Hey bros so I’ve been told by my dentist that Might possibly need my wisdom teeth removed, but he was saying that only if they become impacted and cause a infection. Should I even risk that happening? Or should I just get them out and be over with it?
Wisdom teeth removal
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Don't remove them unless you are sure they will come out impacted. You know if they will by taking a dental radiography. Consider your face properly developed if they erupt straight.
Vitamin k2 + d3 along with proper mouth posture
I had mine removed last month, they apparently took up too much space in my mouth and pushed the other teeth forward. Still ain't sure if it was the best decision, but what's done is done.
What I can tell you is that the day of the operation and the next day are complete cancer, your mouth hurts constantly and it's unbearable. You will also not be able to lift for at least 3 days after the operation, so expect taking a total of 1 week off you you get both sides removed.
> everyone in my family has gap until wisdom teeth come in, so everything fits perfectly
> keep telling Chinease doctor this
> " no no, that not how it work"
> " literally all 5 uncles and most of my cousins had their teeth come in that way Chang"
> "Ohhh I don't know"
I'm in North Dakota now and still haven't had them checked out. One came in on the bottom and one of the top ones is trying to come out. I'm thinking of just getting bottom removed so all top ones can come in.
I have the impression that dentists remove those without a reason just to rip patients off. I have had mine for 9 years now and they have caused no problems so far.
My wisdom teeth just came out at age 24
Fucking pussies, had 2 lower jaw wisdom teeth removed at the same time without drugging me to sleep, and I went lifting the very same day after the operation. Wore a face mask and didn't speak to anyone/had to constantly rinse my mouth with fresh water though. The next day I was good as new, the whole thing healed within a week and had the stitches removed after 3 days.
or you can just grow normal teeth
I call bullshit. On the day of the operation I had to go to the bathroom every 30 mins to spit blood, no way you lifted.
>tfw when one of my wisdow teeth was born diagonally and one horizontally, pushing and missaligining some of my teeth
i should probably remove them before they fuck my shit up to the point i have to get braces right?
Absolutely. Would be interesting to see what mewing could do, though.
Having your wisdom teeth removed is NOT fun. I’d wait
There was a bit if if I needed to have mine removed in my late teens because they were growing into the neighboring teeth and might have killed the root, but they waited and I got lucky. I’d wait in your case aswell
i am already mewing and have been for the past 2 months. I dont have before or after pics but i havent noticed any difference in teeth alignment, which could be a good sign since that means my wisdow teeth arent missaligning my other teeth thanks to mewing
if you get them out remember to only drink through a straw
If you do get them removed:
Don't do anything strenuous immediately after unless you want your jaw to feel like it's being fucked by a wildebeest. Apply cold compress to minimize the swelling during the first 24 hours. Then apply hot compress to allow the blood to more freely move away from the affected area after. You'll look like a chipmunk for a few days though.
Then you should take extra-oral dental photographs relatively regularly to know if you are improving, worsening or staying the same.
Start from 2:20.
I'm 23 with the only one on the bottom. Looks like I got another year.
The dentist struck a nerve with a drill when removing mine. Most painful thing ive ever experienced.
Feels good to have all 4 wisdom teeth grow straight
Told my dentist to kindly fuck off when he suggested removing a four of them just in case.
They came out fine in the end
Yeah best to just monitor them
I guess, but if they do impact the other teeth is it Immediate death for my other teeth?
It will take awhile to know. Maybe get an x-ray once a year? Be mindful of the sensitivity back there? As he said you only need to remove them if they do become a problem.
Stop trying to fuck people up.
The trick is to get them removed before they come out. It's the least painful and easiest. I had it when i was 16 and my sister had it aswell at that age.
>When they are putting the needle into you so they can inject the pain killers but they put the needle straight into a nerve and the right side of your tongue gets hit by a constant searing and sharp pain until they pull the needle out
>You have to grip the chair and not thrash while looking at the dentist in a way to signal I am in extreme pain because there is a large needle lodged into your nerve
Unless you have a narrow mouth it's likely not necessary. My dentist scared me into removing two of mine, then I decided to wait for the other two, and they never bothered me in the slightest. In fact, I noticed the side where I still have the remaining two is where my jaw is borderline square, while the other side looks cut, so there's an aesthetic consequence too. Overall, I'd say avoid surgeries unless absolutely necessary.
If you're in a non-third world country(Not the US), try to get your doctor to do the surgery under anesthetic. It will be covered by the government and fairly pain free for you. I had the worst headaches because my wisdom teeth were pressing against the rest of my teeth for a number of years and it felt like a huge weight was taken off after they were gone. You don't want the same thing to happen to you.
Mine started hurting like a motherfucker last year, took like a whole box of ibux daily till the i could get my surgery because of the insane pain. Wasn't too bad, got some anesthetics through a syringe which made me not feel any pain through i could feel him slicing the flesh covering away with a small knife. everything went over surprisingly quick, like 15 min. Got some extra strong painkillers with me and a icebag from the clinic. Constantly spitted blood the first 2 days and could only eat easy stuff like mashed potatoes, but went back to normal after that.
If there's a chance of them becoming infected fucking do it, that shit was painful as hell. And as user above you mentioned if you live in a civilized place with free healthcare the state takes most of the bill,
Please hear me out, the reason most dentists just tell you to take your wisdom teeth out is because
This is how it usually goes: kids are usually told to get braces at an early age even when they don't need to --> stunted facial growth -->Lack of forward facial growth -->no room for wisdom teeth to come out properly --> wisdom teeth out. Dentists only care about curing the symptoms while completely ignoring the main problem (lack of forward facial growth) because that's what keeps patients coming to their clinics every month.
