/fast/ - #443 - i want to go fast edition

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?
>[YouTube] Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? youtube.com/watch?v=sUhYmNRHFiU [Open]

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?
this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


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I am currently past the 72h mark, however, in ~48 hours I will be meeting some old friends, and I will be expected to drink whisky with them. Should I ease into it by eating bone broth today, and something more filling tommorow? I certainly won't be breaking my fast with alcohol. Looking for advice

What do the apple cider vinegar and lemon juice do you for? I get it's optional but are they worth it? I'm shopping for a 2L water bottle and if it's worth it I'll pick up some of that stuff too.

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I'm on hour 12. What you bros on?

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How you doin' /fast/?

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What app is this?

Those are my most recent stats.
I have a trip at the end of july.
Im cancelling my gym membership so I'll have a week or two not lifting
Should I do a long fast with those stats or stick to the cut?

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I wouldn't be that nuts about it. Of course don't drink alcohol to break the fast, but the last time I did a 72+ hour fast, my first meal afterward was herring with steamed broccoli and beet greens. It's only after more than 5 days you have to worry.

Its called "LIFE fasting". It also allows you to keep track of body fat, ketone levels, weight, and waist circumference. Keeps me motivated

If I were sitting down for some time, and tried to stand up, my vision would start to fade. I fasted for about 40 hours, but I just couldn't deal with my vision disappearing like that so I ended it. What's the cause for it? How do I make sure it doesn't happen on my next fast?
I also experienced increased heart rate when I tried to sleep and only slept for 5 hours, waking up extremely early and not feeling tired at all.

what is the muscle flex stage? i've only done 48s so furthest I got was the autophagy

I had similar experience with sleeping, on fasting says i need less sleep and in ketosis i feel more energetic. Also my brain fog dissipates. I wouldn't know about the vision problems. Are you getting enough sodium, potassium, magnesium and water?

Peak GH. Growth hormone is 5x the baseline level

No, but I did have mineral water with those minerals in it.

Are you actually measuring your heart rate and blood pressure? I recommend it if you can.

Are you taking any medications?

No medications. And no, I'm not measuring. It was more of a feeling that I had that it was raised. Should I visit a doctor?


oh cool, I might go for a 72 after this 48

Op sure is fast to shit out fucked up thread.

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You need to supplement yourself with electrolytes(Na, P, Mg) you cen get them at the pharmacy. At 40h it shoudn't really be required, but maybe your body reacts differently? Try it and see if it helps. It's not like its a big hussle

Bretty good

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Miring those numbers. 96 is my tops

Did anyone try combining clen with fasting? I don't mean extended fasts necessarily, just OMAD and occasionally a 48h one

I love eating

pls respond bros
or at least link me a video of cole explaining it

I honestly believe it doesn't do much other than a placebo.

Asked out the girl im in to and she said yes, ty to /fast/ for helping me lose my 20 lbs, I have a long way to go but it gave me enough confidence to ask her out.

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I think it's for the citric acid

Lemon juice is better because it's got Vitamin c. Good for a fast longer than 72hrs

Better than the ACV? I was thinking of using both when I fast if I buy them. Just wondering what they actually accomplish.

Is omad any good? Or should i just do a 48hr+?

Personally my vision is extended fasts to lose weight and OMAD for every day life.

Is it a bad idea to do extended fasting to lose the last 5-6 lbs?

Jesus Christ, i couldn't make gains on omad, can't eat enough in one sitting

Is no-flavor no nothing regular-ass sparkling water ok to drink?
trying to lower/cure my insuling resistanse & psoriasis but keep eating carbs because I get so fucking hungry

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Yeah, it's fine

>but keep eating carbs
Are you by any chance unemployed?

Fasting was hard as fuck for me to when I was still a NEET just sitting at home. But if you're at work it doesn't matter how hungry you get if you just don't bring any food with you you can't eat anything. And I don't have the time to eat in the morning. In fact most of the time I'm too busy to be hungry.

All that remains is the evening. But if you move out from your parents and start living alone you just have to not buy anything.


Yup, my problem exactly, gotta do something about that soon

How do i control my emotions when fasting ffs, I'm only doing OMAD, but i get incredibly irritable when I'm hungry, and it's bad, every little thing pisses me off

Does your only meal contain carbs?
I generally found OMAD to be much harder than both extended fasts or 16:8.
I think this is because your body keeps switching between carbs after a meal and keto after about 16 hours.
So you never really get over the adaptation period.

Either do extended fasts, switch to something like 16:8 or try making your only meal keto.

I actually work from home. I feel like I need to check myself in a hotel room without food or some shit

If you live on your own you just have to not buy anything.

Thanks I'll try cutting carbs to make it keto

That’s the thing. I live with my parents. It’s terrible

Iktf, parents are gains goblins

What day does it become easier? I’ve only done 2 days and the third is hell

I only drink coffee because it helps suppress my appetite and never used it for a caffeine boost. Should I just switch to green tea instead for my 2-3 day fasts?

Hey guys I'm on day 3 of my 12 day dry fast, I've gone from 76kg to 72.4kg, gonna stop at 60kg, anybody else have dreams of eating the most carb filled meal?

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12 day dry fast? Wtf, how do you not die of dehydration?

Green tea on an empty stomach causes pretty bad nausea, I wouldn’t recommend

Not my first rodeo, it's all bout breathing and exercise, a lot of people think they can't exercise on dry fast but all you need is to do your lifting and skip on rigorous cardio, because when you lift, atleast you give your body a chance to make metabolic water from your fat tissue. Need to get my beach body, cuz I'm going to the beach with my high school class and I need to look nice. Gotta show off the abs I aquired from calisthenics.

