What was the latest compliment you got Jow Forums?
>6 years ago
>girl compliments my big forearms when i was helping her move this desk at work
I still remember it like yesterday, feels gud mane.
What was the latest compliment you got Jow Forums?
My bro said I had beautiful eyes :3
Very very fake asses in OP, glaringly fake. Sad!
Made a face reveal to some interwebz friends a couple of weeks ago, all said I was quite good looking. Planning to live off of that for the rest of my life
A patient yesterday shook my hand and then wrapped his hand around my arm and said "wow, you have giant muscles"
They're not fake, just photoshopped
pretty cute girl at college said i have big calves today
idk if thats good or bad
I have really white straight teeth with a wide smile that people always say I should be a teeth model. Funny thing is I'm permanently depressed (even anti-depressants don't work) and I never smile.
If someone makes a comment on my looks it's usually my smile.
One hot older woman recently said I had nice eyes but that was a first.
I'm pretty boring and average looking. People say I have a typical look
I find emotionally tiring to smile. What am I five years old?
Pls sauce me bros
i was fucking a prostitute and she said that I was handsome and how I didn't had sex younger (I'm 20)
right is jade grobler
Thats not a compliment, you should feel ashamed.
>Your wilde shoulders make you appear a lot taller than 1.70
Thanks I guess
*wide ofcourse
most recent one:
>big arms
some others:
>nice smile
>nice skin
>good cheekbones
>thick hair
>tfw virgin
>be 6'4 255 lbs
>been training strongman for the last three years or so
>Have a Rogue Fitness "Thor" shirt, says "THOR" across the back
>Doing weighted dips on sunny morning at the gym
>Old feller, probably 60 years old, comes up and taps me on the shoulder
>"Oh, I'm sorry, from behind you look like that Bjornson fella!"
>Old dude legit thought I was Thor Bjornson from across the gym
Probably the best feel I ever felt.
>You look like you came off the cover of a magazine
Disgusting. You can tell they’re implants from their shitty legs. Just looks weird
Ultimate strengthmire
Force yourself to smile and your life will better tenfold.
Try it for a day.
Its a photoshop. But also you are gay
>On a bulk
>Hey user, did you lose weight?
y-you too
got carded today. "wow you look sixteen"
>tfw 24
Dont force a smile. Think of something that makes you happy and let the smile come naturally, then maintain
girl told me i had a body like a fitness model. joke's on her cos i have a face that fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch. did the sex anyway.
>be me
>at the doctor's
>my stomach is killing me, need to get tested
>qt nurse calls me over
>"ok first let's take a blood sample"
>"wow do you donate blood?"
>"no, should i?"
>"you have really nice veins :)"
we're all gonna make it brehs
Do gf compliments count?
Stop looking for happiness, start finding meaning. Fill your time struggling and endeavouring in things that are worthy of struggle and endeavour. Work out what the best version of you (same starting point, but acting in the way you wish you would/would be most proud of,) would do over each time frame that you think about. Use that as a to do list. Know and accept both that you will never be this perfect version of yourself, but also that working towards that ideal constantly is about as worthy and meaningful as a thing can be.
Cmon bro, you got this. We’re all gonna make it.
my girl-homie in psychology said my arms are getting more muscley to another girl sitting on the other side of me and she said yh and smiled at me.
is this what it feels like brahs? my first mire!
>tfw only get compliments for clothes and penis
>standing in line at the Rural King
>some 60 y/o hick boomer with his wife approach the line from the wrong side
>looks at me and goes "WOAH I was gunna cut but then I saw your muscles!"
My coworker asked if girls call me beefy. I said girls don’t even talk to me lol
>standing in bus stop
>''nice legs''
>''thanks, you too''
i can't even fucking take compliments
>2 years ago.
>At the liquor store buying discount vodka because holy shit it was a bad time.
>Fat Southern Belle type behind the counter, maybe mid-50s.
>Put on my social interaction voice I developed back when I worked as a McWageslave.
>"Hi there, could I please get a half gallon of the-"
>"Oooh, hunny, you got a voice like black velvet. Mmmmm-hm. You just tell me everythin you need, sugar."
Absolutely too old and fat for me, but it really brought my spirits up.
>addicted to vidya, weed, fapping
>live with parents
>no job in 5 years
>hadn't had a gf in 10+ years
>start lifting, eating right and no fap about a year ago
>get a job
>move out
>hot christian gf for past 3 months
>picked her up and pinned her against wall to make out (im 6'4 she's 5'10)
>she squeals and tells me how strong i am
no matter how dark and hopeless it may seem
never give up fellas, we're all going to make it
We have to go thiccer, for my penis
that is nice and all, but I'm 5'9.
This is what I want to see when I lay under a glass table as they sit on it and take a shit.
Girl I am seeing couldn't keep up with my sexual resistance, even though she was crazy for more sick.
Literally fucked her to failure.
i almost like myself enough to compliment, myself. Almost.
I want to believe
Fucking kek
true inspiration since Im on the fucking same life, except did 4years of study into 2years of neet life and I have my own appartement but go outside only for the gym and groceries
aiming to get a quick job untill august and go back to school in sept to become a school teacher
yeah that must suck. she's mentioned a lot how attractive my height is. i never thought about height until i saw all the manlet despair on this board
sorry bro
>tfw a girl calls you cute/handsome
Based and redpilled my dude
>You're a freak of nature
I changed my work profile picture for skype and people thought I looked better compared to my older profile pic. That felt good.
it's all true, i forgot to add that taking acid during this transformation was a major catalyst as well
also make sure to get a tan
>also make sure to get a tan
yes, and Im working on neck gains too
Ten years ago I put "strong back" on my application to work at my high school's library because I legit had no other qualifications. They hired me, turned out they were renovating and needed someone to carry boxes of books.
At the end of the semester I won a "most helpful" award with a gift card for being the strongest guy in the library.
People of the opposite sex won't typically comment on your appearance to you unless they like it.
A true poet
Both of those girls have ass fat injections.
Wholesome post
You're mentally ill you fucking animal
>guy at the suit store yesterday told me "you are lean and built, and thats a good thing."
It is his job to make me feel good
>3 zoomers who are new to lifting complimented the amount of weight I was benching and asked how long I had been lifting for
There was a guy two benches over lifting more than me. I am a similar body type to them, so maybe I seemed more accessible. They sounded genuine though.
>hanging out in a hot tub with bros they keep telling me I have the body of a greek god
skelly lanklet, but I am the only one in the group who lifts so by comparison I guess I look good.
Am I just supposed to start believing compliments I get at some point? I am nowhere near as good looking as most people in my gym.
>tfw never got a compliment on penis
that kek, thx
Only showed my peepee to three girls and two of them saying that its huge or "the perfect size"
first one was drunk as fuck on new years eve and literally screamed out loud that I had a huge penis while her boyfriend was around, she told me that he was "ok" of me fucking her kek, didnt fucked her tho, she was a whale
the woman who cut my hair today told me she was surprised that I don't have a girlfriend
I also got a job today, which is nice.
People love my ass for some reason (I'm a male), both men and women. I didn't even notice my ass gainz before people told me about it.