Fit, my ADDmeds are fuckin up my heart rate. I've been chilling in bed for half an hour and I'm 121. I'm not unhealthy,(other than this), I eat well and work out almost daily. But I'm worried that this is limiting my ability to workout harder, because my bpm is already so high, I feel like my body can't push much further. No I'm not fat, I can post body for reference. What do I do? Pharafags probably don't care about my workout.
Fit, my ADDmeds are fuckin up my heart rate. I've been chilling in bed for half an hour and I'm 121. I'm not unhealthy...
Do you have a reference heart rate in which you aren't on pills?
How much do you take and do you consume caffeine along with it?
Why do you take NPC-ifier pills?
Stop taking speed user. I know it feels good but for your own good you need to stop. Yes I know it “makes you focus” but you need to stop
I take around 60 mg Ritalin a day. I don't usually take caffeine. This is my body, so I would say it's not cuz I'm out of shape. I'm not a fuckin sculpture yet, but I should have a heathy heart rate.
nice tits u should transition ;))
Do you take all 60mg at once and is your heart rate like this immediately after, or is that your baseline throughout the day?
>This is my body, so I would say it's not cuz I'm out of shape
Just because you’re not fat doesn’t mean you’re in shape, dumb fuck
>consuming jewish apothecary magick elixirs
no shit ur add meds are fucking stimulants, shit is pretty much meth.
Stop with the meds cold turkey, fast for 72 hours and refeed on the most possible carnivore macros you can, repeat until cured
how twink would fuck boipusse
you have been visited by the SKINNYFAT ZOOMER
no gainz and a high heartrate will come to you unless you floss to this thread
Ok, that pic was maybe not a great reference. I do CrossFit and deadlift 230 regularly.
Listen, I'm trying my best here, I lift every day and bike on the weekends. But as I said, I'm posting because I think this Ritalin shit is fuckin up my workouts. Pls read words user.
Oooo no u
methylphenidate (brand name is ritalin) is a cns stimulant meaning that you will always have a high heart rate and you can't do anything about it while you are on it
just eat healthier, lift heavier
the only thing you could try is something like supplementing with creatine unless your diet is shit tier
Your watch could be wrong. Check your pulse manually at the radial site
Why are you asking a Mongolian basket weaving forum instead of your fucking doctor?
Anyone else think this was a watch in front of a splayed out woman from the thumbnail
stop taking the ADD meds you fucking idiot. you're literally on a low dose of meth and wondering what to do since your heart rate is high
don't listen to these cunts bro, I was diagnosed in middle school, been on Adderall since then. It's helped me become focused and harder working. The hardest part about ADD and ADHD is just accepting you do indeed have something, there are proven EEG tests to determine if you do or not.
Anyway, yes your heartrate will be higher both at rest and all the time. At rest I'm about +15 BPM. Even during high heartrate activity it doesn't hurt or anything. If you experience any heart discomfort consult your doctor immediately.
Also, 60mg seems high, start small.
Unironically start doing cardio op. Just not when on drugs.
You'll die young of a heart attack at this rate
yeah senpai
Boogie's resting heart rate is in the upper 40s (elite athlete)
My resting heart rate is 55-60 (Excellent). Right now it's 68 after just being up and about, cooking, etc.
You're gonna die, OP
Try to cut the meds. It's probably easier to fix ADD naturally than high heart rates. Try getting more sleep and meditating and then see if you can cut back on the medication
Forgot the pic
Do you feel like your heart rate is at 121? or could it be the sensor? I do anaerobic and aerobic exercise and that helped me come down to 47 bpm. No pain no gain
damn im on t3 clen ephedrine and caffeine and my HR sits at 90 and 130/110 most of the day
Interesting that boogies heart rate is that low, I would guess Boogies heart is probably super conditioned from trying to circulate blood to 500+ lbs and feed blood to muscles to carry around a shit ton of extra weight. Now that he has lost all of this weight his heart probably only works at 50% capacity which makes his resting heart rate low, if he keeps not exercising and doesn't lose any more weight I would suspect that it would increase back up to 60-80s
his blood pressure is probably through the roof and he has bradycardia
Stop taking legal meth
>work out almost daily
but do you do cardio? crossfit is not cardio
I used to have to take ADHD for school they can raise your heart rate so if you plan to work out or exercise ita best to not take them for that day or to wait until you've gotten your heartrate back down after to take them
increased heartrate is a serious side effect that can get you killed if you don't need to it
>came here cuz thumbnail looked like a girl from behind laying on her stomach with her legs wide open and 121 between the asscheeks