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Hmmmm, so either drop the coffee and stick with plain water or have a slightly inefficient IF/extended fast.

This nigga rejecting his humanity.

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Links on dry fasting:

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finally emptied my bowels

Good morning /fast/!
it's a beautiful morning, how are you doing?

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106 hours. Feel great. Worried I might have to eat to keep up with work on Monday.

The second two links literally reference the Bible as truth in the first paragraphs. Fucken dropped.

That said, I’m a faster and a ketard, but people like this make us look back.

is intermittent fasting better than cico for retaining muscle while losing fat?

I do this during my work week. I work 4 10 hour days Fri-Mon 6am to 4pm so I do OMAD and 3 24 hour fasts per week. It works out really well for me

To clarify intermittent being omad 23hrs/1hr and by cico i just mean standard calorie restriction

9th day of my fast now.

A bit over 24 hours to go. Down 7.1kgs(15.6lbs) so far

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Atleast if I die, you guys can validate that it's dangerous. Think of me as dryfast's guinea pig. I'm also thrown off by the religious shit. But I can't overlook the studies.

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Jesus, that's impressive. What was your weight before starting and what kind of fast are you doing?

7 kilos in 8 days or so? Jeebus

>tfw I wasted another 2 hours on /ck/ and watching food videos
This only happens during fasts.

You're fairly new to fasting, right? I stopped doing that ages ago.

New to fasting? Why would anyone be anything else? Why wouldn't you just fast to lose weight and then eat normally

Not everyone can just do it on their first few attempts and lose all the fat. I've been halfassing it for 6 years, finally I'm getting around to it.

Ooh okay i get you, good luck bro, you'll make it, I'm on OMAD to get rid of a few lbs, hopefully i stick with it

I'm powering through a 7-day fast, on day 5 right now and I feel great. From the 3rd day on I felt incredibly well and has been so far the best fast. I'm also not drinking snake juice so I'll probably stop using it in my future fasts.
Tips on the refeed? I've got bone broth for the first day but I don't know what to do after that. I've read about sauerkraut for the probiotics?

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lol you'll need electrolytes for long term fasts user
just get some ORS packets, they're dirt cheap. Tastes real good too compared to homemade brine water.

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Started at 90.2kg(198.8lbs). A water fast with powdered myprotein electrolyte tablets and salt mixed in since I was too lazy to source snake juice ingredients here in Germany. Tastes like metallic chalk
Probably went faster since I cycle about 22km to work and back plus a few hundred push-ups and pull-ups. I'm guessing about 2kg or so of glycogen which I'll probably put back once I refeed in addition to water weight. Muscles all shrank by a few cm and strangely enough there was a significant decrease in vascularity despite the decreasing body fat. I'll see how things look after refeeding and working out this weekend

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Vascularity is dependent on carbs though and other shit like nitric oxide.

I just ended my 60 hour fast, maybe i should have kept going after eating im feeling kinda sleepy

Regardless of that, fasting is becoming easier, before this my record was 50 hours

Is fasting OK during shark week?

what the fuck is that

when one bleeds from their vagina for a few days

A week they do on animal planet dedicated to documentaries about sharks

what does /fast/ think about snussing while fasting?

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I just chew 2mg nicotine gums
fuck this shit, it rots your teeth and gives you cancer

Would not worry that much. Just keto refeed today and stay in ketosis then drink under 5g carbs worth of whiskey. Be prepared for it to hit hard though.

Fuck snake juice taste weird. Can I increase the amount of water in this or is that ratio absolutely necessary? If not then I'll just man up and chug this shit when it's time.

you might be thinking about dip i guess?

you are both retards, although the snus retard is an even bigger retard

you're gonna need to make up the iron deficiency pretty fast, i'm not sure if supplements actually work for that or not though

yo, fuck's sake, I need to lose 6-8 inches in 14 days. My waist is 51" right now. I absolutely need to be 42 or 44, no more, by May 31st.

>started on May 6
>84 kg
>alternate day fasting + a weekend break while visiting family
>yesterday I completely forgot to eat
>measure myself today; 80.8 kg
Part of me wants to eat now, because I missed an eating day, the other part of me just wants to go on.
I just doin't know which shoulder angel should I side with.

I dilute it. Dialing it back altogether on this 72h fast just to see if I feel better or worse with less of it.

I prefer just taking the ingredients raw and drink on it. It is nasty.

Dropped from 325 to to 303 in 11 days of a 12 day fast I ended about 10 days ago, initially gained about 4 pounds of water weight back after breaking it, now after a little break doing OMAD I'm down to 301 and a day and a half into a hopefully much longer fast.

you're fucked, just give up

>Been fasting on and off for 2.5 months
>Never had diarrhea or any idea what you guys are talking about
>Broke a 3 day fast with a double cheeseburger
It finally happened to me bros.

Not going to happen. Lol "NEED".

yeah cuz they have sugar in them. You can make your own snake juice + sugar as well.

Why do I feel sick when I refeed after 2 days? Is it because of carbs? I just about think it's easier to go on than it is to eat and then go thru the initial hunger again the m at day. Is this one of the reasons why people extended fast?

You're probably breaking the fast with the wrong food. How long was it and what did you eat?

The major benefits of fasting come around after day 2/3. Also fasting 24 hours at a time will most likely break a lot more muscle than doing a 4/5 day fast. You need to think about what you're trying to achieve with this.