I watched the snake juice guy’s video, and he said that it is recommended to get around 4,700 mg of potassium each day. I had no idea about how important potassium is, and how much of it you need.
What other things do I need each day? What supplements are important? Which vitamins should I take?
4,700 mg how in hell can you reach this daily seems over exagerrated to me you could reach it maybe by eating 20 bananas or a shit ton of beans or vegetable but have fun in the toilet after
Dominic Collins
You dont need to supplement anything, just eat normally and listen to your cravings
Angel Lee
It's like four bananas, but yeah. Still an absurd amount of potassium. The thing is though, we're apes.
Michael Ward
>Eat ice cream whenever you crave it.
This is shit advice. It's the same as every personal trainer that says "Listen to your body" It's just passing away accountability by giving no real advice. If I listened to my body I would only become aware of problems after they become problems. And even still, I wouldn't know what to do about them without the anatomical knowledge the PT is refusing to give.
On the same token, listening to your cravings results in confusing a vitamin deficiency for a chocolate craving and similar things. Give real advice or shut up.
Brandon Smith
If only he stepped out for 4 minutes instead
Joshua Allen
Not. Funny. This is your final warning. STOP the blatant racism and xenophobia. I'm leaving this thread unlocked for now but seriously NO MORE
Eli Powell
Lol, niggers are dumb but sadly their spawn have evolved to be very resilient to abusive parents.
Maybe if the kid died then she would at least go to prison
Julian White
Mocking the potential death of a beautiful blooming life is OVER THE LINE I've muted you all for 10 days, please use that time to think about your choices in life
Landon Parker
Eat actual real foods.
Potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, etc. Not hard
Camden Long
Give better advice dipshit.
Jayden Harris
This is the only time i join you not because muh rahsizm but there's human life in this fact and it is not a point of humour. Also his mother should be burned for the crime she is making against infant
Blake Walker
Based but not redpilled. Life isn't important.
Landon Nelson
>caring about niggers Why, so one day he can rape your daughters and steal all your money? Fuck off.
Mason Allen
Nigger if hes not grown up by that hoe carelessly acting he will not follow his mother and will not act like them. It is evil to wish death on infants who cannot evdn talk.
Michael Richardson
I crave soda and candy >jUst LiSteN tO YoUr cRavIngs
Kayden Reed
It's a literal infant man. For all you know that post got him put into foster care where he learned to read early and never got into hiphop music. He could grow up to wear his pants around his waist and enunciate his words like a real boy.
Sebastian Hughes
Interesting post pretending tlike be a mod. If only there were recourse...
Leo King
I did not read just clicked for niglet
Landon Martin
Weak, in Iran we are deporting all of our Afghan refugees and immigrants, and helping them reach European lands lol. True story, look it up. You need to be strong, you big white pussy
I went outside for two minutes to smoke a marijuana cigar, because the baby was irritating me. When I came back, my black baby had almost drowned in the milk. Yikes!
Dylan Thomas
Still a nigger. That can't be fixed.
Born in NYC, live in FL. Only out of touch faggots that live in a bubble aren't racist.
Jack Murphy
I was hoping it'd be dead You're posting from Tell Aviv
This gif made me bust the fuck out laughing. thanks for that.
Landon Robinson
Jace Murphy
why do Jow Forumstards all post like my 60 year old conservative cat-mom aunt on facebook
Lincoln Jones
Who are you calling a poltard ya failed satan nigger?
Gabriel Diaz
Cooper Edwards
In your head, am I supposed to be ashamed of being less Jow Forums-y than you? How does that work?
Daniel Baker
>those digits >failed satan nigger
decent kek
Julian Barnes
youre just a fag and i find it curious how much of fag you are and how you post like a fag. that's all. that you can post like this in 2019 and no one tells you to lurk more or fuck off back to dig or ebaums or redit. really unfortunate that you dont get banned for being a fag anymore