What is fits idea of a Balanced Breakfast? I'm sure a lot of people are going to say Fast or they don't eat breakfast. For those who do eat breakfast, what do you eat? I'll start my day usually with
>Sometimes Bacon
>Or just a protein shake with some fruit
How to eat a Balanced Breakfast
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I eat Reeeeses Puffs with chocolate milk because I'm a fatass that eats breakfast
>8 oz skim milk
>1 Tbsp peanut butter
>1 frozen banana
>0.5 cup oatz
>0.5 cup cottage cheese
>1 scoop whey
>1 scoop fiber powder
>eating eggs with yellows
>wanting more useless omega-6
A doctor will tell you to eat the yolk because it has good cholesterol in it you gigantic waste of brain synapses.
>milk or water
>frozen berries (any kind)
>nuts and raisin or any other dried fruit
>maybe some chia/flax seeds
>grated coconut if you are fancy
thats what I do. Sometimes I eat a salat on the side (spinach/kale with sweet bell pepper, tomatoes and red onions)
feeling great bros like I can kill a dragon
resourse: youtube.com
oats/bacon & eggs
Just 2 scoops protein and 1 scoop creatine usually.
good goy
I don't know what anyone means when they say a meal has to be "balanced" or why it has to be
sachiko is dumb af
"balanced" means are you getting the carbs, fats, proteins you're aiming for? are you getting some fiber? what about the vitamin content? Iron? Potassium?
For example, this includes a "balance" of many things.
As opposed to eating pizza or ice cream for breakfast.
Thats what "balanced" means ya goof.
Full fat Greek yogurt w nuts, and coffee w cream
I eat 14 eggs for that perfect 100 grams of protein.
My Overnight Whey chocolate oats
>3/4 Cup of Rolled Oats
>1 heaping tbsp of chocolate whey
>1 tbsp of cocoa powder
>2 tbsp of yogurt
>1 cup of whole raw milk
Fiber and slow digesting carbs from oats
high quality fats and fat soluble vitamins from milk and yogurt
Antioxidants and flavor from cocoa powder
extra fast digesting proteins and nice texture from whey
>chia seed
>flax seed
>dried cranberries
>teaspoon sugar
You know how I know you're gay?
>Adding sugar and fake sugar to food
>11 ingredients in a dish not made to get you laid
I ate an 6 ounce pork chop that was leftover from dinner, a glass of OJ a glass of milk and a glass of water
omega 6 is essential you dumb fuck
That's a retarded word for it. Balanced typically implies equality. Nobody eats an equal amount of macros and micros. You also aim for a daily goal, not per meal