How Jow Forums are the most special of special operators?

How Jow Forums are the most special of special operators?

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Ask 70s big

Triathlete. They also tend to juice. It’s super competitive, even when you’ve made selection.

You literally wouldn't believe it.
Most importantly they are mentally Jow Forums.

Basically iron man /triathlon competitor fitness with an IQ of 125 or better.

All of these and then some.
I got sequestered before I could go to A&S (thanks nigger).
I was in olympian territory, and I was still nervous as fuck.
In hindsight after seeing all the diversity hires and fuckups that have happened Im kind of glad I didnt.


There's a record board at the gyms in my Army. Most of them are held by PTE A. 2nd Commando Regiment, CPL B. Special Air Service Regiment
SGT C. Special Operations Engineer Regiment
and so on like that.
Apparently there was a guy who ran our 2.4km run in under 6 minutes, but I haven't seen the record. I've seen records like 169 push-ups in 2 minutes, 132 burpees in 2 minutes, 71 pull-ups and shit like that.

The answer is very fit but their bodies are also very durable so that they can climb mountains in Afghan for hundreds of kms.

Assessment & Selection

Nigger stop speaking like I know what you know. What country? Cause if it isn’t US no ones gonna know what you’re talking about so you gotta explain.

This. Injury resistance and an ability to perform in shitty conditions is the mark of a warrior

>tfw born for warfighting but don't want to be a good goy and die for israel

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Cope. Killers want to kill no matter the cause

If given the orders I'd shoot women and children border jumpers and not lose a wink of sleep.

>i-im a warrior!
>but my politcal beliefs stand in my way of gettin sum
Lmao "muh ibrael" this is the biggest cope I see on Jow Forums.

Nah you're just being a brainlet. Read a non-fiction book sometime.

Speak english you niggers.

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So whats up with that bro?
Ive been out quite a while, but when are you guys gonna start mowing these subhuman border hoppers?
Id join you bros happily, then drink the free tequila we loot off their corpses while singing old Alamo songs.

Can't see shit nigger. Here you go.

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They're all on PEDs and roids and they have to stay mind-blowingly fit to keep their jobs.

They are mentally broken. Every single one of them.

But ok.... what ever you say boy

lol this thread...

most are higher BF and strength then avg grunt

to a pog i guess they are olympians tho

>t. motor t "grunt"

>I know if I say boy they’ll think I’m serious. Cringe
This wrong, vast majority are on gear and are in fact in amazing shape.

My stepfather was a green beret for 25 years. When he was in he was fucking shredded.

Now he's a bit older and a contractor and he's put on a lot more weight but he's just as strong.

He's 5'7" and I'm 6'4" and he still scares the living shit out of me.

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We are waiting for our leader pewdiepie to order 66

Is that guy Rippletits fat or is he just hiding gear under his blue windbreaker.

If your stepfather didn't fuck you in the ass or used you as a slave while fucking the rest of your family, than he is a cuck.

I've worked on many occasions with our SF guys, have friends in the Regiment and can tell when someone is juicing. A lot of the guys have done 1 or 2 cycles in the past but it's not possible to just blast and cruise because of the training and operational tempo. When I worked with the SF I thought I would do PT with them, and I can do 120+ push-ups, 30 pull-ups, muscle-ups for days, and I'm a decent runner. It was the hardest session of my life holy shit I was so embarrassed trailing everyone in reps and distance.
Turned up to PT with them the next day and a couple of the guys were happy to see me, so I earned their respect. Didn't stop them from Mag dumping 5.56 paintball rounds into me over the next few weeks.

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Used to work for a company that did third-party work for Contractors, on a handful of occasions I worked with guys that were former SOF/SF guys.

A few things I noticed...

-A lot more smaller guys than I expected. These guys were in early 2000's so you didnt see the bigger guys you see today that take strength and conditioning to another level
-Way nicer than I expected. Overtly nice. I wasnt expecting complete assholes but not this level of friendly.
-Even as older guys, 50-60+ years in some cases, they looked solid. Muscular, lean, low body-fat.
-Every one of them seemed to have some substance addiction lol, mostly caffeine or cigarettes.

They were all intense without coming off arrogant.

nice LARP faggot

High power cringe right here

Can you tell us any story contractor-user?

I always wondered what it's like

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I wish I had something even slightly entertaining to show for it. We were sub-contracting for a larger company, providing logistics for moving supplies into shithole areas that required security contractors as escorts.

Everyone was worried the bulldozers and toilet paper would be stolen I guess.

Stay mad coping neverserved

>t. fat neckbeard

> t. Homosexual Roidhead

Paid enough though?

there was a guy at my unit who was transferring over to the SAS and he used to run ironmans for fun and didn't find them challenging so that level

he was a stick, pretty cool guy tho

When I was in the military my platoon gave me the nickname 'Blackout' because under the right circumstances I would go into a frenzy and start shooting civies and friendlies until I regained lucidity.

