Progress thread

fat fucking retard edition
show off your current progression
weight loss, weight gain, summer cut. whatever you're working on
not /cbt/2

Attached: 2019 progress fit version.png (3844x630, 3.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dude, you have to choose between morbid obesity and the Confederate flag. One or the other, okay?

Posted this before but whatever. 5'11 80kg=>70kg=>80kg=>73kg. Pic1 to pic2 took 3 months, pic2 to pic3 took 7 months and pic3 to pic4 took a bit over 2 months. Finally able to feel my upper abs to the touch, still got some fat in my lower abs tho, probably will keep going till about 70kg and then start bulking. I was planning to cut for about 3 to 4 months anyways so I can set myself up for a big long bulk.

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thats really good cut/bulk user, gj
fuckin clean
dont talk shit about dixie

Good job

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>Morbidly obese person is also retarded
Who could've thought
He's clearly a supporter who doesn't want you sullying the name through association
Holy shit how stupid does one have to be not to get this

>was 280
>now 190

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Think I remember you, I sent you a video to fix your posture

Different user my guy, first time I ever posted my image on Jow Forums.

>wah why fattie lose weight grrr
Jesus christ dude

What an absolute unit of a size, damn.

Yea i know im a disgusting monster
Workin on it tho
I'll hopefully be 200 or below by next year
In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute chonker

Hey good job buddeh.

I was a fatty too. Never got that big, 6' 260ish was my biggest but I respect the hustle. Keep it up.

Still early days but fuck it, fat fucking retard progress thread is where I belong.

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Ganbatte, if i can do it you can too
Thanl you fren

very content with this

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started bulking late january. i was 145 lbs at 6'2, dont know my current weight but i was 155 5 weeks so maybe a bit over 160 now.

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249.5lbs, March 22 /233lbs, May 12.

Not that noticeable, but we're getting there.

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how do i into big lats

what was your routine?

learn to row correctly. also weighted pullups & lat pulldowns

8 months

185-200lb lean bulk

goal: continue to stay lean, and increase strength numbers

how: low carb, high fat diet


Attached: 8 month progress pic.jpg (1466x1297, 615K)

Almost done with being /fat/ and working on being Jow Forums, 10kg to go.

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Dude, mirin hard
What's your routine? Height/weight?

Saw the weight so nvm that

You must never have been to the American South

thanks so much

6'4'' 200lbs age 32

routine ABxCDx (6 day cycle)
A- heavy deadlifts, light squats
B- heavy bench, light ohp
C- heavy squats, light deads
D- heavy OHP, light bench

plus a ton of pullups, no other accesories because basic basement gym

wtf happened to your bicep. there is a hole.

looks like a smudge on the mirror to me

>that on 101 kg
You are 190cm or something?

8 months? Well fuck.. Why do I even bother.. I'm not even remotely close to that after almost a year.

to be fair i am re-making my gains, which is different front starting from scratch, I have specified this in other threads... but hopefully you could tell that I wasn't completely untrained in the before pics.

I was Jow Forums about 5 years ago, and then i took about 4-5 years off / inconsistent training, so.. really this is all muscle memory.

don't get discouraged... there is no rush. this is very important to remember. No rush to get where you're going.

you're starting to look really good user, keep it up.

Thanks, I needed to hear that. I love working out, but I haven't been seeing the results I expected. This is obviously something I'm doing for the long haul, but it's difficult to figure out what I should realistically expect in terms of progress with all the fake natties out there.

Shave the beard man. I believe in the jawline

My progress is so fucking slow holy hell, but it's better than nothing.

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qt belly now congrats

Clean ur room

You went from completely unfuckable to "a couple of beers, then sure". Keep at it!

You look pretty good in all three, but you definitely have the fat distribution of someone who looks better on the thinner side. You look like you've lost enough weight already though. Now just maintain with cardio, maybe add a little weight training to tone, and your body will pretty much look as good as it can to most people with typical/normal taste. (I.E. not wheyfu and chubby chasers but pretty much most normies)

gj user, maybe look into strong curves if you haven't already
>that room

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Congrats. I am same boat, weight dropping but results not showing.

What is current workout and diet?

Thanks senpai. I actually want to lose about 15-20 more lbs. I have really fat thighs and cellulite on my ass that im trying to get rid of. Plus some of that annoying lower abdomen fat. I started a new job recently that's pretty physical which is nice, although I ran out of money recently and havent renewed my gym membership. Planning on doing that after I get paid this week though. Weather just got nice around here and that's when I really bloom, so im excited to see how I progress this summer.
Kekeke, thanks bud. My dream is something like pic related with better arms.

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Keep going anonette

I have a similar body type where my upper body gets very lean but my thighs stay huge, I have to cut to extreme leanness to get them to look thin. 100 lbs is where I look like this girl (Sophia Miacova... who also has my body type) at 5'4, so I assume you'd look that thin at 110.

Holy hell. I couldn't imagine being 110lbs.

Yeah I know, I couldn't imagine being 100. I thought I'd look good at 110, but I was still too chubby. Some girls look good at that weight, but my fat distribution means I need to go lower.

