, think of everything I can think of, existence always included. then I think of what I know already and it makes me smile and feel really peaceful about existing.
Logan Davis
i guess i can drag my thoughts away from my shitty situation and just fantasize or just think about things, but its one of those things that as soon as i stop it comes back immediately, what do you usually drink?
Five dollar vodka, usually. I don't really care that it tastes like piss if it does its job. However, I used to drink much more before, and then I had an existential breakdown and realized nothing matters and we are unironically all just small and insignificant parts of the universe, and then I stopped caring, so I don't really feel the need to drink anymore.
Jose Nelson
Sometimes I also daydream of things, though, like being held and loved. Genuinely superior to real life.
Carson Rogers
know the feel of taking vodka just to get drunk, in fact im kinda drunk on vodka right now, planning on getting something smoother soon though, you ever had something that you actually enjoyed drinking because of the taste and not to get drunk?
aye, just the idea of being loved feels better than real life, some mornings actually think of ending it since the dream was so great and im happy that i finally got my shit together, aaand i wake up, realize im gonna have yet a another shitty day and that im gonna hate it all, atleast these comfy threads keep my mood up, what are your daydreams like user? id like to know more details if you dont mind telling me :)
Wow, user. I am also drunk on vodka right now. I'm you. And no, I don't normally care to buy myself alcohol that tastes good if it going to be more expensive to buy. I like saving my money so I can waste more of it on five dollar vodka. I am also sending you a hug which I hope makes you feel better about life. No homo. About my daydreams, usually I just imagine someone next to me, hanging out with me and just being glad to spend time with me, or having a conversation with me about whatever (during which I talk to myself and then respond in the way I believe this person would). I also sometimes imagine someone next to me on the subway or whatever, and again talk to them in my mind. Sometimes I also lie in bed and hold onto a pillow and imagine I am next to someone who loves me and cares about me.
Jeremiah Ortiz
haha, sounds alot like me, i would want some better tasting stuff but vodka is cheaper so i always go for that, about that daydreaming, it sounds alot like i dream, but i have less conversations and imagine what it would feel like to old someone when you fall asleep or how it would feel to wake up with someone next to you or that someone preparing breakfast for you, just anything, i really need some affection... Heres a hug for you too
Pretty ok I guess nothing to special as per usual How has your day/night been going user?
>How are you feeling?
Anxious but I have a shit ton of cbd in me so I'm relaxed as fuck
Something comfy I hope u all have the best day/night I'm so thankful for Jow Forums as I feel like I've got a sense of community that I can really open to thank you Jow Forums :)))
Evan Hughes
Matthew Campbell
id rather not go close to homo :( but a roomie to drink away the night with would be magical, do you have a roommate now? if so what are they like?
im glad you like us, though dont get too used to that feeling of being a part of a community on r9k, some people here can be extremely toxic, but i try to make these threads for people to come together and have a friendly chat :) i hope to see you around more often user, have a great time
i just realized my wording was horrible, i didnt mean youre gay, i meant id rather not start doing homo suggestive stuff like that, hope i didnt drive you off with that
>How has your night/day been going? Went to gym, so it's alright. Could be better tho, woke up at 4pm, completely broke down my schedule so I'm lost here. >How are you feeling? ...why? Stressed due to preparations in my job search going astray >What hurts your feelings? Myself by thinking a bit too hard about myself, and nothing else. >Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? Yes, because of a long time passing not seeing eachother. It's not one guy too, it's all of them. >What do you do to get rid of stress? I talk about it, I play, I think deeply about stuff, I work on my theisis, I get myself busy >What are you going to do this weekend? Talk to my parents, it's been a month. Work on my theisis like everyday, work out like everyday, work on my Japanese like everyday, maybe drink a bit on saturday at the import liquor store, try to not procrastinate for most of my day
But I am actually gay, user. That's why I come across as a faggot. This is also not why I am responding slowly, it is just that the public wifi I'm using is being compete shit. Anyway, no, I don't have a roommate right now. I live with my parents. However, it sounds pretty much like the ideal life to me, living in an apartment with a roomie who doesn't absolutely hate you and being able to share the costs and also hang out together and have fun. Would love to do this someday.