Pulling a wisdom tooth out is the same as cutting your little finger unironically
Wisdom teeth removal in Japan costs like 25 dollars user, probably double without insurance.
Why not come for a holiday, eat a tonne then get them removed?
if you have gigachad's facial features let them grow. in any other case get them removed asap, waiting just pushes your other teeth together and leads to hairline fractures and tooth pain down the line.
I had all four removed with local anesthesia and I had zero bleeding. the only pain I experienced was in my jaw joints because of how much force the dentist had to apply to get the teeth out. sore jaw was gone after a day, healing complete after maybe a week but no pain after that first day. I definitely could have done sports on the same day, no problem.
This, even my dentist said that
I never had braces and I waited with the wisdom teeth until the pain got too bad. I would have been better off if I got them removed as early as possible. it's a precaution for those who do experience problems. of course it's going to lead to some people getting them removed pointlessly but I doubt there's damage done this way, and there certainly would be damage done the other way. if a dentist tells you
>we could do this painful operation but it's totally optional
nobody says yes. but if they did this everyone would sit around and wait until the pain gets too bad, like I did, and suffer more ultimately. of course the economic incentive can't be ignored and probably leads to some healthy people being operated on when it's not necessary, but the benefits still outweigh the costs.
Advanced shitposting.
I got 4 removed the same time. Spitting every 3 minutes and even to move the tongue was hurtful. No way you could do that.
Literally just got them taken out last week. It's not so bad, basically the same pain as after a cavity drilling imo.
The worst part is not being able to eat anything fun, I just had protein shakes and milkshakes for the first few days pretty much.
>big underbite
>but getting it set back sometime this year
gonna make it bros, I already get compliments about my looks. it's time to get my mutation fixed and I'll be all there
I had one that was growing sideways and was hurting. Since one was taken out they took out all 4. Was annoying for a couple days but overall wasn't that bad.
I had them surgically removed because they were going to come in impacted.
The week of being on opiates and playing video games was fun as fuck when I was in highschool
I'd leave them until they got impacted if they even do get impacted.
Wtf I'm 20 and already have 2 out and the last one is starting to come out. (I only have 3 for some reason)
Get them all taken out at once, have them hit you with the laughing gas, that's the good stuff.
Be sure to take your pain pills on schedule, it will hurt like a bitch if you decide to skip sometime.
My cuck dentist told me to get my wisdom teeth removed but I told her to suck it. It's been several years and I've never had a problem.
My wisdom teeth on the bottom were literally causing me too have lockjaw. Im thinking about having my top ones removed as well because they are pressing on my sinuses. Sure there are reasons to keep them but sometimes there are legitimate reasons to have them removed.
you need expanders to give them more space
Don't get them removed unless they are causing trouble.
Keeping them may stop your jaw degrading as you age.
>drugging me to sleep
Do americans really do that? Fuck, I got two pulled with just local anesthesia. Took like 5 minutes tops.
I'm literally a bitch when it comes to the dentist and when I had a wisdom tooth removed (infected) I literally felt nothing. Go to someone that has laughing gas and even if you have phobia it wont be bad at all. As I can't remember what I got but I felt no pain (heard some felt pain after). I also rinsed mouth with salt water a few times a day so that might have helped.
Imo just wait and if it gets infected go get it removed its fast and painless.
If they're coming in fine, there's no need to fuck with them. When you get old and feeble and your teeth start falling out, you'll thank yourself if you have extras.
Just get rid of them bud, better off that way. If I had the money for elective surgery I’d ditch my appendix and gall bladder too. Just time bombs.
just had this done. couldnt lift for weeks and was constantly in pain. one of my stitches fell out so it took forever to heal. They sent me home i was still bleeding out of my throat. They didnt give me enough fucking good pain pills for more than 3 or 4 days and just had to pound ibuprofen and tylenol for a week until it was bearable. The good part is brushing my teeth and flossing feels way better. Also, being in constant pain for a week or so taught me that i should be thankful not to be in constant pain or any pain at all most of the time. So now if I remind myself that i am not in physical pain like so many people are and i should be happy to be able to live with that freedom for right now and to make the most of it. also better blowjob ability but im not gay fag.
Get ready for hell. especially if you actually like lifting. You gotta eat mashed potatoes and milkshakes so you can make solid poops. you wont and DOMT want to work out with a stiff jaw, swollen jaw, open bleeding oral wounds or oral stitches.
>FAST for a day or two before surgery, dont even drink water the night before surgery. Double whatever your doctor tells you
>make sure you are well HYDRATED when you go in, even though you cant drink water 12 or so hours before surgery. theyll just iv water or some shit into your blood and it takes forever.
>RELAX your jaw and wait for it to slowly heal. do not fuck with your stitches, eat real food, or tongue and pick at them. and definitely dont workout until you know you can.
it's crazy how people respond so differently.
same here except 4 teeth and 15+ minutes. virtually no problems recovering and I was a smoker at the time, too. never had any swelling, not even right after the surgery. the only bothersome part was getting food in the wounds and rinsing them out with water. the stitches may not have been done particularly well. didn't cause any further problems though, just felt disgusting and made me lose a few pounds as I restricted my intake.
Just a friendly advice:
after having teeth removed be VERY CAREFUL about any sudden movements inside your mouth, such as swishing liquids, sucking motions (smoking), etc.
You don't want a dry socket.
>Doctor is telling me how I won't remember a thing and will be acting goofy
>Get gassed
>Come to almost immediately and am fully cognizant of my actions, even though it feels like I can't control them
>Start crying and confess to the nurse that I've been choking myself and thinking about hanging myself
>removing teeth at all
user i'm sorry but you genetic suck