Have you ever permantely damaged a girls life?
Have you ever permantely damaged a girls life?
reminds of that one banner
This is old desu, it's been posted before
story please.
>Have you ever permantely damaged a girls life?
No. It has happened the other way around.
I'm sure it's the same with most people here.
I believe I may have done it accidentally. But one girl, to this day, still refuses to tell me what I even did that was wrong. We weren't dating, and she wasn't with the girl I ended up with. But after she heard we slept together it instantly became "You're an actual scumbag and if you can't see what you did wrong, then you never will." Thing is though, she was the one that wrecked me. I only moved on and it became just venom towards me. It's been 7 years and I still ponder it all the fucking time.
He got her to send nudes then she ghosted him so he faked his death but then revealed to her that he was joking
Yep same. 3 times?
Still a kissless virgin don't worry.
One girl i actually saved her life. Talked her out of killing herself qnd after dating 6 months she realized she can be obsessive and toxic.
We still talk and get along well. Shes the only girl who actually listened to what i was saying.
Protip: "stubborn" is not a good quality. It means shes selfish and will always put herself first. Good relationships put the other person first always
Sure, I cucked her and she's raising my kid. That's got to be a painful reminder for her every day.
>Good relationships put the other person first always
But when they stop and you don't, it gets so out of hand so quickly.
>Have you ever permantely damaged a girls life?
I'm a good human being with great morals, ethics and don't seek to harm anyone. Sooo... Women won't let me anywhere near their lives.
But the woman you posted sounds like she fucked her own life up and as usual, can't take responsibility and has to blame on the men who's behavior she enables. The guy should just laugh and ask her for nudes again.
>Women won't let me anywhere near their lives.
>Reddit spacing
Go back to r/niceguy
The only females I ever actually came into intimate contact with were online, and yeah
This is NOT her in pic related, but she wrote the same exact messages (I ''ruined'' both girls)
>dutch girl
>wanted to meet
>constantly initiated conversation
>called me on every single app I had her added on
>always wanted to call
>tfw I wouldn't do it and she'd get frustrated
how do I get a cute girl that wants to call every day and says "I luv you"
Yeah. Still kinda feel guilty about it all these years later but it was probably the right call.
>girl had bpd
>was a solid 9/10 but completely fucking psycho. almost beyond help
>we try & get back together a third time.
>this is at the height of "mental illness just requires love & understanding" PSA's so I was baited into it
>she has a mental breakdown of some sort.
>sends me a bunch of weird texts then blocks me on everything.
>actually cared about her so contact a friend, introduced myself as her boyfriend
>asked if everything was okay because she's acting strange
>turns out this friend was her secret lesbian lover
They were planning on getting married & everything.
>ex girlfriend now in full-blown meltdown
>accuses me of stalking her, lying about our relationship
>says she doesn't even know me and that she'll go to the cops if I keep talking to her
>while simultaneously admitting she's found my clothes in her laundry
>basically just making shit up in a bpd rage
>realize this is how fake rape claims start
>realize she also had a group of orbiters that would defend her if she went that route.
Had to take preventative action somehow, so settled on the following:
>screenshotted + posted all of her crazy messages to me in public
>including shit where she goes into elaborate detail about hating her dad, having psychotic thoughts, etc
>her friends all catch wind of it & confirm it as accurate
>she goes even further off the deep end, resorts to calling my house and contacting some friends of mine
>her dad even tries to contact me and start shit
>I get the police involved because I'm getting bored of this.
>she gets confronted at work
>gets fucking fired from her job
Some deets I left out due to length but yeah. Was a wild couple of summers. In hindsight I could have gotten her arrested for assault and maybe prevented some of this but I was too beta at the time.
I'm trying to understand Angelica's beef here.
If they were never a serious thing, how could he possibly have fucked her up?
I would only damage someone's life in retaliation.
He made Angelica think that he killed himself. He fucked her up by making her think its her fault.
i had a "gf" when i was 15
>we used to text every day, used to spam her with heart emojis but got unconfortable as thinks got more serious
>we argue alot and she eventually breaks up with me via text (only lasted a month)
>asks me if we can still be friends
i say no and she goes ape shit saying what a piece of shit i am and that i ripped her heart out and used her like everybody else
>sends me pics of her cutting herself
>try talking her out of it, try putting the blame on me, try calling her but nothing helps
>we keep texting for two days before i block her
>"I have literal PTSD"
my literal fuckin sides
Sound like me and be a chad.
You can't, that's the thing
Shouldn't have revealed the joke and kept her thinking he was dead, then she might have actually learned something.