>thinking you're above politics
just join the FFL and accept it as an adventure

Only guy I know that made it would do crazy shit. Guy was able to run for well over an hour at a 6 minute mile pace with his armor on.

Not fit at all by internet standards, it's all endurance and cardio.

Sample exercise from German special forces:
>Take chair
>Put it in front of a wall
>Step on it, touch wall, mark the spot you touched
>Now you continually step up, touch spot, step down, for 5 minutes
Even fit people usually fail this test.

I used to work with a retired E-5 11B (infantry) who was in the 75th Ranger Regiment for a couple years. He said juicing was common under the mentality that they were "athletes" as SOF Soldiers. He swore he never touched the stuff though.

This is wrong. And Germanys a failed country so who really cares what they do.

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>shooting friendlies
nah you didn't. if you shot friendlies, there is a 99% chance you'd have ended up in some sort of "accident".

if you wanted to fight in wars, you would fight in wars. you clearly do not.

If you know anything about SPECOPS dudes is that they're more mentally robust than they are physically. Sure they can perform above average (no doubt about that), but they're not selected based solely on that. If you're in a shitty situation you need people that can remain calm under tension and that will always take care of their squad and get the mission done.
Their best asset is literally their brain. To see solutions instead of obstacles. To adapt and overcome.

Cardio monsters, primarily


Imagine typing these words on an anime forum.

that mag dump was their respect too

I could be one of them. My IQ is over 140.

That's not how it works. Trying taking the Wonderlic multiple times over the course of days or weeks, while also lacking adequate sleep. I could keep going, but if you guy wants to know for real-ask.

I for real want to know how much you love sucking Israels dick, any other American military user feel free to share your experiences being a fucking zog puppet.

Uh I am having my cheat day in advance and watching New Game anime and eating pizza. Maybe later.

That shows how little you know about the realities of the armed forces. I've been as far-right as you're alledging yourself to be, since my teens, and that is pretty much the norm for nearly all of the guys in the combat arms. While stationed in Italy, some guys would openly wear t-shirts with the Schutzstaffel insignia around base and town.

>As i alledge to be

Don't mistkae me for some nazi LARPer you yankee imperialist pig. I don't give a fuck whatever kind of homo-erotic symbolism you wear while fucking eachother in the ass on an Italian beach. Every single war America fights is an imperialist war ment to defend your business interests or Israels interests. I'm glad 9/11 happened and i can't wait for more attacks.

Hopefully you and a lot of your retard buddies commit suicide, as is currently the trend in the US armed forces.

You're cute

Nothing wrong with being NatSoc. Other than that what you wrote is objectively true.

>being this butthurt
Did a soldier fuck your girl little buddy?

Of course, our wars, and virtually all, are about self-preservation. Wherever this other fuck nut comes from, their people have done and continue to do the same as the US and others, and if they are from the US or Western nation than it would then proceed to their ideological affiliations. Just like some haji attempting to advance his beliefs and so on. The US has just done a better job, everyone else. These people talk about Israel but never do you hear that possibly we are using them to justify our actions.

Look up the “horsemen” trainig program. Shit’s like crossfit with military function. It’s insane. I learned about it from an ODA guy in Afghanistan

Who let the westoboro baptist in?

By contractor he means KBR. Not Z or blackwater

>Apparently there was a guy who ran our 2.4km run in under 6 minutes
no he didn't, no one in the military is that fast

>mentally fit
Pick only one, mon amie


Young men dying in sand pits for a dying nation is what muh warrior ancestors would do!
> stay coping u lost fuck

ITT: Brainlets
SOF dudes come in all sizes. some lift and are shredded. others are cardio bunnies that will smoke you. If you look at selection for any of them you have to be able to put on a heavy pack and go long distances with minimal sleep and food. You must pass your branches PT test with a perfect score. This usually means that you are a monster at pushups/situps/pullups and can run a 2 or 3 miles ideally under a 6 mile pace. You should also be able to ruck with 50 or so pounds in bad terrain until they tell you to stop.

Overall you will be broken at selection physically. Many of the guys that Jow Forums want to have sex with that are jacked fail early. If you show up prepared selection is all a mental game.

Once you make it through you will see guys juice and some guys remain otter mode. It is solely big boy rules. Really you need to be able to keep up with your ODA or whatever unit and not be a liability.

In summary: Have great endurance, solid calisthenic base, and be at least slightly above average IQ wise. Look to the GT score for IQ reference... they are supposedly roughly correlated.... i.e. 75th Ranger requires 105 and Army SF requires 110.

Now, go train up and get your legs blow off for Israel sweetie.

Wanting to fight in a war and realising the fighting is for a pointless cause are two different things ?

Yeah, as mundane as the work was the pay was pretty good. I spent the first 15 months after college in the Middle East gaining weight from all the amazing food.

