Post your recent mires that made you feel like you made it, I'll start

Post your recent mires that made you feel like you made it, I'll start.

For a bit of backstory I work in a very large organization with thousands of employees spread between different sites. Because of this we use some corporate instant messaging application where I chat with cuties between working. Because of this it common to not see some staff members for months at a time. A cute, but married, girl who I became friends with hadn't seen me in around 6 months and I really hit my stride in the gym over the past 6 months and made some great gains and going strong into my summer cut.

I only bumped into her for a short time but when I returned to my desk later she had messaged me the following:

>i really like your outfit
>you look like someone i'd see in a movie
>you are one very handsome man user
>the more you go to the gym the more you'll get stares
>what am i going to do with you

I screenshotted the conversation and e-mailed it to her husband shortly after because I do not condone adultery. If it was my wife I'd want to know as well.

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>recovering smack addict
>wear long sleeves all year round
>even at gym
>rare cloudless, sunny day
>wear short sleeve t-shirt to work
>before I walk in the building coworker looks at my arms and proclaims “woooo user, suns out guns out!”

Felt good

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You fucking faggot

If this is real, it's insanely based! Good on you user!

Positively based and wholesome, good work user

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>percocet addict for 5 years
>tall lanklet
>have nickname “bones” in rehab
>start working out
>come back as a guest speaker 1 year later
>same 2 guys who joked about how skinny i was are still back in there
>”wow bro you’re fucking shredded now”

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That’s what’s up, user!! Keep clean!

WE will make it!!

I feel like this thread is populated by the same people from the last thread I posted in earlier this week
>going through airport security
>TSA agent approaches me
>are there any electronics in this bag sir? No? Is it just full of powder? I mean protein? Sorry, p-p-protein powder haha

>go to mcdonalds drive thru for dat dere dirty bulk
>order 2x mcdoubles and a mcchicken
>pull up to window, qt black girl hands me my food
>"you look like you could be one a dem hollister models"
>t-thanks you too
>drive home feeling good about myself
>get home, open bag
>stupid bitch forgot my mcchicken

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I'm jealous honestly. Good job user.

A girl at a rave came up to me and said "You look like you're from another world". I asked her what she meant and she just said it was a compliment. I'm not even particularly big, 6'2 190lb, so it was nice.

Shes doing this as a joke but here it goes
Girl at work walks by me and bites her lip as we make eye contact. I see her again in the evelavtor with another guy one day and she looks at me again
>bites lip in the elevator while shes talking to him but looking at me

how do you respond to this? say haha, yeah? strike a pose?
t. autism

Hell Yeah Brother!

Tell her to stop being a freak and if she keeps biting ber lips at you you will call hr

Based and #metoopilled.

>The story actually gets even worse desu

I gotta hear the rest of this. Please tell!

based fucking mcchicken mireposter
Every time without fail

>be me
>good frame, 6'1, attractive face, in total 1.5 years lifting but a lot of breaks in between
>go to festival, a week before I cut carbs and drank a boatload of water every day, day before stopped drinking water, carbed up.
>looking juicy af
>catch girls staring at me when I have a tank top on, mires left and right, a few smiles
>go to festival and pop dat sweet X
>godmode unlocked and don't give a fuck
>take off shirt
>walk past girls and see how they eyefuck me
>walk into a group of girls standing in a circle on my way to the stage, they all go "oh" and wide eyed.
>dancing, feel someone scratch my tricep
>turn around and there's an 8/10 with fuck me eyes
>start dancing and making out
>best part: we were grinding and my hands were on her hips, she takes them off and she puts them on her tits
>I get bored and fuck off to stage
>dancing, girl 9/10runs up to me and starts making out
>asks me questions between every kiss
>finds out we live 2 hours apart
>she runs off just as fast she came
Now my favourite of the night
>lose my friends, raving solo
>walk into group of girls
>10/10 spanish stacy starts dancing with me almost instantly
>make out after 15 seconds
>we spend half an hour making out and talking
>tell her I'm on X and she says bye bye
>hurts a bit but oh well
>had a great fucking night of mires
>guys would tell me I have a good physique and ask for advice or give jealousy mires by mocking
Great night of mires.

Girl I met on tinder said I have a perfect body after we had sex. Happened a few days ago and still feel amazing about it. Another one called me beautiful

182 cm, 71 kg, 9% bodyfat
Pretty much twinkmode but girls love it

did he mean your arms are full of 'gunshot wounds' from the heroin needles bro?

You're an autist, she wasn't even flirting with you. Complimenting, yes, flirting, no

If you think that's not flirting you're the autist

lmao this, reeks of bullshit anyway because how would he get the husband's contact info. if it was from a work database then he's broken the law, the dumb cunt

lol no, I've had women say shit like this to me at work, it means nothing. the fact people like you get excited by stuff like this is insane

And just before you woke up everybody clapped and cheered.

