What kinda of workout routine would you recommend for someone going into special forces or sof?
What kinda of workout routine would you recommend for someone going into special forces or sof?
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If you're confirmed for entry then you're Jow Forums enough that none of the LARPers here can help you.
If you're a tacticool retard then you're not getting in anyway so any advice would be pointless.
Whats the benefits of just running/sprint work vs rucking? I hear rucking is not healthy, only do it for actual training
This pog doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Ruck until your feet are one entire callous, and exceed the standards. For example, if your going SF, maxing APFT should be your minimum.
Also, they will break you no matter your strength/stamina, at the end of the day it is mental. Being able to crush the qualifications will help you though.
No routine will help. You’re either born capable or you’re not.
what branch/country, in the usa different teams have guidelines to aim for
What unit specifically user? USASOC, NSW, and PJ selections will require different focus areas
Unenlist. Do you really want to fight for a fascist ass country who spends it's money on killing innocent Muslims instead of feeding it's homeless and impoverished?
Rucking is the worst possible thing you could ever do to your knees short of just directly destroying them with a weapon or something. You know how fat people always have knee problems? You're essentially doing that to your knees, on purpose, but also accelerating it by running. It's the most retarded shit the military does and that's saying a lot.
Neck pill fucking strikes again
Well im actually in a recon barracks atm, gonna pickup with a prep class soon. Just wanted to get any info from you guys, see what you think.
Im in for the suck, and stack bodies
>not wanting to live the dream
come on user
Why not just blow your own legs off and save yourself some time?
Good luck OP, it's all about swimming for you I would imagine. You trying to go Force or Battalion?
Just trying to obtain the title, find out what opportunities i have after that.
Tactical Barbell is pretty well regarded among service members. One book on strength training one on conditioning. Each is about 10 bucks for the Ebook off Amazon.