176,5 cm

>176,5 cm

Should I just end it all?

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men who think being 5'8 or above has any influence on their sexual success shouldn't be having sexual success, but more because of their broken brain rather than their height

Height matters but half as much as defeatist, pathetic virgins make it up to be.

a good amount of the most incel dudes ive known in my life have been 6'0 or above, and i know multiple dudes under 5'7 who routinely get hot girls and have had multi-year girlfriends who were high quality

This. This. This.

>Coping this hard

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Those dwarves have no self-awareness. Majority of the time women pity-date them because women ALWAYS want a partner thats beneath them, in either height or looks. They get self-conscious and lose their shit if somebody’s a tall handsome lad. Ultimately all manlets eventually get dumped once their “gf” urges to breed with a perfect tall specimen

look up this image on the archive, got a feeling it's been used on Jow Forums before

Depends on whether want to enter an intimate long term relationship or fuck tinder sluts.
Things like facial structure, acne, height, bone structure (shoulder to waist ratio) etc. will definitely determine your ability to hook up with women in a purely lust based environment. But the truth is, personality, confidence, and charisma are much more attractive to emotionally stable women than physical traits. If your goal of getting fit is to attract women then you need to set your priorities straight. Put yourself out there and with a bit of luck something will arise naturally.
Of course I will be accused of LARPing, but take it from me. I'm 5'9, not overweight but not in great shape, with 6/10 facial structure at best and moderate nodular acne. Despite these things I'm sleeping with an objective 8/10 who is exactly my type.

>half as much as... virgins think it does
That's still a lot.

>tfw 6’0
Whats the point

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Well it does matter

But this is correct, you absolute reddit tier faggot.


You're taller than most women and the ones that care about height are almost exclusively fatties. Stop caring.

Even having decent face, height and frame won’t save you if you’re fat, have pale, acne ridden skin and live in your moms basement. The point is clearly that people are overblowing genetics to be everything, when they have never even seriously tried to improve. Hence the idea of being rejected for being 5’9

1.76 is tall though

Post body, gremlin

Why? Sex isn't reproduction anymore.

True but u can carve a miche out.
Your face improves when ur ripped for ur frame then u can contend.
Like josh grispi is pretty hot n hes got a twink frame

This seen short asian guys n brown guys kill it

I'm about the same height and I've never felt particularly short. You'll make it brah.

>Should I just end it all?
You are 10 CM shorter than me.

That is about 3.97 inches less than I have.

If that was 4 inches less dick than me, would it make you feel bad?

just get this if women can wear makeup and heels we should be able to wear them

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>1.76 is tall though
My wife is 1.76 and she is short.

Therefore you are about the perfect size, for a woman.

>tfw had a gf of similar height to your wife
Can confirm that this is, indeed, the perfect height for a woman

The Ice King really let himself go.

>and she is short
For you

You're average, I don't see why you would kill yourself. I'm 180cm and I don't really notice a difference compared to when I was 170 cm.

>For you
Definitly, I can see above her head.

But consider this, im have 1.86 and my height is considered average.

Sure puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

Yes. I'm 174 cm and for me she is tall. But most girls are shorter than me, that's the only reason why i still have some hope left.

Girls can be brutal about height but don't let them define your worth user.

>I'm 174 cm and for me she is tall.
Honestly? Those 2 CM are hardly worth mention, you are about the same height as her.

Anything shorter than 175cm is considered short. Your only defense is saying:"At least im not 150cm tall, so I am not considered a midget.

while your picture has a point my current gf did first ask how tall I was and when i replied 6 foot she went into a rant about manlets. thats when I knew she was the one.

Fuck off, Gulliver.

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>not being 190 minimum

196 here come at me little bros


>Fuck off, Gulliver.
Dude, I can literally put my chin over her head withount any difficulty due to how short she is.

You are the perfect size for a woman, not too short so that there is risk of her bearing manlet children but short enough to look rather cute.

