When you got redpilled that the roast beafs aren't worth it Jow Forums

when you got redpilled that the roast beafs aren't worth it Jow Forums

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Years and years of disappointment. Women are pathetic creatures.

When I discovered sex with men.

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When I went from obese 29 yr old man who always wore Marvel shirts and basketball shorts to a fit 30 yr old man who dresses well all the time. Before I was always ignored by all women, even ugly ones, and only 1% of them would be nice. Now every time I go out to eat at restaurants or go shopping I get mires from women all the time. Girls of all ages flirt with me.

Before I was unironically an incel. Now I'm a volcel, preferring to use my time for my business and self improvement. I'd rather fap to my favorite 2D waifu 5 times a day than to pump and dump the dumb thots of the world.

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when I actually started leaving my house and encountering them. I don't even care about the pure girls at church who wear veils. I mean I like them, but I wouldn't dedicate any of my time doing anything to impress them.

When I realized who I was as a person and what I want in a partner.

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>Now I'm a volcel
still copeing I see

>roast beafs aren't worth it Jow Forums
I still want a taste so
>quit fucking rosaries let a bro jump on the fucking train fuuuuuccckkkk

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You can call it cope, it's your call.

pathological shyness and using mgtow as a justification not to approach women basically

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>it's your call.
no not my call just reality

I don't know how old you are, but calling something "reality" doesn't make it true.

>I don't know how old you are
>implying it matters

>t. Butthurt rostie who can't believe someone wouldn't like her flaps
Never stop being crabs in a bucket Jow Forums

>hehe I never got laid I was an incel
>I still don't get laid but women notice me hehe
>so now i'm not an incel

>implying it matters
If you're 45 and you're still acting like a 16 year old, then yeah it kinda does matter.

After the first one I ever fucked ousted me to the whole high school for the fucking freak I am. You spend years and years building up a guise to hide abuse and emotional pain you feel on a daily basis, just for the person you trust the most to betray you and ruin it all. In college now, haven't even tried to be with a woman in years. I have woman friends but fuck trusting one again. Fuck trusting anybody again lmfao

Volcel means voluntary celibate, you know that right?

what could possibly be so weird about you that would make people think you're a freak

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>voluntary celibate
in other worlds copemaximus

>trying to knock down volcels
Truly the mark of an incel.

>just for the person you trust the most to betray you and ruin it all.

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>obese to fit in 1 year
What did you do? Please tell me.

I was 232 lb at my heaviest, 5'10", had some muscle from workplace so it wasn't all fat. I failed to lose weight for the 1st week but after a week of failing I decided to eat once a day at 12 pm and only vegetables with chicken/fish. I didn't count calories but I was at a calorie deficit anyway. My face changed from puffy looking to better looking in 2 weeks because I dropped all the fast food + soda I was used to consuming. First month was HIIT and body workouts then I went to the gym to get real workouts done. I looked better after a month but I kept going and I'm still lifting

iktf all too much

>posts a boy

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when i realized that i was a manlet with a weak chin, and will never get something over 7/10.
this made me quit wyman because i dont wanna have ugly children and let them go through the same thing as me.
the only future where i see myself married and having kids is the one where i can edit my babies genes with CRISPr techniques and make them 10/10 male models despite of having parents like me and their 5/10 mother

ugly people can make good looking kids user

Fucking BASED

listen to literally 90% of pretty people have average parents, sometimes ugly parents even
pic related are brad pitt's parents
his father is downright ugly and his mother aint that great either, it really is hit or miss
BUT generally good looking couple tend to have good looking children so there's that

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Post before/after pic

I quit woman when i discovered they need a lot of attention and are money pits. 3 months with a gf, stopped going to the gym eventually, start drinking hard parting with her and spending a lot of money going outside. Now im single hitting the gym 4 days a week got time again to hang out with my male friends and started a new motorcycle project.
Just the a woman taller than you to have kids with. It matters more her size than yours. Bigger uterus.

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I was physically and verbally abused from the time I was a kid. I never had a problem making friends or attracting girls because I had gotten good at hiding my 'damaged' side. Then my little brother was diagnosed with cancer and eventually died from it while I was in hs, and I admit I probably started acting like a freak. But that still doesn't give that bitch the right to tell everyone about it.

That sucks brah. It's just a life lesson, people aren't gonna be on your side unless they can get something from it 90% of the time.

I've seen the opposite too, that kid in high school that got whacked with the ugly stick and on graduation day his dad shows up with a chiseled jaw and five oclock shadow and his moms a straight up MILF

genetics are weird

that's is a straight up gilf though.

It took me becoming an adult to realize that, and I'm glad I did. If you go into relationships expecting the worst, you'll never be disappointed. That of course means it's harder to make friends but a few really good friends imo is better than a littany of fake "aquaintances"

There are women who will support you in all of that. You probably won't meet them in your 20s though.