Jose Powell
Day's been going cool. Like every other NEET day for past 8 months I've lost the regular feels. Its all like clockwork. It just happens My dad and his expectations He just won't talk to me. I dunno why. Maybe he's busy. Maybe I am getting boring. Lord knows Bicycling and Running. Started biking back in july and running in november. I can now run 7k no stop and kike 70k no stop Going to a friend's house like 200kilometers away. He lives alone. We drink and play drunk Counter strike in his house My body hurts
Remember bros. No need to suffer anything. Suicide is always an option and you don't owe anyone anything ever
Caleb Rogers
>How has your night/day been going? Pretty good Ive been with my cat alone for most of it >How are you feeling? ...why? Tired, just woke up What hurts your feelings? When someone purposefully ignores me without a reason Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? Yes just a friend due to complications but it is in the past What do you do to get rid of stress? I draw, sleep, and clean >What are you going to do this weekend? Going to out to eat for my moms birthday >Want to talk about something else? choose the topic and type away... Nothing in particular >Post something comfy while youre here :) I dont have any comfy photos to share however Id like to remind each robot that bad times, are just times that are bad.
Dominic Hill
I am a NEET. I actually want to be a wagie right now but can't find a job. I was actually happy when I was a wagie. Days passed without having to think. I was sad but content.
Why Japanese user? Are you planning to go to Japan or just learning? Its always fun practicing a new language
Brandon Bailey
I also want to say I love everyone in this thread. I hope you all have a great day today.
John Sanchez
>Are you planning to go to Japan That's the thing: I'm already there. thanks to my uni offering undergrad education in english I've been able to go through uni without speaking Japanese past the basics. Now that I need to find a job I'm more or less fucked if I don't
Pretty comfy user Im jealous, I would love to visit there. Good luck on your job search.
Aiden Perry
what do you usually play user? also it wouldnt hurt to know more about what you think deeply about, if you dont mind talking about it ofcourse :)
i dont have anything against gays myself, i just prefer that they understand im different and dont prefer men, if they understand that i see no reason why not to be a friend with them, you sound like a comfy guy, i hope you find someone soon user :) Id really love the idea of sharing a room with a comfy guy, its a little dream i guess, but kind of impossible at the moment as i said in im still attending school, a friend proposed we share an apartment if we both get expelled from our schools due to our pathetic states
remember anons, suicide IS an option, but its a bad one :) your friend sounds comfy and maybe try calling your father out for a drink or a coffee some weekend? that may be all thats needed to fix it, vent to each other and maybe things can get better :)
cats are nice... i try not to ignore anyone on these threads, i hope that makes you feel a bit better user :) im sorry youre having bad times user, hope you get better soon :) maybe stick around? you never know maybe youll have a convo with an user that'll make you feel better.
know that feeling, kinda empty, maybe try finding a part time job somewhere? theyre not that long and should fill up some of the void :)
cheers user :)
damn, sounds rough, good luck with your studies user. how has your experience been there so far?
>Im jealous, I would love to visit there Don't be. It's a great country to visit, an okay country to study, a downgrade or a sidegrade for everything else (except maybe job security)
Fine I guess, not like much ever happens to stimulate me enough to care about anything
Julian Rodriguez
>How has your night/day I've been messing around in Ace Combat 7 and waiting for my GPU today, and attempting to do some minor modding for Stellaris tonight. >How are you feeling? ...why? I'm feeling pretty shit. I've had my weekly realisation that my life is going to be shit and there's nothing worth doing because I'm just a minute cog in the machine that's easily replaceable. >What hurts your feelings? Being unable to get any job that would benefit me and make me happy because life just had to deal the shittiest hand of cards to me regarding jobs. >Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? I haven't lost any, but I am slowly losing them. I'd rather not disclose who they are, but they're all drinking/drug buddies that I went to school with, and my other non-druggie friends have all left for university south of here. >What do you do to get rid of stress Nothing, but I somehow forget that I have stress, and then it all comes flooding back to me like always. >What are you going to do this weekend? Test my GPU out, redeem the codes that come with it, then box it away for when I can afford the rest of my PC. >Want to talk about something else? Nah, I just came in here to vent and talk to myself, then leave. I always do this.
