Is overtraining a myth? can I train every day or 6 days/week as a natty even as a beginner?

Is overtraining a myth? can I train every day or 6 days/week as a natty even as a beginner?

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If you weight lift you tear your muscle fiber. Maybe you should let it repair itself. That is why programs have it so certain muscle groups aren't hit so they can repair while hitting other groups.

I train “7 days a week” or more accurately, I train until my body starts hurting, then I rest a few days until they stop aching from doing stuff at work/home then at it again

I’m sure it’s better to just do 3-5 days on 2-3 off

>isolation babby split for muh good looks
Just do a proper strength program son

I’d say the first year of lifting assuming you’re skinny as a twink you should:
Lift every other day
Bulk for the love of god just eat the food
Sleep minimum 8 hours a night

When you’re just starting out you want to capitalise on those noob gains as much as possible wich means caloric surplus and plenty of time for muscle to rebuild
Go very hard on each workout but allow your body to fully recover

me 2 user, because I'm not a pussy who always wants the easy way out. When I start to suspect that my insentiy and strength is going down then I know it's time for a rest day.
I don't get the flu anymore since I started training 6 times per week.

You can train every single day at varying intensities.

Overtraining is very much a real thing and it is highly personal. My buddy is an equipped power lifter and he lifts heavy twice a week (300kg+ bench presses) . The rest of the week he does light work. He can recover pretty week for the next week.

If I max out on squats or deadlifts the rest of the week I can't get over 80% over that no matter how hard I try. The week afterwards I still won't get close to that max lift I did.

That's more like underrecovering. You can still work out, just not that muscle group

Yeah. Since I enjoy being there too it just seems like such a long boring day if I don’t go.

But almost every single exercise have you grab something. When will you rest your grab muscles?

What is a grab muscle user? I've never heard of that before dennis

T. Fattass

Weak faggot pretending to be a man

belt squats. YTube them.

T.315lb bw squat

.t coping fat fuck scum "powerlifter"
you probably diddle 3 pl8s at 300 lbs and think you know something lmao


overtraining is a myth until you hurt yourself and have to rest for 2 weeks

This is the best answer. I find I make the best gains training twice a day. But I still only squat or deadlift heavy once a week. Bench heavy twice a week. The rest is volume, 20 rep sets, lightweight. I don't have the time to do that often but man I make sick gains training for 30-45 minutes 2x per day

This. I go to the gym every day because I'm a gymcel and it is what makes me happy. On my ''rest'' days when I obviously need rest I will lift super light to just fuck around/work on form and do a lot of stretching/people watching.

You probably won't ever get there, but it isn't a myth.

I'm currently doing pplpplneck 7 days a week. Wondering if it's too much though. Am I supposed to go heavy on each day on pplppl?