Good news is it's easy to maintain once you get there, getting that lean it is the hard part

6' 81kg, no gym near so every second or third day I just run with weight (35lbs and growing) for anything over 7km, usually atleast 9.5 to 10km w/ max push up and situps in 60seconds beforehand. If i cant do that because work i atleast get to walk 15+km a day easily more with 12lbs gear to make it up somewhat. But bad diet and often dont make calories for the day and if I do it's with shitty cheap food. Already slim/skinnyfat but no real definition and small arms. Stared to tone up a good bit all over though.

God knows how I'll turn out after a few more months of this, because betwee the labouring job and this it's all I have.

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I'm a total beginner at the gym so since I started I've only been following what the guy there told me to. I've been lurking a lot here, learning and trying to make my own workout, but still haven't put much thought into it. Regarding my diet, I follow a flexible diet, count macros, etc.

You were hot with your chubby belly now you look like a fag

Just flare your lats next time you take a progress pic and compare it to normal posture lmao

Brainlet question but is working out while cutting to prevent as little muscle mass loss as possible? Isn't it more or less biologically impossible to build muscle mass while at a caloric deficit?

bro don't post your nasty ass room on my forum again

that shit is straight up 300lb basement dweller tier gross... women are fucking nasty bro I swear

Clean your fucking room god damnit karen !!!

>Brainlet question but is working out while cutting to prevent as little muscle mass loss as possible? Isn't it more or less biologically impossible to build muscle mass while at a caloric deficit?
You can still build muscle and get stronger while cutting, specially if you are a newbie.

keep it up pokebitch

really getting there user

making it

have gone from 205 to 155 since december, my goal is 150, planning to lean bulk while running a PPL split once I get there

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i can see a part of your face in the mirror ;)

>this face
Please user dont kill anyone at your school


good job man

"fuck you cock sucker"

>User has been banned for this post


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Lost about 45lb in freedom units since 6 months ago. Thought I'd be happy with my body here but hate it.

Getting sick of cutting so thinking I'm gonna bulk and build some muscle before cutting back down.

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>girl posts
>gets 1000 (You)'s
This place really is fucking reddit 2.0.

Stfu faggot and kys

what was it?

ur room is fucking disgusting but ur totally ready for big black cock. grats

135-222 at 6'1

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ikr. He's such a queer lol. These incels man. XD

dude im not him, but even i can tell you've got some anger towards women. Girl posts up in the thread and ur at her throat. U should be at her pussy my dude. Quit being a fag.

How long did this take you?

neck gains r srs. When i look at my b4 and after's that's something that I really notice.

5 years lifting, gained a big chunk of the weight within 2 year though

feel like the last year i've made the most changes though desu

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gotta lean down fatty. X D

thats why im cutting now

enjoy being strong though so

gl man. Gunna look G00k3d out at 8-9percent man. I'll Cya there :P.

No, I said this place is reddit 2.0. I'm not at *her* throat. Nice projection though lol. It's just funny how everyone here says they lift to improve themselves, get stronger, gain mental fortitude, etc. but you all lose you're shit and give a roastie a million (You)'s asking for sex.

So, dude, literally go have sex lol. It ain't even a fucking meme at this point.

Post video. I need to fix my posture.

ur literally mad at guys giving girls attention. You don't love women. Women can smell a dude that holds the kind of resentment that you have for women from a mile away. I'm a slave to pussy. I love pussy. I want my big black cock inside of her vagina despite her shitty living conditions. Her pussy needs me as much as I need her pussy and I want her to be okay, fit and heallthy, because if she's okay, fit and healthy, then her pussy's okay, fit and healthy. Take a breather man and start loving pussy and not hating it like the stormfagging pussy hating incel that I know you are on the inside.

Not so much progress in kg terms but I have managed to somewhat permanently sink my "normal" weight that I can easily maintain so it doesn't go all the way up where I started again down by 6kg. By fasting mostly.

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75kg before. Now I'm 71.

Dude I love the supernatural tat. And good progress.

Attached: Two months transformation.jpg (1388x928, 201K)

cmon bb, don't do that to daddy.

looking good

Seriously women have it easy. They only have to fast and cardio. Now gym membership needed and lifting weights is only an option for them. Not much progress yet post a picture and gets a thousand (You)s and burying everyone who posted after her. Women shouldn't be allowed on Jow Forums. I'm getting sick of Jow Forums with this bullshit man.

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cmon man... see
Don't scare the pussy away. Love the pussy man...

thanks man wish I had those delts

Why do you keep posting this pic all over when it’s barely an improvement?

I don't actually have any respect for women empowerment. That's not real empowerment or an example of power. Only men have the need or necessity for aesthetic inspiration in their life cause their bodies manifests a genetic story that echoes through the ages. And that is true power. Women all look the same to me just at different body fat %.

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Tell me about your traps user. What have you been doing to them?


Bait is supposed to be subtle user

don't want to make you feel like shit but i've lost 45lbs this year and i was only 5'9 195lbs to start with so it's not like i was fat