Nolan Cook
>what do you usually play user? Bunch of stuff, csgo until it stopped being fun, dota if I'm with friends that play it, but generally it's "make your own story" type of games. Rimworld, Civ V, Hearts of Iron IV, even VRchat sometimes. Right now I'm also into an indie game by the name of wargroove, being a sort of spiritual successor to advance wars. >also it wouldnt hurt to know more about what you think deeply about I'm weak, unable to impose my will onto anyone. I keep on thinking about what I could be doing, get ideas, pipe dream about them, dream too far, then fail at step 1. Now I aprehend my own ideas with dread. I realize that people hang around with me to talk about themselves, not because I am worth talking to. Then I think about my own value, why would people talk to me? I have no expertise, just interests. I could bore you for years with that kind of stuff. >how has your experience been there so far? Ah well... there's been great stuff, especially in the early years, I still get good and new experiences once in a while. Definitally better than at home. I felt like I accomplished something when I came here. Now things are different, I've seen what there was to see, experienced what there was to experience, fun time's over time to work. so of course it's not as fun. The country's still extremely comfy tho.
>it's an endless cycle couldn't have said better. always the same shit. at least by being a wagie i have money to buy stuff now. in 2 months and 15 days i'll be able to afford a new computer for example. there are days in which i feel like a neet with a job, instead of working i'll play a n64 emulator and watch youtube videos. i'm actually phoneposting from my iob in this exact moment also. don't forget,minimum wage equals minimum effort, never EVER work hard in a min wage job. why? it'll drain you out, and everyday you'll feel like leaving the job.
Oh? whats the GPU? Also what specs you plan on having for that build? dont leave just yet, i make these for people to vent and maybe even chat with afterwards
Rimworld is quite nice, is VRChat good? im planning on getting a Vive soon and dont know if i should include that in my "plan to play" list Bullshit, you are worth talking to user, this is the very reason i make these, to listen to you guys and have a chat with you, what are your interests? you never know we might have the same ones :) glad to hear theres something positive left about the country
Money has kind of lost its charm on me. My dad and mum receive their pension and they moved in with me some 3 years ago so I don't like or long for money like I once used to but you are right about the minimum effort part. I actually started 4 chan while I was a wagie. Bored off my balls, one day fired up this website
Xavier Anderson
.I get it, user. If we are going to do anything about gay acceptance, we also need to accept straight people are not, in fact, gay, and don't need to get involved. I also get straight people who hate gay people, because it is honestly understandable with how they act. However, I would still really enjoy hugging you in a friend way. Because I love you, user. I hope you have a good life. I also hope I find someone soon, but I won't, so my imaginary boyfriends are good enough for me. And I ALSO hope eventually you get a roommate, but not necessarily by being expelled from school. You also CAN finish school, I believe in you.
Nathan Watson
>is VRChat good? i Try the non VR mode first to get a taste of it. If you like non-sense and kafkaesque adventures this game is for you. Escapism at its finest >you are worth talking to user I am not sure how to check that. I was able to verify that most people like to talk to themselves through the medium of others tho. >what are your interests? Modern History, behavioralism, formerly international relations, a bit of philosophy, graphic design to an extent, esports (formerly I guess haven't been keeping up with the scene since I stopped casting), beer, of course anime (it's a requirement here for foreigners), politics to the extent that I don't have to convince anyone... yeah that's more or less it for now, it changes every now and then
Don't worry, I'll deliver the (you) to the right address
Mason Green
I am in public right now, sitting next to this kind of famous building, observing normies and also drinking and smoking. I am also here to say that I LOVE ALL OF YOU ANONS. SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU. I love you so much, user. Yes, YOU. I do not care how much you suck. I love you.
Jacob Wilson
I hope you have a great day, user. I hope you see this and have it. You deserve it. Yes, YOU again. I do mean YOU in particular. I love you.
Yes, it is me, gay user. Being a faggot has shown me how to achieve a higher state of awareness. I love you so fucking much, user, but I don't want you to be gay or anything. You ARE. PERFECT. just the way you are. I also understand society, in general, may not like you, but I love you, so fucking much, but if the opinion of one person matters to you, I love you, user. I fucking love you.
Luis Powell
user! I hope one day you have a girlfriend and everything else you desire. however, thank you for existing and telling me you love me. I love you too, user. I am sending you one million good vibes.
Charles Ortiz
it's nice to see you drunk and having a good time, do drop by the threads again, id be glad to see you again sometime :)
thank you :) if you don't mind me, I will be here all the time. I like comfy threads very much, compared to the general attitude of r9k. and I also hope YOU, in particular, succeed in life, because you sound like a great human being, user. I love you so much.
