Do you have a stacey sister, /r0k/?

do you have a stacey sister, /r0k/?

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Yes, I have two.

My sister is 10. I hope she turns out ok but I'm worried

my sister is objectively a 7 or 8 out of 10. college educated, tall, always in shape, high power corporate job. marrying some chad whose father is partner at some mid tier level law office down town.

and i'm here. neet since 2015. we truly are living in the age of the foid.

Sick of racebait

My sister was a Stacy, but now she's a burnt out roastie because she was too picky with her choice of men before hitting the wall. She even turned down Two (2) millionaires who were both bro tier.

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Yeah me too. Wish my filters actually fucking worked.

I already killed her.

are yo uupset, queero?

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what's worse? a chad little brother or a stacey big sister?