>stretch marks

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Stop being a faggot and invest some money into Microsoft and Disney.

>Stretch marks on back, pecs, and thighs finally fading
You'll get through it, lad

>stretch marks all over ass, hips, and thighs

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yeah that's called loose skin. fix it.

>balls lower then the knees level

They either go away themselves over time, or you get them surgically fixed if they're severe (like you were morbidly obese)

literally stop being a bitch
stretch marks dont matter on men
even if you have stretch marks from being a fatty, its not that bad

woman are FUCKED if they get skin marks, i wouldn't blame them it they killed themselves


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I've had stretch marks since I was 21. Is bad? I was never even that fat.

So many women look like absolute ass now that if a fat girl got thin but still had stretch marks then even if she was 35 if she looked good I'd fuck her. The world is in a sorry state but that's just how it is.

Literally no one gives a fuck

>Found some strands of pure white hair scattered around my hair this week

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Holy shit dude, please tell me you measured yourself while bending over to tie your shoe laces.

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I wear strap on shoes, no shoe laces

Damn.. what do girls say about your height? also my condolences bro.

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No girls talk to me or give attention. I want to kms bc it sucks being small, but I got two dogs that help me escape the madness of this world. I might have shitty days, but my dogs make it all disappear. I'm numb to mocks and insults due to years of it, but I really like life bc of my dogs, and I couldn't care less what people think of me.
>inb4 coping midget fag
Yeah whatever, I'm happy though, that's all it matters

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I may be 6ft, much taller than you. But i respect you 110% unlike 98% of the cunts i meet. Keep it up mate, i like your mentality.

Just care about yourself, your dogs, work, make friends, and whatever happens happens.

>stretch marks on shoulders and inner thigh

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Thanks breh, will do

No problem mate, if you were Australian would shoot with you, and blast some steel targets with rounds of 7.62x54r and 8.57MM, no homo.

World needs more men who don't give a fuck about anything but themselves.

If those faggot dermas won't put me back on I'll get it from Mexico or something I swear to god, its the only thing that works

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I did, it gave me IBS.

Say hi to your dogs they are good boys
Also keep it up smallbro

Fuck... I'm sorry bro. Did it at least go away when you got off it?

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It went and came back, apparently this is common. Some people may need 3-4 courses to completely fix the issue, but in a few years it can pop up again. I was also told lots of people are on a permanent (very small dose).

I say be very careful on it, i got IBS and many others i have read about on the internet, it's very very strong medication that your stomach/liver hates.


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>arthritis right knee
>both shoulders have torn cartilage because accident
>left knee fucked up after accident
>stretch marks

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Forgot to mention hkv

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I meant the IBS being permanent. I know that acne is always waiting for a return, in need of my second course right now.
I don't even know what could help you bro, I'm sorry. Every other treatment I've tried has been a normalfag meme

>Arthritus in the SI joint
>spreading to lower back and neck
Normalfags against eugenics will never stop making me rage

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>I meant the IBS being permanent.

Yep has been here for 4 years now, and there's no fucking cure either. This is why, i honestly suggest you deal with the acne and do not take it for a second time. The first course you could have been fine, perhaps the second might be the nail in the coffin.

You won't know until it hits you, and then it's too late.

I give a fuck, user, I give a fuck