is deadlift a meme exercise?
Is deadlift a meme exercise?
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For aesthetic purposes? Yes
For life? No, its one of the best exercises out there to build a strong core and back, something you will be thankful you had built up when you start going into your 40s and 50s
you tell me
Doing deadlifts since like 5 yo, its a fucking meme, dont waste your time if you dont want a ticket to snap city.
Why this board hates dl so much?
I'd consider a strong core with a strong posture over a hunchback to be aesthetic.
Deadlifts help with this
heavy deadlift for amateur lifter is just a good way to hurt your back and have a miserable life
Wait wtf. I only care about aesthetics but I thought deadlifts were good for core?
Deadlift can give good aesthetics if you have good diet and bulk/cult a couple times. But you would obviously accelerate hypertrophy with isolations for high reps. imo it's best to focus on heavy compounds and then supplement with something like weighted pull-ups and pendlay rows.
Yeah, deadlifts are great. People seem associate abs = strong core wich is really dumb so they go around doing tertiary ab and oblique work to get a strong core
>tfw a dyel asks how many sets when ur mid lift
Because it's full of retards
>muh aesthetics
>muh gurlz
>muh 6'
>muh isolation
>muh natty limit discussions
They're really easy to fuck up. I know tons of people at my high school who hurt their back deadlifting the wrong way. I tried it once and immediately decided to never do it again.
Only if you literally never even attempted to learn it properly. The deadlift is the easiest compound exercise to learn if someone tells you what to do.
The normal person should probably do kettlebell swings instead.
Heavy ass deadlift will boost your test. If you're a natty lifter you'll definitely want this to help with aesthetics.
Then I might as well not do barbell work at all
Because it's hard as hell and destroys your CNS like no other type of workout. It's also useless unless your sleeping enough, you simply wont recover. A d this board has large numbers of people who sleep four hours a night and wonder why they cant get stronger.
I think of the big 4, it translates to real life the best. We're constantly bending over or squatting down (not the same as a weightroom squat) to pick things up. Also improves your grip strength which is useful outside the gym.
For aesthetics? Hard to say. Some people respond really well to them. My quads/hams get great activation from sumo DLs and I feel like my traps have grown since I started doing DLs + rack pulls.
How many hours should I be sleeping to get stronger? I’ve always slept like shit before but I’m getting a bit better at it. Currently getting about 6.5 to 7 hours and working my way up to 8 hours.
It is the easiest compound lift to do without fucking up, though.
That's why mike ohearn is so strong as a natty
i guess my only advice on deadlifts is probably up the weight slowly.i think its easy to have shit form but still look decent to someone who observes you and then you slowly and steadily fuck up your back.If you feel like somethings wrong then it probably is
Basically this. this isn't a fitness board, very few people here are healthy at all. No compound lifts, cares way too much about aesthetics, no cardio, very few actual balanced diets, rampant insecurity and self image issues. This is the same reasons they dont believe in natty lifting and have a hivemind against tattoos(despite worshipping rich piana and zyzz).
In this respect, Jow Forums is closer to becoming /fa/ than they are to making it.
I haven't really seen research but Rippetoe suggests sleeping 8 hours and "that may not be enough" or something along those lines were his words.
I don't know what the video says but I do get sore abs when I do heavy deadlifts. However, I think the more incorrectly you do the exercise, the more you'll feel it in your abs.
Deadlift is the greatest exercise of all time
It fixed my back problems.
No need to go heavy. DL with 235 lbs strengthened back lower back muscles a lot.
Consider how much you sit in a modern life. Any DL will help a lot.
Doing it to train your upper back is stupid. Do rows and shit.
>I think of the big 4, it translates to real life the best.
I like strength training and being strong but "functional" things are pretty much useless for most people .
More of a meme than OHP, the best lift
For snap city
>Is the most functional exercise there is a meme lift?
Great for forearms, back, core, hams and glutes, not to mention burning the proper way to lift any load from the ground into your CNS with thousand of repetitions, yeah total meme lift
Can someone check my form please
That guy dont look natty. Anyway, were talking aesthetics not strength.
Thanks, I'm trying to tell my friend he has to use chair form too but he insists his form is safer for your back or some shit.
Lmao hes probably some DYEL, heres my PR attempt yesterday, so close
Is mixed grip with straps a thing...? I've never seen that.
Deadlift is like the decent exercise with the word lift in it. How can you say you lift if you don't DL Jow Forums?
Squats will fuck you up easier
Cause they don’t stretch or take proper precautions for form and function and they’re all fat roleplayers, that’s why. 100% it’s a great lift full stop
Does deadlift gain meme reputation by faggots trying to lift too heavy egolifts with ticket to snap city?
Because 95% of Jow Forums doesn't exercise
It's picking something up dude how is it hard
I'm of the opinion that ANY super heavy lift that puts pressure on your spine is probably not beneficial to your long term health.
I do lots of deadlifts, but only at 100 lbs, and I go for reps. I feel like I get a good workout and my back never feels fucked up.
>For aesthetic purposes? Yes
Muscle size is heavily correlated with muscle strength. Doing deadlifts are great for building a foundation to hit some heavier lifts. And for me personally, deadlifting heavy is 100% what gave me my Adonis Belt when I was starting out.
Lmao, you're not supposed to curve your lower back bro. Deadlifts make your body stronger and lifting heavy increases your bone density. Just don't ego lift or lift to failure on deadlifts, you will be fine if you don't over do it. In fact it will do a lot to help prevent lower back injury.
I'm paranoid as shit because every middle aged man I know has crippling back issues. My dad can barely bend down to tie his shoes. My neighbor requires a morphine patch to get out of bed. A family friend has to sleep in a custom elevated bed and is in near constant pain.
I just figure fuck it man. I'm not risking it. You fuck up your back ONCE and it might be all over for you. You might live a life of agony from that point on.
I'm fine being a DYEL if it means I don't have to worry about my spine exploding. I know heavy lifting can be good for you if you do it right. I mean look at Jack Lalanne, dude was a strongman til the day he died. But I feel like if you don't have your form MASTERED, then you should be really fuckin' paranoid.
How are people so obliviously "confident" to wear meme tape into a gym? Almost mire
Lifting buddy tries to 1repmax egolift every leg day with deadlifts and I cant stop him. He's gonna snap his shit up eventually. Will be a sad day.
100lbs are you a woman?
beautiful form
I only have access to dumbbells brochacho. I figure 10 sets of 20 dumbbell deadlifts @ 100 lbs probably does some good.
why isn't he wearing flip flops
Damn my back started to hurt just watching it .. he'll probably make hospital gains ..
Im of the opinion that someone who doesn't deadlift is likely not fundamentally strong. Sure they might have a nice bench but I'll cream those faggots in pickup any day of the week.
>tried picking up a grocery bag once, immediately decided to never try again
>rapid loading and deloading of the spine
i wonder how good that felt
ya I'll cream your bussy any night of the week
Mixed grip with straps? Check.
TWO weightlifting belts, outer one loose? Check.
Kino tape on shoulders, forearms and (presumably) along shaft? Check.
Smelling salts? Check.
Fail lift 33% of the way up, then celebrate? Checkity-fucking-check.
what youre doing sounds good, butI think youd be better off focusing on thot-squats, fatten that butt up. Id love to have a little girl-boy like you around when I just need some ass to fuck. dont let anyone criticize you for not being more manly :)
It doesn't. People who have actually been on/ Jow Forums for a decent amount of time most of the time know what they're talking about. It's all these new faggots shitting up the board for fun. The attitude around here used to be way different 10+ years ago