Lexx Little is 18 years old and looks like this

Lexx Little is 18 years old and looks like this.

How did he do it?

Attached: 17 May 2019.jpg (1080x1349, 141K)

Either he's 5'4 or he's using a whole lotta tren. You can't get thick legs like that otherwise.

He's 5'11

anabolics, probably from a young age (i.e. 15-16)

Genes and steroid

Well he's gonna stay that height forever cause he's using roids.

I'm 5'11 and 18 yo too, I don't think you can grow much more at this age

I mean yeah, he's 18. The vast majority of people dont grow past 16

Hard work and dedication

Juice and juice. Also juice

5'11 at 18 years old is 1 inch above average for white american males

Holy shit his wrists are tiny

My dad went from 5'5 to 6 feet at the age of 18 and most guys stop growing at age 21-22. You can definitely grow after 18 depending on your genetics.

deca tren

Just chicken and rice brah


only homos think legs like that look good

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Looks like 2 big tumors, good Lord I am thankful for skipping leg day regularly

she loves it

Look at his legs, he is on the gear

No one cares your legs are shit faggot

I got an inch from 19-20

How does he even wear pants?

>roiding as a teenager

It's happy if you get to make money off of lifting weights and never have to suck a boss's dick.

>he doesn't know

I got a second growth spurt at 21 and grew 2 inches then put on 20 lbs.

I guess enjoy being over the hill by the time you're 30

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The after pic just looks like a natty.

Nattys don't look deflated with fucked up skin and gyno (necessarily) not to mention all the fucked up, irreversible shit that's happened to the joints and ligaments if he started roiding in his teens

What can I say? Such is the price you pay for never having to suck a boss's dick.

Natties don't have skyrocketing estrogen levels to compensate for all the T they got from pinning.

i went from 180 cm to 183-184cm from ages 18 to 23

You're the male equivalent of a w*man and that's just the basic dominance hierarchy you bloody postmodernist.

Of course it is, but why wouldn't you want out? Have you learned to enjoy other men fucking you in the ass?

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Of course I want out, desu I'm planning my escape but being a /fraud/ has nothing to do with it. I'll meet up with you in Thailand tho fren.

I really want to see a comprehensive look at what kind of body someone can get for X amount of years lifting 100% natty.

Someone should do a study, and drug test people the entire time, so we can get a completely real look at what lifting actually does for someone that's not putting filth in their body.

I bet it would be extremely disheartening. I bet you that a chubby nerd guy would end up looking "decent but nothing to write home about" after 5 years.

I think we have a completely false idea of what you can do naturally and it's destroying a lot of people's self esteem because they look in the mirror after lifting all fucking year and they don't have giant bowling ball shoulders, they don't have rippling muscles, they think they still look pretty average and if feels like a waste of time because they busted their ass and they still aren't going to impress any bitches at the beach.

Good genes and steroids. This guy will be doing gay for pay real soon.


use of anabolic steroids

Are those lips achievable natty?



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I’m pretty sure I’m shrinking at 21, haha

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Please stop. I'm 18. Seeing how little I've accomplished next to others hurts me. I wish I had started sooner. And now i can't lift cause of a injury. Fuck everything bros. Lifting was the only thing I had left that made me feel alive and gave me some pride. I haven't been able to lift for months. Fuck this gay earth.

tfw when I look like the after and I haven't used roids

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I don’t care, that looks awful.

Wait. So having a job is bad?

god i wish that were me

Damn them is some tiny wrists


Attached: 11 04 2019.jpg (1080x1350, 110K)

Attached: 2 years 4 months progress.jpg (1080x1080, 97K)

You have given an almost 20 year old, 5'7 user hope.

That's def roids at that height and it's not even a debate. FARRR too much quad mass.

Grow the fuck up

WHO cares looks like an ugly tranny why do they all look like tranny’s

Because you’re still a virgin