Im scared
Im an alcoholic thats quiting tomorrow
I'm an alcoholic too.
Not quiting anymore.
Quit now
>tfw alcholoci who quit tomorrow 2 years ago
If you try to quit on your own you will relapse 100% guaranteed.
Rehab, Rx Drugs, AA, Church, Family.
There is no such thing as boozer goin cold turkey. You cannot quit alone.
>I'm scared
You should be. You have to be insane to quit.
I haven't had a drink in 7 years. And you know what? Alcohol makes everything better. Alcohol makes hanging out with friends 500% better. Alcohol makes a shitty TV show 300% better. Alcohol is the reason to be social. Alcohol is the reason to go out there and do your best, knowing you can have a cold one at the end of the day.
Alcohol adds technicolor vibrance to your life. I lost all of that technicolor vibrance in my life. Days are more dull. Less exciting. Every single TV show is less enjoyable. Hanging out with people is vastly less enjoyable.
The best way to be sober is to be a hermit. And make no mistake. You will be. The bars suck when you're sober. The clubs are a nightmare. The dating game is an interminable horror. Alcohol is social lubrication. Without it, everything starts grinding and all you want to do is stay home.
Some historians think that alcohol was the primary reason for the dawn of civilization. We needed grain to make alcohol reliably, so we started farming. Queue civilization. Some argue that alcohol is an integral part of the human experience. And if it isn't, how come it makes everything better? How come a beer at the end of a hike is so good? How come a beer while you watch the sunset is so good? How come a beer while you lay in the sun is so good? How come alcohol seems to add vibrance to every human experience?
I quit because I don't want to be a slave to anything. If this grey joyless void I now inhabit is basic human existence, so be it. I don't want to alter the experience with alcohol, drugs, or anything like that. This is the base game. Even if it sucks, it is what it is. I want to experience it.
Plus alcohol fucks with your gains.
What's one more drinking day? You can always quit next week or next month. Enjoy the moment.
You couldnt be more wrong.
If your life is a grey, joyless void, then that is your own fault. Not alcohol's.
Not everything is better with alcohol. It made losing my sister harder to deal with. It makes gaining harder and your time in the gym is less well spent. If you were to talk to a man who suffered at the hands of an abusive, alcoholic parentage, do you think they would so readily say that their childhood was better because of the presence of alcohol? Or worse?
Just because you are failing to find any excitement in the experience of sobriety does not mean others can't. I savor every moment MORE now that I'm sober, not less. Bars and clubs might have their allure lessened, sure, but other areas of my life have more meaning now that I know I'll wake up tomorrow and remember what I did in them, instead of having to wonder if what happened yesterday was just a drunken misadventure or dream I had in my sleep. I like seeing the sunlight strike across a jagged treeline and actually be able to focus in on the details instead of seeing double and stumbling through the field. Vibrancy is everywhere, you just have to know how to find it
>this grey joyless void I now inhabit is basic human existence
Why was stuff in childhood so enjoyable then?
None of us were coked out or liquored up back then.
I'm an alcoholic that quit 2 months ago.
Don't be.
Shut up as an ex alcoholic it wasn’t even fun drinking most the time, of you can’t find anything fun to do in life without drinking that is because you are a sad joyless person, that’s not the fault of not drinking and shame on you for trying to put down someone else’s effort to improve their life immeasurably
I got drunk almost every day since I was like 16 and just decided one day to quit. Easy.
Believe it or not, quitting coffee was way harder. Caffeine withdrawal will leave you feeling like you have the flu or something. All achey and weak and gross feeling.
As for alcohol, I always made a point of drinking a ton of water before going to bed and after waking up, and tried to only drink after 6:00 (so that I could do an entire days drinking in 6 hours or so and get super fucked up). I never had any withdrawal symptoms.
I think withdrawal symptoms only happen if you drink 24/7. There are different levels of alcoholism.
I heard a good idea on some other chan. Maybe 420chan.
The idea is to cycle drugs for every day of the week, so you'll never get too addicted.
>Monday - beer
>Tuesday - cigs + coffee
>Wednesday - weed
>Thursday - kratom
>Friday - speed + pheni (for going out)
>Saturday - hard spirits
>Sunday - getting high on Jesus
Just as an example.
Psychological addiction is a bitch though.
You could have a seizure. Go to the dr. You can prob get an apt for tomorrow. They can give you shit so you don't die
This, you absolute jackass of an idiot
Because you didn't know anything back then. Literal blissful ignorance
I'm not an alcoholic but hello
I hope you change your mind user
>They can give you shit so you don't die
He won't die you raging faggot.
Keep your autism off of here you fucking loser
I feel like this would only work as long as you don't already have an addiction to any substance at all. Someone who's already an alcoholic would think a cold beer sounds reeeeeeal pleasant after a long Tuesday geeking off of coffee beans and newports.
If you were quiting you wouldve started today.
Enjoy being a piece of shit still tommorow when you realize this post is just to make you feel better about yourself because you get to pretend you want to change for like 6 hours
>I haven't had a drink in 7 years.
Bullshit. This post is so goddamned retarded you'd have to be drunk to think this.
And this is why addiction is a bad thing.
You become so stupid you actually start believing this bullshit and blame not having alchohol for your lack of personality lmao
If he's an actual alcoholic he literally could die.