/plg/ Powerlifting General

It's Barq's Edition
>Eat a ton of protein. Squat heavy. Push heavy objects. Have sex. Love life. - Jimmy Wendler

Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (late intermediates)
5/3/1 (read Beyond or Forever)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
GZCL (any variation)
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

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Other urls found in this thread:


Its bangs root beer

love popping a bang's open after a heavy session with the boys

What is the difference of pin and pause variation assuming both pause/pin at same height?

How do I determine which one I need?

Oh my fuck today is Friday the 17th, no wonder I couldn't lift the weight. I'm going to die on my birthday sweet Jesus save me

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How the weight is being supported. Imo pin variants are better for raw power generation, pause variants are better for maintaining positioning.

So.. pin for power, pause for isometric strength at given positions? Does that sound about right, at least in brosciencish terms?

Yeah, but they're still very similar overall. Doesn't mean they don't work for the other purpose.

Pause is always going to be for power off the chest/out of the bottom. With pins you can adjust it to certain sticking points at least. I'd say reverse it.

Attached: Bench1.png (664x831, 657K)

>Pause is always going to be for power off the chest/out of the bottom

Not with Spoto or with 1/2/3 boards though.

Post competition squat bar placement. Pic related

Attached: High-Bar-Back-Squat.jpg (640x480, 301K)

Technically yes, but imo it's more of a benefit to positioning because maintaining a good position is much, much harder when you have to support the weight of the barbell by yourself, compared to pins when you have to move the weight from an absolute stand still and can't bounce to cheat it.

wrong thread

bangs is the best preworkout honestly

For me its
>at the base of the traps
>above the spine of the scapula

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>have to lift 4 days in a row
God damn it. At least today's session was really good. Undershot RPE on top single and pussied out on depth a bit, but it still felt really fucking good and moved well. Next week maybe I won't be a little bitch. Really a big fan of using pliers to finish my wraps, definitely never going back to using my hands.

What deadlift variation to do in c6w? Is trap bar deadlift ok?

Worse than sumo.

Whatever the fuck you think will help your main deadlift

>pussied out on depth a bit

"A bit"

There's a difference between not being able to go lower and cutting depth due to not being confident.

>got half a kilo of expensive chocolate

Are you a woman or a child?

No but chocolate is a big deal here, and there was a shortage this winter for whatever reason

trap bar deadlift makes the hardest part of the deadlift easier, so its a no go

he's not preparing for a meet or anything, trap bars fine

I failed a 140kg bench TWICE, like a BITCH
But I got 110kgx7 which is a nice little PR. Enough to bump up my max

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Is EMOM just 1 minute rest? why use this meme confusing terms? Do people feel smarter when they use buzzwords?

Has anyone ever tried mad cow but with decreasing sets on volume days rather than ramped sets?
That is, warm up with doubles and singles, do my heavy set, then do back off sets? Feel like that would be better than ramped sets, which fatigue you before the max.

Im doing 28programs Bench 3x Int Medium and at the same time same program but for OHP
Place your bets which will give out first my rotator cuffs or my elbows

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>Feel like that would be better than ramped sets, which fatigue you before the max.
This is retarded, weakling thinking

Don't do EMOM deadlifts they're useless volume

That is retarded and I hope you're at the very least bloating

What kind of mental illness do you have? Autism? Gender dysphoria? Are you a homosexual?

There are a million different ways to get stronger, and you are custom building very specific ways to fuck it up.

I dont wanna have to choose between OHP and Bench

No. Let's say you have 10 sets of EMOM. You set a timer for 10 minutes, and each time it rolls over to the next minute is when you do your set. The longer you take the less rest you have before your next set.

So, autism.

You can do both, you fucking retard.

You will have to, they overlap enough to force a choice.

I’ve never seen any data on ramped versus drop sets. Just retards arguing from their feelings. Anyone actually have a source?

This. I often only go to parallel on heavy singles, gotta force myself to think hips below knees when doing them.

Has anyone here done the Hepburn method? What were your results?

Ran 531 BBB for a couple of cycles, thinking about switching to Hepburn for simplicity/minimalism in training but it doesn't seem like enough volume to get aesthetic. Will I lose size/aesthetics doing this shit?

>I’ve never seen any data on ramped versus
100 years of anecdotal evidence, you fucking autist nerd faggot.

