
How the fuck do I get to this physique?
Is it purely genetic or will swimming actually benefit me for wider shoulders + smaller waist?

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Ottermode just comes from the way they train.
The meme is that this vs. a very well built model tier physique to a lot of women is pretty much the same.
The V-taper is there but his legs could be much stronger and defined. Arms/traps are also quite out of proportion.
You can build ottermode much faster with bodybuilding and strength training much faster than any swimmer could dream of if you intellectuallly and physically apply yourself.
This physique is pretty much just lat pulldowns, bench, clean diet and jog x 365.
I am in the camp of functional strength training/bodybuilding that most dudes in this forum fall into.
I realized that I can deadlift close to 400lb, but that does not necessarily transfer to me being functionallly stronger.
Things like kettlebell, sports and Dynamic strength training is important.
Read 2-3 books on the topic (bodybuilding, strength training, diet) at most and you will be more than informed enough to train yourself.
Best of luck, user.

If you want wider shoulders you need to do shoulder exercises+ lats. If you want a smaller waist you need to lose weight. All professional swimmers do some sort of bodybuilding routine just like any other athlete. Swimming alone wont give you this look but it might help you lose weight.

>I realized that I can deadlift close to 400lb, but that does not necessarily transfer to me being functionallly stronger
Based as fuck, a lot of the functional strength guys go about it completely wrong. Somehow been able to run for less than a minute and only been able to do 1 pullup doesn't sound very functional to me

What fucking function do your functional exercises serve besides specific sports/leisure activities. Please tell me how you run from bears regularly and throw kettle bells at them.

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dude, swimming is the CHAD exercise, your shoulders will grow faster than inflation in Venezuela.
Besides, the cardio-gains are quite useful

Just eat well and lift, that’ll get you good results. Swim as well if you want to, but don’t expect it to give you (relatively) quick gains the way lifting does. Do your weighted chin ups and OHP variations for that V-taper and nice delts

I don't have a pool and I'm banned from all the public pool in my city

tell story NOW

Few girls accused me of slapping there ass as I was doing laps said I did it on purpose so got kicked week later at other pool happened again life guard recognized me got coos involved. Agreed to the ban so I didn't get charged.


The physique in OPs pic likely practices twice a day in the pool, and 2-3 times a week in the gym. You aren't getting this lean from jogging and dieting you fucking jealous dumb manlet.

4hrs per day maximum effort swim practices featuring pool deck calisthenics, followed by at least one hour per day of sport-specific weightlifting, all done for at least 2 years will net you a body like this if you start out on the heavy side of utterly average and untrained, provided you get enough sleep and eat properly. Tbh a much more achievable and feasible goal than 5 years to get a bodybuilder physique...

How do I get good at swimming? I learned to swim when I was 4 years old, but was never great at it. I'm trying to do freestyle, but my quads end up incredibly stiff almost immediately.

Join your local hometown swim club

Even if you swim everyday you aren't going to achieve anything remotely close to this physique. This takes time, a lot of effort and consistency. Rigorous swim practices, both high intensity and high volume. A dedicated weightlifting program built for explosive exercises to maximize effectiveness in the pool. A discipled sleep regime and high calorie diet. Pic related is an athlete not your average joe lifting weights.

Go 0321

By allowing you to have
1.decreaes likely hood of a heart attack or stroke due to increased cardiovascular endurance and over all healthier respiratory system
2.balance well into your twilight years (while everyone else is barely able to walk you’ll be walking normal)
3.increased life span

And yes if I have run from a bear I’ll be able to

You know nothing about swimming, you’ll get that physique by strictly swimming

>not being an 0372 chad

>You know nothing about swimming, you’ll get that physique by strictly swimming
This is very true.
Swimming is the best resistance exercise. They develop a perfect squared off chest and V taper through years of breast strokes.
The flying motion is the best total pectoralis developer, period, and the pullover motion develops the upper lats.
Of course we all know swimming in general requires intense work by all the deltoids.
That adds to the V taper.
Of course they lift weights, all athletes do, but if you want to see the physical development through swimming, just look at Schwarzenegger's son from the goblina.
He went from chubby spic to otter mode

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God I hate every single one of you. Especially OP who ignores every poster who gives a non meme answer because it doesnt support his brosience-beliefs. Fucking kill yourself