Nah, his is believable bc he still went home with his dick in his hand, and no THOT.

I believe it bc the X probably does make you not give a fuck and makes you more touchy/feely.

The only thing I'd say is bullshit is he's estatting the attractiveness of the girls, they probably were solid 6-7.5 at best

That's my take on it.

>I believe it bc the X probably does make you not give a fuck and makes you more touchy/feely
correct, ecstasy is the only viable cure for autism known to man

Wise words

Spanish stacy was def a 10/10 I remembers her clearly.
The others were probably 6-7 but due to the x I remember them as 8+

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>that last paragraph
This board died long ago

My man!

What's you're weight and bf

I was working in a kitchen and the restaurant's manager touches my left bicep while she's smiling


>Be in a mixed Dutch "frat" house as a guest
>Try to chug a pitcher of beer because why not
>Some chick told me "wow does that go directly to your biceps?" and then she did a pose
>Got groped by another chick

Haven't had sex in half a year though, don't like to enable thots.

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84kg and not sure on bf%. I'm still dyel but got the fuck boy body type
Pic related

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Not gonna green text but I love my qt squeezing my chest and running her hands all over my back.

When we are in public she does it subconsciously, realizes what shes doing then stops and mutters something like 'I gotta stop'. Its so cute.

I also love it when I pick her up, pin her back against a wall and ram the living shit out of her as she digs her nails in my back. Also very cute.

My mom said my face looks thinner

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What ACTUALLY happened
>dropped X
>started acting like a retard
>people starting at drug degenerate
>starts dancing poorly
>makes out with a 2/10, a 3/10 and forces himself on a 4/10
>gets off X and his mind is so fried he imagines hes a Chad

Nice cope buddy. If you had a social life or friend group this could be you.


Couldn't be him. He likely doesn't have the face height or frame

My arms are bigger than yours r9k fag.

>arm day, pump cover hoodie on
>see new slim girl, give her no attention, fucking thots
>lata on feeling pumped up, sweating like a bitch headbanging to Tool take off jumper
>walk to preacher curl sit down thot is infront of mirror
>legit turn away until she sits down to rest
>start my set, she gets up to rerack and mires me down mid set
>I don't even acknowledge her and proceed to get a filthy pump

Kills your lifts bros

damn that's cheesy

This is a copypasta you dumb redditors

>in mexico with the boys
>decide to hit strip club after regular club
>go far from tourist area to reach it
>go in pay cover blablabla
>stripper sits on my lap
>starts complementing my physique and touching my abs
>”wow user u most go to the gym alot”
>think to myself yea whatever sloot
>figure its a ploy so i would tip her
>fuck it private dance
>pay up front for nude lap dance
>she starts letting me finger her and sucks on my finger
>pulls out my cock and starts giving me the good ol handy j
>starts sucking my cock out of nowhere
>looks like shes trying to hide it from the bouncers
>”user please i wanna fuck you so bad”
>tell her im not paying for sex
>tells me shes not gonna charge me and was just turned on by me and wants to fuck
>keeps pulling my cock out and sucking it
>didnt charge me anything xtra
>gives me her number and tells me to hit her up in 30 after she gets off
>gives option to fuck at her place or my hotel
>ended up just going back to my hotel room without her

Any you anons have experience with things like this? I wanted to fuck her but was sketched out about it being a scam and her robbing me or something.

I imagine you as some kind of based 36 year old boomer who started lifting after his bitch wife divorcee him.

I just turned 20 brah

You suck at greentexting


You're the dutch retard that posted this a few weeks back right?

Not really a mire but, i hooked up with a girl she kept touching my forearms and my stomach whenever we kissed.

Nah, G. I just flashed my smile, chuckled, said "oh you already know!" and entered.

kek. nah, son. the tracks look like birthmarks at this point.

Should've fucked her. Where were your boys?

>I work in a very large organization with thousands of employees spread between different sites.

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Based if true

Nah it's me again lol

Ohmygod I'm dying HAHAHAHA

>Be me, 26
>Kickboxing workout
>Have to train with a 17yo half white/black girl
>Laughs about all my shit like a little girl
>"You have pretty big muscles, are you going to the gym aswell"
>"Yeah I can see that"
>Asks me how old I am
>"Oh wow, I thought you were older but I don't mind older guys ;)"

Felt pretty good, she flirted with me the whole 2 hours

You're a fag if you don't pee in her butt.

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>sun's out guns out
Based boomers.

avoid the mutt and have a traditional family with your own race, fellow American

post body

>Actually taking that post seriously
>Brain "fried" from X
Kill yourself stupid

probably not a mire but the other day i was riding the subway and there was qt on the opposite right of me who kept staring at me half the time. it scared the crap out of me so i just looked in the other direction but i could still see her staring in my periphery.

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