Ever thought about being cute, user? Might want to consider that instead of trying to look manly.

Of course you know multiple dudes under 5‘7. Tall guy guys just avoid you, exception only for some incels wich see you as equal.

why does everyone know a based manlet who constantly pulls? it's like in every thread. is it just the same guy with a manlet friend spamming all the time?

Dude, looks and height don't matter unless you're really short or really ugly.
First thing on the hierarchy of what matters is knowing how to have a conversation, being positive and cheerful. Something every single incel struggles with.

>was dating a girl
>she is 5'10 or something
>goes into rant about how men shorter than her aren't really men
>literally says she doesn't even see men shorter than her, they don't exist to her and she just glosses over their existence
Was pretty hot but at the same time it's pretty savage.

>First thing on the hierarchy of what matters is knowing how to have a conversation, being positive and cheerful.
Wrong, retard. That is the second thing on the hierarchy.

The first and foremost is posture. Women hate hunchbacks, they see a weak man that cant hold his own weight with his weak backbone.

Seriously, posture is what makes you look confident, what makes you look dangerous, what makes you look cowardly and what makes you look sick or healthy. It is the most fundamental principle our brains are wired for recognition of positive and negative signs of our own species. Maintaining a good posture is what makes the most difference on how people see you, even more so than what you are wearing or what you looks like.

Sure, social skills are a must, but then again I picked up girls at parties withount even talking to them, just by noticing the girl looking at me, looking straight at her and making a sleazy smile before moving forward and kissing her. Shit works just fine withount any actual conversation involved.

Just learn to act like a man, hitting the gym will also help, but is not actually required.

Being tall is hard too even if its not as hard as beign short. Im 193(6.4-6.3) and i've had alotta pack problems when i started lifting. Also alot to fill when bodybuilding. It's been like 2 years and people that are 1.75 get the same results in like 7-8 months of good training.

I think the real hangup most of us have with this is that even if it is 100% correct, if you can't find meaning outside of dating and getting validation from women or a reason to improve or be the best man that you can be then you are just a pathetic faggot without the conviction to off himself.

Based. Fuck m*nlets.

imagine thinking tall people dont hang out with ppl shorter than them. for people who arent gay like yourself, generally men dont choose their other male friends based on height

As a really tall guy this is rubbish. I like making midget jokes though.

Lmao post body

This. Girls literally dont care as long as you're taller than them.

Well getting small wife was your plan ? Well Congratulations, you got yourselves a small wife. What's the next step of your master plan?

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Way to focus on your insecurities. Have you ever thought that maybe you don't need to be a certain height? Maybe you just need to be taller than the girl. Maybe like judging penis size, girls are absolutely horrible as judging height. Maybe focusing on a set number we should just compare to what's relative.

Probably just trying to make you feel good user. I wouldn't take anything anybody says literally. We are all full of shit.

Post body

its a reddit spiral nigger poster thats destined to post in these threads. remember most posts here are fake and not done by real human people behind computer screens, theyre constantly trying to keep us in check byy having some fag user outside the window of 4channel saying retarded shit like MUHHH, BROWN FRIEND. once he says friend its a key givewaway. Men will dropout of society at striking droves if they let this place drop to unprecedented truth and constant truth.


Im 179cm and that is 1 cm away from being a manlet.

its fucking sucks and so im becoming trans but im going to a butch girl :(

post body you fucking pussy, what are you waiting for?

>but im going to a butch girl :(
No, you wont, you will look like a hideous abomination.

Seriously, dont do this to yourself, the suicide rates speak for themselves about how happy these people become after surgery.

Seriously, either go all the way and look good in the end, or dont fucking do it at all; Anything in between is pure shit tier horrible and should be avoided if at all possible.

I know it sounds very swallow and superficial, and that is because it is. Most human beings are simple, stupid creatures. and will judge you based exclusively for your appearance, specially if you try to pass off as something that is supposed to resemble a female.