You're fucking up your progress with both lifts
If you spend one or two months focusing on your bench with minimal the press volume, you'll get a PR when you focus on the press again

Gbro ran it for deadlift and injured himself. There's some modification you need to do to it if you are natty GDE.

I ran it. Be careful, don't do the pump work, don't be aggressive with adding ohp weight. It's a lot of volume and ends up bring a lot, but doesn't allow for much assistance work unless you keep it light.

Some guy posted the modification that reduces the intensity, but I can't be fucked to archive search it.

You have no idea what you're fucking doing, stick to 5-3-1

But I got an estimated PR on first week of both..

Because you're most likely weak is shit, and you're about to stall so fucking hard
That your dick will break off

I ended up dropping it to 6 sets, no pump work, and switched out ohp for slingshot.


>First week
Lol. Well it's only 3x int medium, not so much volume. Try it out and make your mistakes

simplicity and minimalism are not virtues in training

For a beginner and intermediate they are

Minimalist training works very well, change it up only when you stall. When you become advanced

Why is bloatlord so based?

Except they are. Diminishing marginal utility correlates absolutely with training experience.

>t. Early intermediate with training ADD

more like t. more than 15 Brian Cells.


retard detected

Run a program with more variation.

What is your goal? "Aesthetics" is fucking nothing word, and Hepburn is a performance based (and bastardized) program.

to get that Hollywood physique look

Wrong thread

Bout to deadlift 540x3. Giff energy pls

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I believe in you

> being proud of Isley's warmups.

Threadly reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. But only if you have at least one of
>A squat greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift greater than 2.5x bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press greater than 1.5x bodyweight AND 300 lbs
>A Standing The Press(ᵗᵐ) greater than 1x bodyweight AND 200 lbs
>A body fit won't think looks like shit (good fucking luck)

Otherwise, stop LARPing, stop giving "advice" like you have half a clue what you're talking about, stop posting altogether, bring your ass to the gym, and try harder.

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perhaps best bench session of me life

finally broke 170kg bench

worked up to 140x1, 150x4, 160x2 which was a rep PR, normally by this point it's singles then thought fuck it 170, and the fucker went up


What programming did you do to break 170kg

In your many chins, great Eldritch power, I bid you, tap into it...


>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>GAYS (Gay Aylien Skull)
Weak bone structure, mouth breather. Wastes time trying to be strong. Jewey faced and mad, but harmless.

>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.

none just do 3x3's and work up to 1rm's every single session for the past 4 months

> t. talentchad "works for me lol"

>mfw cucks actually have to program lifts to make progress

just lift heavier bro

Yes, those not gifted have to think more about how to lift. 170kg bench even for single is few SDs above average gym bench.

Gymbros don't have a program, that's why it's rare to see even a 2pl8 bench in a commercial gym

I did it thanks frens

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Now bench 170kg like the other user

Ima hit 160+ in August just you wait

no it builds workcapacity not fatigue you gde

Then why not just do sets across like TM and keep the volume higher?

fucking with volume has a delayed effect on your training, dont cuck on it. cuck on the weight instead.

Is August a meet or just a planned test?

August 31st twink, strong Alex and I are doing a meet in Cleveland

Ramping sets allow you to hit a higher total intensity for the final set, which is often Superior for strength

I'm adding one or two heavy sets to day 1 and day 3 of Nuckols bench 3x adv because fuck programming we're freaks

When I stall doing that I'll add a day 4 with uhhhh something for pecs

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Draco Malfoy really let himself go

Just do 3x int high volume you dingus.

Every non autist strong person I know lifts like this:

>1-2x frequency at most
>Almost always comp lift
>Work up to top single, double, or triple
>Hit a couple backoff sets of 3-5
>Bodybuilder fluff

If you try hard it works every time

3x adv has higher volume, brah
Then this heavy set I'll add will be a top single/double/triple for I enjoy trying hard

>tfwno squished face flip gf
How does he do it bros?

Who? Flips are gross.

Oh nice. I'm doing BCPA provincial champs in june but then probably nothing too exciting until like mid 2020 cpu regionals since I'm too old for collegiate now

Don't remind me about getting old.

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Grow up, manbaby.

Quit letting your wife play with dragon dildos and put a baby in her

tfw you wasted 15-30 by being neet without any friends
(and still continues)

>being this obsessed with another man's sex life
yep, that's fucking embarrassing. kys you alt-right shitter.

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