Definitely not something I would want to make a career of, but I came home debt free and was able to pay off my college loans.

I deployed with one of the Groups. This is pretty much right on.

I will add that of the 20 or so dudes I got to know pretty well, and of the 20 or so I got acquainted with, none were dumb. Some might've been a little smarter or dumber relative to the whole office, but none ever struck me as even average intelligence.

>tfw 121 gt score

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Son google USS Liberty, then when youre done with that google the lavon affair.
How many of your congress/senate/house are not just diaspora but actual isreali dual citizens. You're hilarious bro.

Nice poster knowledge kid. Wrong
Wrong. They’re almost all on gear.
Do you think it isn’t possible anyone ran track in college and then joined the military? Retard.
>stating the obvious
Duh. You really didn’t say anything. It’s all right cause it’s all obvious.

I was in 7th group at Bragg. Yes we're smaller. We have to run/ruck several miles a week but some guys can bulk up and still run. They're usually your genetic beasts.

We are generally nice because the biggest part of selection is selecting individuals that are team players. So any sort of arrogance or autism is cut. But at the end of the day if they've deployed to a combat zone they've killed a person.

Yep a lot of soldiers get addicted to those. Helps stay awake at times. Also, PTSD is very real especially like I said they've likely killed a person. So SF vets often take up alcoholism/marijuana after their service.

sheckle for a good goy

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Cmon dude

Ever wonder why so many operators become trannies when they get back to the states?

They're roided up to the gills, and after years of blasting roids their endocrine system is fucked.
It's simply impossible to retain decent muscle mass when you operate at the tempo they do without roids.

On the Air Force side, very fit. We're more concerned about endurance than muslces. Most of my CCT buddies are rail thin but can run and swim for days. I have known one CCT that was fucking yoked, like arms as big as my legs, but he couldn't swim very well. But once you make it to 1720th, no one really gives a fuck if you can swim anymore.

All PJs are otter mode.

Most SOWTs are like CCTs but fatter.

TACPs are a mixture of everything because they don't have to swim.

Not sure about the other branches.

Once you've been in the STS community for a good 10 years or so, no one really gives a damn. As long as you can keep moving and work under stress, that's all that matters. The majority of SNCOs in ST Squadrons pay special attention to SSgt and below when it comes to physical fitness. The TSgt and up have already proven themselves, and mental dexterity is way more important.

What were the circumstances user ?

Nothing, he's full of shit. They would have "accidentally" shot him or blown his ass up for that.

I had a stint running security in Central Africa not too long ago (the real deal, not dyncorp "go stand around a consulate all day" bullshit).
Contrary to how most SOF dudes are fucking built, nearly everyone in my company were skinnyfat 40-60 year olds with beer bellies, the same went for any contractors from other groups. That said, they were all still strong as fuck and could go all day, but god damn everyone looked like shit lol.

Did 3 tours in South America with an ODA, then worked as a contractor for "The Company".
The guys in my squad gave me the name "Hemmingway."

>so many
They don’t. There’s been like 3 you faggot. Stop talking out of your ass.

All contractors are required to go by "the company" lmao. I did some bullshit air traffic gig and had to refer to my employer as "the company," even though all I did was sit in the tower for 8 hours a day with my thumb up my ass.

I actually talked to the guy who wrote this a few years back, pretty cool read for anyone interested

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>Can you tell us any story contractor-user?
So, the war in CAR is between 4 factions, one currently makes up the military junta government. Half of the country is Muslim and the other half is Christian. At the time, the current government was allied with two of the factions, non-hostile to the third and at war with the fourth.
we had a dozen guys set up in a tiny observation point outside of a large shanty city, we were holed up in one of those prefabricated armored scaffolding tower fort things, idk what they're called, you see them a lot in the golan heights and palestine.

>23:55 everything is quiet
>00:00 all the muzzies in the town start chimping out and shooting tracers into the air because today is eid and the only thing more wreckless and unstable than a muslim is a nigger muslim
>christian militias roll up in techies and start shooting at the muslims
>christian militias start shooting at each other
>government starts shooting at all three
>in a matter of minutes we're taking (extremely inaccurate) fire from every fucking direction, the government checkpoint 600m away that KNOWS we're allies and helped us set up the fucking base is shooting at our tower
>the jungle is on fire in every direction
>we're only one hour into eid

niggers, dude, not even once

What about SERE bois?
>they're technically under AFSOC

SERE is under AETC

50/50 with those guys. I've seen some PT studs and I've worked with some fatasses.

Knew a guy who was trying out for Marine Recon, never found out if he made it or not.
Motherfucker could run a Murph in less than 45 minutes in combat boots

Less than 45 is fairly standard in the STS community. My best was just over 37, but I wasn't in boots.

New pasta?


It’s a joke you virgin

absolutely fucking based

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