Why does my friend keep telling me he likes me

Why does my friend keep telling me he likes me.
He also digs at me by calling me boring and weird.

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i really don't know fellow user

What's his name fembot. Spill it out.

Im a boy.


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He's probably gay and doesn't know to flirt

>he has a GF and he's not a faggot

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Is your friend 14? Are you 14?

he wikes uuu... but dudnt kno hao 2 expwess it!!111! xD

I'm 21 he's 23.

He keeps giving me the TALK.
You know, just be more confident brah, you can do it. I hate when he looks at me with him disappointed.

Makes me feel so uncomfortable. I'm like his beta friend.

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when it comes to situations like this, even though youre the femanon, maybe u should just ask him. maybe he wants to cheat on his girl and wants to see if youre down.

either way, if he is going to leave his girl to be with you, cheat on her or anything like that, hes bad news, and you shouldnt plan on falling in love with him.

my personal advice, taking the next step to sex will probably ruin the relationship eventually. maybe itll end eventually anyways. who knows, do what you want. but tread carefully with your feewings

I'm a boy. God damit