Be me

>be me
>at gym, about an hour ago
>on flat bench, doing DB rows
>look in mirror after set, notice hair is weird looking
>adjust it
>girl beside me, who I didn't even know was there, says "You know I don't find you cute at all, right?"
>don't say anything back, do next set immediately even though I was supposed to rest another minute

Why are women like this?

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She only likes Jamal

>things that never happened

Bullshit didn't happen faggot.You probabaly not even significant enough to draw negative attention to a female so you made this story up to get attention from random internet fags

OP is a faggot once again

Based Gym thot, you got shat on by a girl user

god I wish that were me

fragile femininity

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If this happened to me I would literally punch that bitch in the face. I seriously don’t care what kind of charges would be pressed against me, the sheer pleasure of beating that bitch up would outweigh it enormously.

The proper response would have been "That makes two of us, sweetheart" delivered with a cocky smile

This. And p[ronounce sweetheart "sweethaht"


That is great because.. the feeling is... mutual.

Ejaculate on her face to assert dominance.

>"You know I don't find you cute at all, right?"
in this situation the best thing to do is to inform her that her feeble woman brain is too primitive to understand what she actually finds qt vs what she just *thinks* she finds qt. then you impregnate her

actually after i read that again, this is retarded, don't do this.

okay i thought about it a little more, if she was a shitskin and you are white and she does the thing in op then you have to tell her that you don't care about the opinions of the lesser races. if she's white and aBOVE YOUR LOOKSMATCH, i don't know what to do.

Man would Jow Forums be Jow Forums without yards like this ?

My god its getting warm out

>"I didn't even notice you"
delivered with bland autistic cadence

now I know if I cut now it would be too late, thanks

>Women trying to assert any form of power over me

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literally just laugh in her face

Your a cuck, you shoulda picked out some flaw in her and told her it and said the feelings mutual because of it, then said that you werent even looking at her you were just fixing your hair

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are you sure she wasn't being sarcastic? sounds to me like she was trying to start a conversation. otherwise she wouldn't have addressed you at all. Maybe she was trying to be a clever thot?

christ imagine being too autistic for basic banter

Oh fucc, OP how autistic are you?

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Should've said "same" and gone about your routine as usual
You low test bitch

this, then she thinks your autistic and feels even dumber

literally any non-fazed reaction would be appropriate here
>Okay sweetie
>do I know you?

Also, nice larp.

Agree and amplify
If she says that, you say this in a sarcastic or exhausted tone
>oh no, what ever will I do
>please take me back, I'll change
>think of the children
Even if she doesn't stop being a bitch, you've replied to her stupid assumption with the well deserved crazier and more humorous assumption, playing her off as a joke.

Great the tumblr story fabricators are leaking into Jow Forums now.

this is le epic witty soiboi clownworld response. the only proper thing to do is backhand her. if you really feel the need for everything in life to be a joke, i guess you could say zoo wee mama as you do it or something.

>don't say anything back
Ignore everyone else.
You did exactly what you're supposed to.
Bitches hate it when you ignore them and pretend they don't exist.

>Feeling is mutual, cunt

lots of faggots here needing self awareness


>I don’t even know who you are

This, it’s a shit test

you know she thought you were cute right?

how has no one in this thread pointed this out? you'd all rather come up with snappy responses then get her number

this board continues its downward slide

she cant imagine a world where you would adjust your hair just because it looks retarded.
when she adjusts her appearance its for the sole reason of attracting chads attention

>i didnt even know you were there you rude bitch

she literally said she didn't think he was cute. are you retarded or just retarded?

No you wouldn't

yes he would. shut up


>thinking women know anything, including their own thoughts

>> th-thanks you too

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>y-you too
Tfw not even a bad comeback

thots gonna thot
two options, one she was just being a bitch, two she actually thought you were cute and was approaching you in her own bizarre female way
either way, correct responses:
>nice to meet you, i’m user
>oh... my mum says i’m cute though
>do i know you?
>i guess the wedding’s off then
>*blank stare, then go back to your phone*

8th post best post

was she hot? would you fuck her?


