Bout to smoke weed for the first time - what should I expect.
Bout to smoke weed for the first time - what should I expect
bring something to drink and eat.
based chameleon man
How the frick am I supposed to distinguish between subpar and worldclass?
What’s the website for that human anatomy?
Asymmetric weakness
They have them in 2 different colors for you
>tfw whole body is green except my pecs
You likely won’t feel anything the first time. Also vape or eat it, don’t smoke it
How do I get this body
It depends, terpin and cannibinod spectrums can lead to a wide variety of feelings, if it isn’t good don’t even bother and if it is good just take a few puffs and listen to music or chill with friends.
Tripping balls. Don't take too much at once, it can take a few minutes before you notice that you're high. Then just go with it.
Also, try jerking it, it feels incredible.
Were talking about weed you know
First time I smoked I got anxious for 15 minutes and then sat in a driveway and tried to have a conversation with my buddies sister
Couldn't focus but I felt good and liked that feeling of introspection
I was 14 and that was 12 years of heavy smoking ago lol I've taken long breaks but I've never found anything else that makes me feel like that
be prepared for all your gains to leak out your ass as soon as the THC hits your blood stream
It does nothing on your first time.
This guy and snacks and sips user are the only ones acting like they've smoked weed. Forget the faggot saying you may not get high your first time, take a few large hits, hold them for a few seconds, no pussy sips. Don't fuck off with trying to eat it your first go, keep er simple, big ass held hits.
Fuck, forgot thing, snacks and sips user and driveway weirdboi
Paincrushing anxiety
Based schizo poster
>eating on acid
no thanks jeff
About 10 to 20 bucks wasted, imo.
I don't think everyone is gonna have the same experience as each other when smoking it.
I've smoked it twice. Each time I got tired as hell and i didn't move. So relaxed though.
I had to sleep over their house that night I could not drive home.
Expect to cough a lot, spit and not get high, becuase you dont know hamow to inhale.
Everything I said applies. The first time I smoked weed I was tripping harder than I have in my life. My visual field was moving frame-by-frame.
low but very real chances of instant death
watch out OP
Ironically my 1st time
deep inhale through mouth, and when you stop taking a hit breathe in again to make sure you actually get it and half of it's not just sitting in your throat, then exhale. good luck user
Expect music and movies to actually be entertaining. That's pretty much it.
Smoke that shit nigga rip the fattest bowl u can and prepare for a good time
my nigga you were not smoking weed if you were tripping balls. this is a fact. unless you had some spice.
Symmetric strength
post body
You may or may not feel much the first time around. Inhale the smoke into your lungs like a cigarette, if you don’t smoke it may take some practice. Don’t overdo it, take it slow, take a lung or two and then pass. If it feels like its too much sit down, put your legs up on something and drink a sugary drink. You may get feelings of paranoia if you’ve had too much as well, e.g. feeling like you are acting weird and other people are judging you etc., keep in mind that that is just in your head and it won’t be anything more than a minor discomfort. That takes practice as well though
Overall just take it easy and don’t smoke too much in one go. Do inhale though, if you don’t you won’t get high
You'll feel a weird pressure in your eyeballs. Kind of like being really tired but without the exhaustion.
Your head will be kind of foggy and you'll feel slightly detached from reality. Kind of like being light headed but different.
You'll get butterflys in your stomach and maybe anxiety if you smoke too much. Or possibly like a warm buzz if you have nice weed and smoke just a little.
You might giggle like a little school girl, act a bit like a spastic too.
Music and visual stimulation will seem much more intense.
You might feel a deep sense of empathy or connection to other people or the world in general.
Some people get lethargic and sleepy, others get a bit hyper and want to do something creative or interactive.
It all depends on the strain and how much you smoke, the environment you are in and your own personality and brain chemistry.
I started at the age of fourteen and ended up smoking daily for over 16 years. I wouldn't recommend making it a habit as quitting was very hard for me and it took away a good portion of my life in the long run.
I've had some trippy feelings from weed before, especially when closing my eyes.
Its been known to create visual and auditory hallucinations, especially with new smokers with low tolerance.
pull it deep into your lungs and hold it there for a few seconds to get the most of it. don't mimic the other retards that are probably exhaling as soon as they take it in. they should be fucking kicked out for wasting it.