>that post-workout pint
>that post-workout nut
what are some post-workout rituals you live for?
>that post-workout pint
>that post-workout nut
what are some post-workout rituals you live for?
>that post-workout of getting ready to wageslave
>that post work out going to work filled with a feeling of power and rage, then harassing my coworkers about their shitty life choices
>walking to my Celica over the empty misty car park after killing it
Popping a piece of nicotine gum in my mouth is pretty nice after a workout
Unironically this.
Based and bully-pilled.
Steel Reserve is for homeless people
I should try this. I like the sensation of nicotine after a workout but mom got mad at me for smoking so I moved to juul, still got mad for that.
>inb4 underage
Respect your moms, lads
>no mat
>wheels directly on the carpet
Disgusting and should be punishable by death
>having a fucking carpet in your house
>that you walk on with shoes on
here is the root of all your problems
>that post workout depression
Those look like socks to my eyes
>that post workout toke
>that post workout comp match
I come home, mix my shake and put it in the fridge, do about 30 minutes of yoga, hop in the shower and rinse off, grab my shake, then I roll a joint or two and sit on my back porch. I'm pretty much ready for bed after this but I might read after all of that.
Your dad is for respecting your mom is for milkies
>that post-workout sitting in front of Jow Forums for 6 hours
I love to walk on sunshine after the gym
My first car was a 93' Celica. God i loved that car.
Came to post this.
Usually after a good pump I’ll hit up tinder and just spam girls with a pic of me with the pump. Whoever responds and isn’t playing convo games gets the dick.
8 out of 10 times it works lol they’re down and it’s immediately after. I just ignore girls who play around or don’t get to the point.
I surprised myself with the chicks I pulled by using this strategy, I have a great body but I’m like 7/10 at best if I try to look good.
Give it a try dudes just brute force them with your body
no WE lost
thats a cute kitty you got there user
>leave the gym
>"god i hate living in a big city, i wish i could go back to the country-side"
>get to the studio i work and sit on my chair
>i look down at my gut and feel like any effort i make in life is worthless
>work hard for 12 straight hours to forget any feelings i gave
Trying to be Jow Forums (going to the gym and eating healthy) is a stable habit i've had for around 5 or 6 months now, but i don't think i'll ever make it brahs.
I'll keep trying tho
Yeah, and Kubiczek said he kissed that dude and slept in his bed. Wehrmacht never adopted Hitler’s vegetarian diet for the troops over the old iron ration. What does that tell you about how shit veganism is?
Post-workout bath with dr teals bath salt if I've showered in past 3 days.
Post-workout shower with full self care routine otherwise (shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment, exfoliating scrub, face wash, soap+loofah, water activated lotion, shave, shave balm, face moisturizer, coacoa butter skin therapy oil to prevent stretchmarks, cocoa butter lotion, cologne, brush teeth, floss, mouthwash, teeth whitening strips)
While either bath or shower, I drink a cold protein shake. Nothing more satisfying than cold protein shake in a hot shower/bath go give protein and refill glycogen.
>Post workout spliff
God tier.
You post face or just bod? There's just something off putting about potentially becoming a fuccboi in your town and everyone finding out
>he remarked, getting ready to serve his jewish masters
>that post workout of smoking a bowl and taking a nice cold shower
Post workout kratom and nicotine pouch.
>that post workout shit
feels so good man
Cooking a PWOM and smoking a bowl before chowing down.
Welcome to Satan's world, user
>That post-workout speedball
Nothing beats it let me tell ya.