Getting out of the first love relationship and then looking at the person after feelings are gone.
Really puts shit into perspective, you wonder why you wasted your time and money.

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friendly reminder that for every autistic Jow Forumsizen with no social skills, there's a sad awkward girl who wants nothing more than a deep dicking and a few hours of cuddling. if you can't find someone as sad and pathetic as you to bury your bone in then there's something fundamentally wrong with you that can never be fixed.

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have sex incels

How do i find GILFs

I did, it didn't change anything.

quads of black pill truth

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but there's no way she matches up to the insane standards porn has given me

>have sex
Ok, bend over tranny

Delet this

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underappreciated quads of truth

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The problem is that they're normally really fat

And not like, big ass big tits fat. Just fat. Barrel shaped

True, but sad and pathetic generally doesn't come alongside attractiveness.
That really goes for both sexes.
So what you end up with is two unattractive people settling for each other because they can't get anything better.

>Ask out a qt at an ice cream place
>Text for a while, she doesn't seem to interested so I just stop
>Months pass by, no contact whatsoever
>Randomly get snap, "Hey"
>All she asks is if I'm still single, say yes
>No reply
>Like another week of nothing, once again she hits me up
>Nothing comes of it
>She puts up on her snapchat story a pic of her and some sorry guy saying "Omg I love my boyfriend so much its our anniversary"
>Pic is months old
>The entire time she was talking to me, and most likely other guys
This was more or less the encounter that made me realize most women are simply not worth stressing over. If you're one of those tfw no gf guys, seriously get a grip and re-examine how fickle and easily moved women are. That girl was probably in a rough patch with her "boyfriend" and instantly came crawling to me for a potential plan B or maybe just wanted to fish for attention, who knows.

There may be a very, very small percentage of women out there worth the trouble but for the most part just try and have sex and don't take it seriously.

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wtf bro you've put your judgement on the entire female population from your experience of texting a bit a with a random thot you met at an ice cream parlor. Does that seem logical or reasonable to you?

Quads of evil truth, it hurts.

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well, you can, but you have to be charismatic and primal

>girls were not attracted to me when I was unattractive
>girls are attracted to me now that I am unattractive
>those WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one experience of many that I have had. I'm saying that this was the experience where it finally came full circle and I realized women aren't worth getting worked up over.

I didn't read your entire post kek. But you're right, women aren't something to stress over. They are inherently different than men, which isn't bad, and should not be judged by the same parameters we use to judge men.

>have fat female friend
>always think of her as disgusting
>she moves away for a year
>when she comes back she's healthier with a good body
>now I want to fuck her
You don't think that's stupid?



that sounds normal user
Not even memeing in case you are actually autistic. What you've just described is a very common human interaction

>wasnt attracted to someone unattractive
>am now attracted to someone attractive

wow that does sound stupid user

Take every interaction with women with a grain of salt. It's hard to ignore the endorphin rush when you meet a qt and shes smiling, giggling, seemingly enjoying the conversation.
>found out girl i asked out had a bf
If you are concerned this might happen again. Next time while entering the number in your phone, casually ask if she's seeing anyone.
Also try calling them to make plans. It will tell you a lot about them as a person.

Checked. The bitter truth, however, is that after a small period of dicking and cuddling even these girls will think they deserve the princess treatment and look to upgrade. A few of my friends are the stereotypical nerds into games anime and such and they all date 5/10 chubby or "alternative" girls. They get pussywhipped while their girls get all touchy with me and fire away conpliments. It's funny and sad at the same time.

T-that's quite a lewd waifu.

But in all seriousness, how do I quit the vaginal jew? There's this girl I know who laughs at anything I say, and that kind of thing always wins me over. Damn, her smile is on my mind as I write this. I don't want to feel like this though, I know from experience it will only do me bad.
I know this is the chad board and I can expect you to provide valuable insight.

>massive change in attraction despite relatively superficial changes
hmm why would someone lose respect for people whose opinion is so easily influenced?

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stop valuing her (or any woman's) opinion and look only to yourself for validation. most people who compliment you are just trying to manipulate in some way so being immune to that shit is the smart play.

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>What did you do?


I know this sounds like shrink bullshit, but I recently realized that at many points in my life I quickly clinged to people due to wishing for attention, but I don't mean the social media kind, I mean affection. I realized that once I started reflecting back on life and noticed me and my parents always had a bureaucratic relationship, and whatever attention they paid me seem to be out of a sense of obligation(I'm not gonna even call it duty, because if that was the case my father wouldn't have refused the countless times I asked him for us to go fishing or camping). I don't want to be an attention whore and all of that, but I notice at least some of my clingeness comes from that. I'm 22, is it too late to fix it?
I also have self esteem issues which didn't get better with exercise, so that adds another layer to the wanting affection thing(which is what the attention I speak of is all about, I'm not talking about exposure - I never liked that).

