Occasional overeating is just as beneficial as fasting for resetting the bodies hormones

Occasional overeating is just as beneficial as fasting for resetting the bodies hormones

Attached: compulsive-overeater.jpg (357x286, 31K)

occasional killing yourself is beneficial to your health


To an extent I agree.
Imagine it from the point of view of our ancestors, after hunting down their meal and running half a marathon they are rewarded with a nice clump of indulgence.
But, OP, what do you define as overeating?
One snack more than usual is overeating, just as another two meals would be overeating.

My ass


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Bodybuilders will have cheat meals on cuts in order to boost their mental health, as well as to quicken up their metabolism.

woah guys, watch out for the edgy angry neckbeard

Literally landwhale tier mentality
Relieve humanity of yourselves

it's fucking true though lmao

What's wrong with you? Do you hate the world because you don't enjoy eating? Faggot.

Stay small.

>Seething fatties
Go back to /fat/, nobody likes you and wants you around
It's not

>b-b-but life is supposed to be constant pain and suffering!

Jow Forums makes it seem like life has to be dull boring and tedious 24/7

Don't knock it till you try it

Yeah kind of but you aren’t supposed to “overeat” you just increase calories slightly but you’re eating good stuff so it’s ok instead of injecting french fries or whatever. Nice bait tho

yeah but they also burnt upwards of 2k calories so eating the fuck out of the recently acquired food is balanced

if you arent fat you can manage eating a shit ton every once in a while... there is a limit to how much your body can absorb in one day idiot

>binge ate about 10k cals a day for 7 days straight
>weight barely went up, look bigger and leaner

Ah, steroids are fucking awesome. I also masturbate, take hot showers, and never train for strength yet am bigger and leaner than all of you while having no discipline whatsoever.

post body fag

Enjoy that heart attack at the age of 45

I don't need to prove myself to a no doubt skinnyfat natty who does SS and keto.
That is a natty cope, but either way I will have lived more of a life by 30 than you would in 100 years.

Stay fat

yeah just say your more lean and bigger than everyone here and not back it up. fucking retard. you DO need to prove yourself since you're making bogus claims.

stay a loser, as you always have been. no one has ever or will love you

not really you're just expanding your stomach for no reason other than gluttony

You're natty, that makes you the retard. Your "gains" disappear the second you put clothes on. And no, women don't give a fuck about your squat. they care about your look.

Based. Everyone that's serious should take steroids after a max of 5 years of lifting.