Why don't you lads use a Mac?

Why don't you lads use a Mac?

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Because the processors in them are worth about 33% of what you're paying for. You wanna play any game made in the past 5 years? Enjoy the 10 fps. Dumb faggot.

user takes the bait.

I have a professional engineering job so macs are unusable

Macs have shit UI

Video games are for children. I prefer enjoying the classics such as F Scott Fitzgerald's titular novel, "The Great Gatsby"

i've never considered myself gay

>video games

Sorry but this board is for adults

Video games are the reason you are a loser. Give up on the nintendo, get a real man's computer (macbook pro) and start living a proper life. Stop being a baby.

Better interface
More flexibility
Trying to repair it won't make you get scammed
You can actually fix it yourself
Can actually pirate os
Most programs are better optimised on PC (assuming they even got ported to Mac)
A 900$ PC shouldnt have an integrated gpu, unlike most if not all Macs.
Oh and apple computers are scam tier 3x inflated price.