Haven't you noticed that most men have gone through similar experiences?

When gaming is more important

>look for big uterus women bro
>tfw also dicklet
I don't know why I even bother anymore. It turns out the gym high wears off after a while and you start missing a loving woman again. Not that I've ever known what having one is like, but I like the thought of it.

This has to be bait lol

is this gigachad shopped or was he actually that good looking?

Based and checked

>Get Jow Forums
>Have sex
>Still lack fulfilment
Why nobody told me this shit changes nothing, I fuck a girl but the rest of my day is just as it always was.

>I'm 22, is it too late to fix it?
nope. if you were 60 then you'd be kinda fucked and the best you could hope for would be learning some coping mechanisms. at 22 you've got every chance of sorting your shit out, you just need to find a decent therapist and/or throw yourself deep into CBT, mindfulness and meditation. both would obviously be better. medication can be hit or miss but there's so many variables there that i don't want to risk giving you shitty advice about it, better to speak to a doctor or psychiatrist if you can.

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Or u feel pathetic

Congrats dude, you made it.
Depends who you listen to but people have been saying the same thing on fit for years, your gains doesn't change anything.

>first girl
>dump all muh feelings into them

god you're stupid

Based honky watch for them false allegations

>It's hard to ignore the endorphin rush when you meet a qt and shes smiling, giggling, seemingly enjoying the conversation
God this always melts my heart. I need to stop being such a faggot, maybe I'll drop some plates on my feet or something

bitch, don't you fucking forget inorganic chemists.

>Get on tinder
>Girl send nudes
>Few days later find out she is the gf of a coworker

>man who always wore Marvel shirts and basketball shorts
that's me right now, I'm gonna start working out tomorrow. hope it's not too late for me. thanks user.

You cant really blame women for being repulsed by unkempt cringelords.

Is just that, I expected things to be different. If i have a nice body and can fuck good looking girls then things should be better, I should feel better.

Why everything still feels the same?

Maybe for the degenerate population like yourself, sure.

I've talked to two psychologists already, and as it turns out most of them are normie women with no quality advice whatsoever. They will listen to you pour your heart out(after all you're paying them a lot), but once it comes to doing something to effect change you're on your own. And it is my impression that men gravitate towards psychiatry instead of psychology and just try to drug you.
>here bro, just take these happy pills!
What I need and have always needed is a trustworthy mentor, but I don't think I'll find one. Another thing I realized during those reflections was that my father figure was my grandpa, but he died when I was young and that fucked me up good. My dad always seemed like a foreigner to me, even his smell irks me.

Btw, thanks for listening to me user, I'll pretend you got quads because you deserve it.

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You should have started working out with no expectations of the results. By having expectations of having a good life once you made it you set yourself up for disappointment. It's fine, it's just time to either lower your expectations or change your routine.

The opposite sex isn't obligated to find you attractive for the sole reason that its you user

best of luck fren

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Mid 30s boomer here, handsome and now back in shape, heading to the shape of my life.

I'm not very affectionate so don't require any shit like that, I'm also bored of banging so like once a month would be enough.

Problem I find with women is that they always want a deep relationship, I am happy to be exclusive but live apart and meet up once a week or so, but no they are never happy.

I don't blame women nor do I fault them at all. I have no resentment towards women. I'm re-reading my post and the only thing that can construed as "resentment" was the dumb thots part but we all know most of people, girls especially, who focus in their beauty and have sex often don't tend to be bright. Same applies to guys who only care about their physical traits.

Point of my post was instead of going after these women to pump and dump I'd rather be alone. That's literally it.


I think I just expected too much from sex, for some reason I thought it would change my world but after the first month of hookups I see it's really is nothing that special. I mean is good to have it, but I realize I don't really NEED it.

But I guess it's better to be in this position than still being a basement dwelling fat fuck.

oh god the feels. Never realized just how heavy it was to look at someone you once put on a pedistool as something repulsive until it happened.

I'm not blaming them. Only thing I'm pointing out is seeing blatant hypocrisy in people shifting their perspective on you after a certain amount of time.

Let me simplify it further. You're poor as fuck one day and next day you win the lottery and become rich as hell. People will treat you differently. For some people, probably you, you welcome this newfound attention. You enjoy it. Great, that's on you. Personally I would be repulsed by it. Even though I wouldn't blame them for wanting to be close to me because it's in their interest in doing so. I don't hate them, I just don't want to be part of that charade.

>going from obese to fit in a year

>health, selfrespect and selfcontrol are somehow just as attractive as being a fucking slob that gobbles down shit every day in order to deal with their insecurities.
Yeah, appearance isn't everything, but it's not nothing either.