Friday night gymcelling

>friday night gymcelling

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can relate

Maybe you'll meet a nice femcel.

i get these feels sometimes but tbf i work at 5am on saturdays. can't be at the pub.

>not going to bed early to get to the gym at 4 am Saturday

>implying implications which make me feel humiliation and shame

>tfw go running at the lake after work om Friday and see only 3 other people running when sun-weds theres at least 20

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It's actually pretty /comfy/

>he can't lift and drink
Do both you zoomer fucks

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sunday morning is the best time to be in the gym

jokes on you OP im about to go right now

This thicc gym girl gave me her number and asked me to get a beer with her tomorrow night. Been having trouble with gf for a long time and highly considering it. But I also live with her and don't want to make my home situation even more stressful than it already is by breaking up. What do I do brehs

sounds like you want a bunch of autists on the internet to give you the thumbs up to cheat

Be a man and try and fix your relationship instead of whoring around like a thot you twat.

PLEEEEASE don't tell me you're locked in a lease with some random gf. I remember cucking some guy in the same situation you're in lmao.

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The good news is there's no shame here, since everyone else there is also gymcelling.

I'm hiding in doors tonight for exactly this reason. Was going to go in the daytime but fell asleep. I guess I'll just go tomorrow.

I'm not sure what I wanted; just to talk about it with some strangers where it can't come back to bite me
I have been trying but I'm starting to think we are incompatible especially when it comes to kids and in relating to my gym time and general routine
Yep; year left on the lease. If it weren't for that I would 100% have broken things off by now. But i've still been trying to keep things stable/fix things. I'd probably laugh if it turned out she was fucking around on me at this point.

At the time he wanted to fight but he found out I was underage he was also a manlet so he only bitched, that was 11 years ago damn lol. Anyway if you break up that most likely means breaking your lease so just date without telling her or tell her and get a cheaper place.

Get that money, brody

Youre an impressively large faggot, congratulations

This hits too close to home. I'm still too fat for other ladies to mire me but I'm getting there.

Cant get my gf to lift and her family genetics are shit. So I need out but we've been together 5 years in June. Help

>Been sick for an entire week
>Just now start feeling good enough to work out again

Pray for me lads, I lost a week's worth of gains

>thinking this is Jow Forums
People actually get laid you dumb faggot why don't you try it? Because you'll have actually TRY AT SOMETHING? lmao be mad and insecure forever.

I have her moving in with me, if she cheats I just tell that bitch to skeet.

DON'T PUT HER ON THE LEASE even if it means you'll pay the entire rent you'll be better off.

Lol fuck that. I'm halfway through paying my mortgage off and just owning the place, this is my weight to carry, no one elses. I'm having her pay the internet bill though.

>fully recovered
>make amazing gains for the next month
I believe in you bro

Thanks user

Lmaooo based

enjoy losing your house to common law bullshittery, friend

the 24 i go to in sacramento has a shit load of people there even at midnight. theres a lot of powerlifting gyms here though, dunno i guess when you live in the shit part of cali you go lift to compensate lmao

i see that Yuengling can hiding in that koozie there fellow boomer

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I already looked it up, there's no common law marriage in my state.

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when i started my workout tonight it was fucking PACKED, but as i finished up i was like one of the last people in there

Improving yourself is always ok, pal.

Unless you have an open relationship, grab your balls and break up with your gf.
Going out with another chick is going to end it anyways so might as well get it over with.

Based and Manninguppilled

This has been a new schedule for me starting out, Friday-Sunday, it barely as anybody there.