Owen Scott
> ill shut up now Don't! You're doing this for a reason, that reason didn't change, so keep going, keep ranting, stay true to yourself! >im planning on passing out at 5 to catch up with my sleepless night today Seems like me yesterday, fucked up my entire schedule by staying up until 5 for no reason. Enjoy your sleep user, you deserve it
Brayden Rivera
its not for no reason, ill try to keep this short basically i got some homework, id like to say it was more like torture, 1st finish a fucking 200page book about some edgy cunt drug dealing, then make a 200 word essay about who you would want to be on a movie set, dont forget a 400word long comparison about the 2 most boring topics possible at the moment, you thoght that is all? well i had a night 5 page long homework in my mother language so that was a fun night, still havent done 50% fuck this skipped school because had to finish that book so i guess thats a plus
don't let sober you forget about us, i really do want to see you again, you're a fun person
above doesnt only apply to drunkbro here, i want to see you all again in the other threads
>how has you night/day been going? Terrible, I've been up all night and haven't slept since last morning and I have college with no motivation to do any work ever. >How are you feeling? Why? Feeling like shit all day every day because I have no motivation to do absolutely anything at all In terms of work or anything I enjoy like vidya >What hurts your feelings? Living. >Have you ever lost a close friend? No, my best friend is one of the only reasons I'm alive. >What do you do to get rid of stress? Nothing, I can't get rid of stress no matter what I do, it just disappears randomly sometimes. >What are you going to do this weekend? Sit at home because my mates are going out and I can't handle another weekend of being one uped by them constsntly asking girls out and fucking. >Want to talk about something else? I'm not good at talking about anything interesting since the only things I'm into are degen shit like anime, vidya and a bit of music.
Joshua Sanchez
oh, look at that, what a coincidence, im also into vidya, anime and quite alot into music, so i could chat with you no problem user, though i wont have alot of time, i have maybe 30-60mins left before i go pass out
I won't let sober me forget, user. Sober me does not, in fact, forget anything I have ever done. Would you like to exchange discords? I would like to be your friend on there, if you use it. And YES, I am a discord fag. Saddening.
Brandon Hernandez
hahaha, dont worry about fag i hope to make this community accepting to everyone, you know instead of just exchanging discords, would ya mind hopping in here too?
It's alright, I just needed to vent a bit since the new year has made me feel like utter shit about everything. Wouldn't be much of a conversation anyway.
Don't have any pictures of my cat to post comfy so a description will have to do, she is a little tortoiseshell cat named pika who's moody and likes rubs.
Connor Sullivan
I know life can be hard, but what have you all discovered that helps you find happiness, or at least makes your days more comfortable?
I foster kittens for a local rescue group. Caring for them, helping them to grow, seeing their progress through life, I feel as if I have accomplished something. When they go off to be adopted, I feel sad to let them go, but that was always the plan. I played my part in their life, and that is enough.
>How has your night/day been going? very well. I went to the gym in the morning and after that I have been sitting on my ass playing vidya. >How are you feeling? ...why? I am feeling good for having worked out, and I am feeling excited because mom is about to come home from work and cook dinner. >What hurts your feelings? IDK, I have pretty much removed myself from any kind of situation that can hurt me. >Have you ever lost a close friend? ...who? Not really. Had a few friends when I was a kid who I eventually grew apart from because of my autism, but I wouldn't describe them as close. They were just kids from my neighborhood who my mom forced me to socialize with sometimes >What do you do to get rid of stress? I sit by myself and get a feeling of peace and quiet. Rarely happens that I get stressed anymore though. >What are you going to do this weekend? Nothing in particular. I am a NEET so I just spend my weekends like I spend my weekdays, which is pretty much just gym and vidya >Want to talk about something else? choose the topic and type away... I am currently just a few steps away from being granted permanent disability for my autism. For the last two years I have received autismbux while being evaluated by work specialists and stuff, and they have finally come to the realization that I have no ability to work, so permanent disability is coming my way. This is very comfy and a huge load off my mind, although I technically knew that I would eventually get disability the moment I received my diagnosis. Life is very comfy right now, robots.
Christopher Fisher
oh, tortoiseshells look so fluffly, i hope you can post one sometime in the future
taking care of kittens must be amazing
i wanna feel that...
im happy for you, sorry but i cant chat, atm, i need some sleep, scroll up a little and youll see why, hope you have a good chat with others, if not check back tomorrow, ill probably have a new one put up :)