"Ideal" difference between partners is about 4.5 inches.
If your girl is shorter than that you risk manlet sons.
If your girl is taller than that you risk divorce.
There are many white girls that are 5'0-5'2 walking around so you can be a 5'4.5 man and there are girls for you.
There are even white girls under 5'0 but they're not common and you'll have to look for one.

I am not sure if bait or just retard.
Although there are many posts here similar to this. Which tells me the whole board is just a banter board or you really are retards.

I'm painting with broad strokes, dude. I know it's not as simple as that.
How I came to that number is simply that it's the difference between the average height of a man and average height of a woman in my country and it also works out to about the "taller than me in heels" standard many women vocalize.

You also didn't make any arguments or specifically say which parts you found especially retarded so I can't clarify or defend my position.


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How many people have to ask?

>5'7 and got pussy literally yesterday

first time?

tfw 178cm, i would probably kys if i was any shorter

I'm 165cm. I feel you bro.

188 cm :)
listening to sad song tho so sad regardless of height

I've had short friend 5'7-5'8 or so always get approached by women. But the thing is, they're the hardcorest normie low IQ fucks ever. Women love low IQ hyper normie faggots.

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was your 5'7" friend a hyper normie? or just the women approaching him?

Probably the same reason why everyone here has a gf who tells them they would never date a manlet

because people want to feel good about their own personal situation and therefor try and justify it by misconstruing reality to other anonymous posters on the croation goat raping forum they frequent?

This board is so fucking delusional


tfw 5'5
legit gave up.
it's ok boyos, iv'e made peace

>not sperging out on dull academic shit during social situations is low IQ
fuck, you autists rarely pick up on the more subtle stuff

very cool user, i'm proud of you.

Thanks stranger i hope my success drives others to not kill themselves over not having poon.

how'd it happen? care to share a few tips?


>5'8 max
>slept with 6000 women

anyone who says manlets can't get girls is a coping bitter incel who watched a manlet fuck his oneitis. the only problem with being a manlet is you can't intimidate other men, but then a psychologically healthy male shouldn't have this constantly on his mind anyway

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I'm ~5'11" and I recently went on a date with a 5'8" girl. It was fine.

There are definitely shallow girls that only care about height out there, and you might not ever fuck them, but who gives a shit? There are plenty of hot girls that will fuck guys shorter than 5'10".

Do you know how many fucking girls there are out there? How many hundreds of thousands of 8+/10's there are, just in your country/state alone? Guys put these cute girls on a pedestal but there are so many fucking girls out there man. One of them is bound to want to fuck you.

Crashing the future manlet cut off, since i'll lower the height of the general population with my childrens, there will be no survivors

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Actually lately I've been seeing many cases of girls dating shorter guys, to the points where it's starting to worry me as a lanket.
I feel GoT might be responsible for making girls attracted to shorter guys.

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>watching shows
jesus fucking christ fuck off i thought we're all friends here

Attention all gay manlets. Men smaller than me are hot. That's about all.

I'm 6'4 and studying abroad. And my height is somehow average now. What the fuck are these people eating?

Either cope or larp in this thread

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Based and blackpilled

I'm 5'2 but it's fine because i'm gay

Bro i'm 6'5 and my best buddies are all 5'6 - 5'8


Above the usual sex count


Also the 5'6 literally got married this year to his 5'7 gf

Now the girls isnt a model ofc but you dont want a model as a wife.

Maybe you're gay because you're 5'2

Here's your answer turbo manlets
become a twink and find yourself a sugar daddy

5"8' is fucking short you moron, what the fuck

>8 sexual partners

Were the fuck is this data from?

>5'9, 26yo
>First relationship was 7 years long
>Three years single, fucked 22 girls

Ask me anything

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I am gay because i like taking thick, veiny cocks up my twink bottom ass
My height is just a plus since i can be thrown around very easily