Shut the fuck up bro you are newfags

Usually I just deal with shit like that by going "sorry, what was that?" as if I wasnt paying attention to her.
Then she either pusses out and looks autistic for having said something and then not repeating it or repeats it again louder and realises how dumb what she said actually is given you werent even paying attention to her, to which you just reply "do I know you?"

Autist she was flirting

Lmao she btfo you out. You’re like jonah hill and shes the french woman. There was nothing you could say to not look like a pathetic loser

Next time you see her, talk to her. Pretty sure she was coming on to you

Should have said: "I don't give a fuck if a THOT like you thinks I'm cute or not. Close your mouth, I can smell the semen."

Went on with your workout and froze the bitch out.

this didn't happen but I'll humor you. No one knows why women do anything not even women. The proper reaction would be to just chuckle like you don't even know why she's talking to you if something like this ever did happen.

>look at her
>serious as fuck
>excuse me? I have a boyfriend

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give her this one

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>You know I don't find you cute at all, right?
yeah but your mum does

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there are ways to put people in their place without physical violence, user.

*"That makes two of us, sweetie"

Why didnt you rape her.
Im the town rapist. Although no one knows that. Until it's too late.
I'm seeping precum already.
What she did is heresy and deserves to be punished. Obscenities give me 3 days to max out my STOP.
Is that her?
I'm a proffesional inveat gator i will fond her mastorbaton to death facea my thorax I cannot contain my excrement eat me consumr me

>woman starts a conversation with you
>introduces sexual tension on her own
Of course every retard in this thread wants to punch her.
she was just being tsundere user...

Do people banter with strangers?

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every time i think this place cant possibly keep more degenerate indiviudals in it something like this comes along.

>there’s always a girl interacting with me at the gym and it’s always worth a story

Based and rapepilled

A, B, C, and D are correct. E is only correct if she is not a cute that you want to breed

When people are antagonistic to me, I always just give an inquisitive reply. Something like "hmm?" or "Do I know you?". Doesn't work that well on men, but women pretty much always don't follow through when their first shot bounces off.

she was obviously into you, man. should've responded with "my mom says i'm beautiful" or some shit just so she can see you don't lose frame. they do this to test you, they wanna see if you're a suitable mate for them. next time don't lose frame, escalate, pound her that same day. good luck bro

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There's another thread with almost the exact same LARP, hmmm

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The best counter is to max the sarcasm.

"Oh NO! A person who I've never met doesn't think I'm cute! My life is over, I might as well end it here."

Bonus points if you start pacing and tearing at your hair.

Also make sure to raise your voice so the public hears you and say

"You hear that everyone! she doesn't think im cute!" really loudly

Just go
In a why the fuck are you talking to me way and go back to lifting. No need for all this autistic overthinking

I know this story is fake but this would have literally crushed her

The proper response would have been to simply tell her that you didn't even notice her. That would have probably hurt.

Looksmatch. Sounds like a mythical monster from the Pacific Northwest.

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>"Shit, I guess I better change gyms then."
>Get attention of nearest male
>"You heard that, dude? Im changing gyms. This girl doesnt think im cute!"
>Get a load of this cam.jpg
>Go back to your workout while giving her a smug come on now head shake.

>don't say anything back, do next set immediately even though I was supposed to rest another minute
Idk OP, maybe as a pussy yourself you should know.

Trying too hard

A simple "excuse me?" Prompting her to further explain, when she repeats herself you ask her what she means, at this point she will get flustered and probably blush cause she'll feel like an idiot

Unless she was actually flirting with OP but youd have to go by body language and voice intonation to know that

wormchad really let himself go

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Social media has driven everyone (but especially women) batshit crazy.

You should have asked who she was talking to then laughed at her.

did you post this on reddit, you complete faggot?

>don't say anything back, do next set immediately even though I was supposed to rest another minute
Did the right thing ignoring that bitch.


She was flirting with you, idiot

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Very based and redpilled

just pretend like you didnt hear her and continue with your workout as if she hadnt said anything

not getting any attention kills the thot

Are men supposed to be cute to women?

What kind of a larp is this?

Cute means gay. Women are cute to men, twinks are cute to gay men. Men aren't supposed to be cute.

dang for a moment it felt like I'm in 2012 Jow Forums again

>Cute means gay
>tfw Japanese women call you kawaii
End my life